
General Overview

In the User Security Module, the system administrator has the ability to restrict access to different applications according to the user. In this type of security, the administrator must define which users can use certain applications, restricting access individually.

Check below the tables that will be created in your database when configuring a security module.

The sec_logged (Logged User) and sec_users_social (Social Network Authentication) tables will be created if these features are enabled, the creation of the other tables is mandatory.

CREATE TABLE "sec_users" (
    "login" TEXT NOT NULL,
    "pswd" TEXT NOT NULL,
    "name" TEXT,
    "email" TEXT,
    "active" TEXT,
    "activation_code" TEXT,
    "priv_admin" TEXT,
    "mfa" TEXT,
    "picture" BLOB,
    "role" TEXT,
    "phone" TEXT,
    "pswd_last_updated" TIMESTAMP,
    "mfa_last_updated" TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ("login")
CREATE TABLE "sec_apps" (
    "app_name" TEXT NOT NULL,
    "app_type" TEXT,
    "description" TEXT,
    PRIMARY KEY ("app_name")
CREATE TABLE "sec_users_apps" (
"login" TEXT NOT NULL,
"app_name" TEXT NOT NULL,
"priv_access" TEXT,
"priv_insert" TEXT,
"priv_delete" TEXT,
"priv_update" TEXT,
"priv_export" TEXT,
"priv_print" TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ("login", "app_name")
CREATE TABLE "sec_logged" (
    login TEXT NOT NULL,
    date_login TEXT,
    sc_session TEXT,
    ip TEXT

NOTA: A tabela Usuários logados será criada somente se a opção Proteger usuários logados for habilitada durante a criação do Módulo de Segurança.

CREATE TABLE "sec_users_social" (
  "login" TEXT NOT NULL,
  "resource" TEXT NOT NULL,
  "resource_id" TEXT NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY ("login", "resource", "resource_id")

NOTA: A tabela users_social será criada somente se a opção Utilizar redes sociais for verificada durante a criação do Módulo de Segurança.

CREATE TABLE "sec_settings" (
    set_name TEXT NOT NULL,
    set_value TEXT,
    PRIMARY KEY ("set_name")