
First access

To access the Scriptcase production environment, you must use your preferred web browser.

Accessing prod

The location of the production environment may vary depending on the type of deployment performed.

In a typical deploy, the default access directory is /project_name/_lib/prod.

However, if you have performed an advanced deploy, the location of the “prod” directory will be defined by the project developer at the time of deployment.

Examples of accessing “prod” in a typical deployment:
Examples of accessing “prod” in an advanced deployment:

Check the list of supported browsers

Compatible browsers Chrome Chrome Any version
Compatible browsers Firefox Firefox Version 4 or higher
Compatible browsers Edge Edge Any version
Compatible browsers Opera Opera Version 9 or higher
Compatible browsers Safari Safari Version 5.2 or higher

Setting a new password

On your first access to the production environment, you will need to set the password.

It is essential to emphasize that the production environment stores sensitive information, so it is of utmost importance to set a strong password. We recommend choosing a combination of alphanumeric characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as symbols, to create a strong and secure password.

First access to the production environment. Default password is "scriptcase"


Enter an email address for password recovery in the production environment. This field is optional and can be changed later within the production environment.

The password recovery process will be exclusively conducted through the provided email.


Set the language in the production environment. Currently available in the following languages: Portuguese (Brazil), English, and Spanish.

New Password

Define a new password.

Confirm new password

Re-enter the password defined in the New password field. The two passwords must be identical.


Enter the same letters you see in the image.

Accessing with the new password

When accessing the production environment again, use the password defined during the first access.

Remember that the password must be at least 8 characters long and include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number.

First access to the production environment. Default password is "scriptcase"


Enter the password defined during the first access to your production environment.


Set the language in the production environment. Currently available in the following languages: Portuguese (Brazil), English, and Spanish.

Password recovery

The password recovery option will be exclusively available through the email registered during the password reset step or in the Configure Password Recovery menu. Learn more about this feature by clicking here.