
Project explorer

In this area, you can find all the folders created to organize the applications.

Project Explorer

1 - Folders functions

Options for you to manage the folders (create, rename delete) to organize your application folders.

  • Create: Creates a new folder.
  • Rename: Renames the selected folder.
  • Delete: Deletes the selected folder.

2 - Filters

Using the filter, you can quickly find an application per date or user. You can also display all the applications.

  • All Applications: Lists all applications from the folders and the existing subfolders.
  • My Applications: Lists all the applications from the folders and subfolders that the current user has created.
  • Recent: List of all the new generated applications.

3 - Folders’ structure

Scriptcase lists all application folders and sub-folders. It’s recommendable for you to create folders to organize your project for future updates.

Searches for the applications names or description.

  • Search: It searches by name or descriptions of the project. The search occurs within the selected folder, and the search results are highlighted in yellow.