
Configure Connection

Using existing tables


Defines the connection that will be used to create the security module tables.

All existing connections in the project will be displayed.


Use existing tables

When using this option, the developer must have the necessary tables in his database to create the security module.

Click here to check the tables necessary for this type of security.

Create tables

Once this option is selected, Scriptcase is responsible for creating the tables necessary to use the security module.

Table prefix

Defines a prefix for the tables that will be created by the security module.

By default, Scriptcase uses sec__.

Delete tables if they already exist

This option eliminates tables with the same name in your database, based on the tables used by the module, listed below.

For example, by setting the prefix prj__ to your tables, if there is any table with the name prj_users in your database, it will be deleted and a new table will be created.

This option is only available when a Create tables option is selected.

Protect logged in users

This option prevents the same user from accessing the system simultaneously in different sessions. By checking this option, the logged table will be created.

When using the default prefix sec_ the table name will be sec_logged.

Use social medias

This option allows the configuration of Facebook and Twitter to authenticate system users. When checking this option, the users_social table will be created.

When using the default prefix sec_ the table name will be sec_users_social.