
Database Connections

In this section, you will find all the settings related to database connections in the production environment. Here, you can configure and manage the connections that will be used by your projects.

Create new connection

In this section, you can create connections to the databases used by your project.

The connection name in the production environment should match the name used during the deployment of the project.

Production environment connection selection screen

Next, you need to provide the Database Server. If your database is hosted on the same server as the applications, you can use ‘localhost’ to refer to it. If the database is on a different server, you can use the machine name or IP address. Additionally, provide the login credentials (if applicable) to access the database.

The connection in the production environment should have the same name as the connection used by the project in the development environment.

Example of MySQL connection screen

Production environment connection configuration screen

The establishment of the connection in production is similar to that performed in the development environment. Therefore, if you need more details to configure the connection, access the connection pages and check the configuration details.

  • Connection name: Specify the name of the connection in the production environment. Make sure to use the name expected by your project, as this information is defined during the deployment.
  • Database management system model: Select the driver to establish the connection.
  • Database Server: Allows connecting via the server’s domain or IP address.
  • Port (default 3306): Select the port to establish the connection.
  • User: Provide the database user to establish the connection.
  • Password: Enter the database password to establish the connection.
  • Database: Specify the database to be used in the connection.

Edit existing connection

All existing connections in the production environment will be listed here. To edit a connection, simply click on the desired connection card, and the connection configuration screen with the current data will open.

In this screen, you can also delete existing connections in the environment by clicking the Delete button.

Before modifying or deleting a connection, make sure it is not in use.

The refresh button reloads the list of connections.

Example of connection list

Connection list for editing

The establishment of the connection in production is similar to that performed in the development environment. Therefore, if you need more details to configure the connection, access the connection pages and check the configuration details.

Rename connection

This option allows you to rename a connection in the production environment.

In the Select the connection field, all existing connections will be listed. Select one of them and enter the desired new name.

Rename connection

This procedure does not change the name of the connection used by the project. The connection in the production environment should have the same name as the connection used by the project in the development environment.

Pending connections

Displays the list of pending connections, which have not yet been created, for projects using the production environment.

When accessing a published project, which has not yet had its connection configured, the connection not found screen will be displayed.

Exemplo de um projeto publicado sem a conexão configurada

When accessing the production environment used by the project, access the item Pending connections. On this screen, all connections, from projects that use this production environment, that have not yet been configured will be listed.

Tela com a lista de conexões pendentes de configuração que apontam para o ambiente de produção