
Save Profile

This feature will always be displayed when completing the security module configuration. The saved profiles will be displayed on the initial module creation screen, in the Create / Choose Profile step.

Viewing Saved Profiles

List of saved profiles

Ao clicar em Usar, o processo de criação do módulo de segurança se dará da mesma forma, porém, com as opções de configuração preenchidas com os valores salvos no perfil. When clicking on Use, the security module creation process will take place in the same way, however, with the configuration options filled in with the values saved in the profile.

Save Profile

Save Profile

When enabled, the settings made in the created module will be saved in the profile.


When enabling profile saving, the name becomes a mandatory field to identify the created profile.


Defines the viewing scope in which the profile will be saved.

  • Public: Defines that the security profile will be available in any Scriptcase project.
  • Project: Defines that the security profile will only be available in the project in which it was created.
  • User: Defines that the security profile will only be available to the Scriptcase user who created it.