Check the settings available in the grid’s PDF Export.
General settings
Export with password
This option defines the password used to open the exported file.
If this option is disabled the file can be opened by anyone who has access, if this option is enabled, a password must be defined that must be informed when trying to open the file.
This option does not prevent the exported file from downloading.
Example of the password request screen:
When enabling the option Export with password this attribute will be displayed for the definition of the password to access the file, which can contain between 1 and 255 alphanumeric characters.
If no password is informed, the file will be generated without a password to access the file.
The file password can be set in two ways:
Entering the password directly
In this way, the exported files will always have the same access password.
Using a global variable
In this way the file password can be dynamically generated.
Select Columns
This attribute controls the display of the Select Columns tab in the generated application, which allows the user to define the fields that must be included in the export.
The fields positioned to the right in blue will be present in the export, whereas the fields to the left in red are outside the exported file.
PDF chart level selection
This attribute controls the display of the level selection option for the graph that will be generated in the PDF export.
When enabled, on the PDF export configuration screen, a list of fields that make up the current application break will be displayed.
Example of the Select level option
In the above image, the application has a grouping with three fields (levels).
- The Level 1 would be the Country.
- The Level 2 would be the Creditlimit.
- The Level 3 would be the Year of Birthdate.
The selected level defines the amount of graphics that will be generated in the file, so when selecting level 3 of the grouping, as in the image, the PDF will be generated with 3 graphics, one for each level/field.
Selecting page break per level
This attribute enables the Fields for page break option, in the end-user export configuration screen, which defines the fields that will jump from page in the generated PDF.
Assuming that the user selects the Year of Birthdate field.
The PDF will be generated with each year of birth occupying its own page.
Year of Birthdate All records with the same year will be displayed on the page.
Open PDF Directly
This attribute defines whether or not the file access buttons are displayed after exporting.
If Disabled
The export screen will be displayed on the same application tab where the progress bar will be displayed with the file access buttons, allowing the user to choose between viewing the file, downloading it or returning to the source application.
The screen displayed will be as follows:
- Preview - Opens the generated file in a browser tab.
- Download - Download the generated file.
- Back - Returns to the source application.
When enabling the option to generate the PDF directly, the Display progress bar attribute will be available.
Show progress bar
Only available when the attribute Generate PDF Directly is enabled, this flag controls the display of the progress bar when performing an export.
If enabled, a progress bar like this will be displayed where it is possible to follow the file generation process.
When not used, the progress bar will not be displayed when performing the export, in which case the user will not have any feedback on the progress of the process, which can be time consuming depending on the application used.
We recommend using the d penablerogress bar when the amount of data processed is high or if using graphing.
Progress bar example
Default values settings and itens to end-user export interface
Configurable PDF
Defines whether or not to display the export configuration screen for the application’s end user.
When enabled, this feature enables the PDF Configuration screen, allowing the application user to configure the file in the best way, according to the options provided by the developer in the PDF configurations available to the end user field.
The developer must set the default values for the fields available for user editing.
If disabled, the user will not be able to configure the PDF, the file will be generated according to the settings defined by the developer.
User setup screen example
Grid Export modules
Defines the query modules that will be added to the exported file.
If the Grid export modules field is added for user editing, the values defined by the developer will be the default value of the field in the user configuration interface.
The Graph and Summary options are only available when there is one or more grouping configured in the application and when their respective modules are enabled in the menu Grid Modules{ :target=’_blank’}.
Grid export module configuration:
Example of the Export modules field in the application’s user configuration interface:
Summary export modules
This option allows the developer to choose which modules will be available in the summary export. The options will be marked to be exported, however the user can change the modules at runtime.o.
If the field Summary export modules is added for user editing, the values defined by the developer will be the default value of the field in the user configuration interface.
The Graph and Summary options are only available when there are one or more Breaks configured in the application and when their respective modules are enabled in the Grid Modules{ link: target=’_blank’}.
Summary Export Modules Configuration:
On execution, the Summary option will be disabled:
Print Type
Allows you to set the print mode of the file (Economic, Color).
Economical: Black and white printing Color: Color Printing
PDF Format
This option allows you to define the format of the report pages (letter, A4, etc).
PDF Orientation
Allows you to define whether the print will be in Portrait or Landscape orientation.
Generate bookmarks
This option creates bookmarks, which facilitate navigation between pdf records.
If the option to generate bookmarks is enabled when exporting the PDF, bookmarks will be generated in the upper left corner of the screen, as shown in the image below:
Bookmarkers will only be generated if a group by is defined in the application.
Information that appears if the bookmarkers option is enabled:
- Breakage information
- Information about the query totalization
- Information about the query summary
Display header in all pages
Allows the header to be displayed even if it is not available in the query.
This option, by default, is disabled in the pdf configuration interface, causing the header to be displayed. To enable this option in the pdf configuration interface, uncheck the Display title on all pages option box.
Display the title on all pages
This option will display the column headings on all pages of the PDF. If this option is unchecked, the title will only be displayed on the first page.
Display title below each Group By
When this option is enabled, it will display a box already checked by default in the PDF configuration, where you can uncheck it if desired. If the box is checked, it will display the column headings in the PDF in all available groupings.
Compressed PDF
It generates the .PDF file compressed in .zip format, allowing the reduction of the generated file.
This option makes PDF generation a little more time consuming.
PDF Settings
Records per Page
Allows you to define the number of lines per page of the query that will be displayed in the file.
Records per page in the summary
Allows you to define the number of lines per page of the summary that will be displayed in the file.
Complete lines to footer
Complete with (empty) lines to the footer.
Page numbering format
Page Numbering Format whether it will be simple(1,2,3,4,5,…), Full(1/n, 2/n, 3/n,…) or not use numbering.
Height of page numbering
Allows you to align the numbering vertically, at the top or bottom of the page.
Horizontal position of page numbering
Allows you to horizontally align the page numbering (Left, Center, Right).
The value in millimeters to be applied to the PDF margins must be filled in (Top, Bottom, Right, Left). Mais sobre o texto original
The filling of the value in millimeters applies to the margin (up, down, right and left).
print background
Allows you to print background on the PDF file.
JS execution time
Maximum time (in seconds) the server waits when running JS.
Timeout for chart’s image creation
Allows you to define whether the application’s graphics will be displayed in the PDF.