
Production Configuration

In this section, you will find the settings related to the production environment, where you need to define some essential resources for the functioning of the deployed project.

Production Settings

Configure the available settings in the production environment below.

Email configuration screen

Temporary Files Directory

This directory is used to temporarily store files generated by exports and upload fields in the project.

Cache Files Directory

In this directory, cache files, commonly used images, and text files are stored for applications.

PDF Server IP

This field defines the IP address of the server where application PDF files will be generated.

This configuration should only be used to resolve any PDF generation blocking issues related to the server’s IP or hostname. If there are no problems with your PDF generation, leave this field blank.

Cache Files Lifetime (Minutes)

Here, you can define the time, in minutes, that files in the Cache Files Directory should persist before being refreshed or deleted.

Files Lifetime (Minutes)

This field determines the time, in minutes, that files in the Temporary Files Directory should persist before being removed.


Sets the language used in the production environment.

PHP Timezone

Specify the timezone that will be used by your project. If you leave this field blank, the PHP environment’s timezone will be used.

Authorization Key for Map Viewing

To use Google Maps features in the environment, enter the authorization key for the Google Maps API here.

Learn how to create the key by accessing the article Google Maps API Credentials

Applications directory

On this screen, the developer must register the directories that have applications published and linked to the production environment in configuration.

This registration is necessary for these directories to be listed in the item Aplicações desatualizadas in order to verify the compatibility of the applications with the production environment being configured.

The directory must be registered informing the complete path from the root of the server.

Exemplo da informação do diretório das aplicações

Click New to add more directories and without Save to store the changed directories.

It is possible to register directories that do not yet have applications, but that will be used in a future publication.

Incompatible applications

On this screen, all the directories registered in the Directory of applications section will be listed so that the developer can verify the compatibility of the applications published in these directories with the current production environment.

This verification will be carried out by comparing the current version of the production environment with the version of the production environment used by Scriptcase at the time of publication of these applications.

Applications will be considered incompatible if they have different versions between the production environments mentioned above.

For example, if Scriptcase’s production environment is in version 2.0.000 and the server’s production environment is in version 1.0.000, the applications published by this Scriptcase in this production environment will be considered incompatible.

Lista dos diretórios cadastrados na seção diretório das aplicações

Check application compatibility

To carry out the verification, select the desired directories and click on the Validate button. When finished, a confirmation message will be displayed.

Then the scan results will be displayed, as in the image below.

Lista dos diretórios cadastrados na seção diretório das aplicações


Lists the directories registered in the Application Directory section.


Total directory applications that are incompatible with the environment the production environment in configuration

Last Check

Date and time of the last verification performed on the directory.

Action column

This column will return the result of the check.

  • Compatible deployment message - All applications in the directory are compatible with the current production environment.
  • View applications button - One or more applications in the directory are incompatible with the current production environment, click the button to list the applications.
  • Incompatible directory message - The specified directory has no applications.
Example directory with compatible applications

Exemplo de diretório com aplicações compatíveis com o ambiente de produção

Example directory with incompatible applications

Exemplo de diretório com aplicações incompatíveis com o ambiente de produção

See applications

When clicking on the button, all incompatible applications in the directory will be listed and the details.

Lista das aplicações incopatíveis no diretório


In this column, the names of the applications that are incompatible with the current production environment will be displayed.

Publication version

Informs the version of the production environment, used in the development environment, by Scriptcase at the time the application was published.

Version of this environment

Reports the current version of the production environment being configured.


This column displays the action that must be taken to make the applications compatible with the production environment and a link to a tutorial regarding the informed solution..

exemplo da coluna de solução

Configure Password Recovery

In this section, you define the email address that will be used for password recovery in the environment.

In this process, a temporary code will be sent to the email address set in this configuration. Therefore, it is recommended to use an email with restricted access.

Email configuration screen

Follow the steps below to recover the password.

Recover Password in the production environment

When clicking the Recover Password link, a temporary code will be sent to the provided email address. This code needs to be entered on the password recovery screen, which will be displayed after sending the email.

Example of the code information screen

Enter the code in the field and click confirm.

Validation code information screen

Password Reset

The password reset screen will appear. Enter the new password, following the specified criteria, and click Change. After confirming the change, the login screen will be displayed.

It is essential to emphasize that the production environment stores sensitive information, so it is of utmost importance to set a strong password. We recommend choosing a combination of alphanumeric characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as symbols, to create a strong and secure password.

Example of the new password definition screen

New password configuration screen in the password recovery process

Update Production Environment

This feature allows you to quickly and securely update the production environment automatically.

Automatic update screen

Production update screen

After completing the update, a confirmation screen will be displayed.

Update confirmation screen

Production update confirmation


When publishing the project, the API data configured in the development environment within Scriptcase is not sent.

Therefore, it is necessary to configure the API in the production environment during the deployment. Remember that the API must have the same name used in the development environment so that applications can use them.

The API configuration in the production environment is similar to the one in the development environment. If you have any doubts, check the Scriptcase API documentation.

Example of the API list in the production environment

List of APIs

Change Password

Allows you to change the current password of the production environment. You need to provide the current password to validate the change.

Password reset screen

Change password screen


Link to the documentation page on the website regarding the production environment.


Displays your Web server configuration information, such as: PHP version used, enabled drivers, among other important information.

It is only possible to view this information after logging in to the production environment.

Web server configuration information


Displays information about the production environment.

Information about the production environment


Logs out of your production environment, ending the current session.