​Scriptcase9 - Check out the new version 9 features


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Scriptcase 9 comes with important implementations for Business Intelligence contemplating news features for reports, charts, pivot tables and dashboards. Additionally, there are significant improvements in the Security Module, Control application, PDF Report and Menu. The development environment is reformulated with a new interface at the same time increased performance including the most recent version of PHP 7, among other innovations we will include a new project diagram and ER diagrams, all this and much more that comes with new version. Check out the complete list below.

Click below to download Scriptcase 9. A trial version will be available for tests for 20 days, you can activate it by registering with your license key.


Projects developed in versions 6, 7/7.1 and 8/8.1 will be fully compatible with version 9.

Understanding the process of conversion.

Scriptcase 9 Presentation

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Implementations towards Business Intelligence

In version 9 we will continue increasing the options focused on Business Intelligence, transforming Scriptcase on a strong generator for management reports systems.

Chart Application

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  • New SQL aggregate functions to chart metrics: Count, Distinct count, variance and standard deviation;
  • New dimension options for date fields, such as: Semester, Quarter, Trimester, Semester and others;
  • Individualization of metric and dimension fields so that they can be configured independently;
  • Reorganization of the chart creation interface with the option to drag the same field to chart dimension area (same field with different date period) or metric area (with different SQL aggregate functions);
  • Analytic (multiple series) and synthetic (single series) combination of different dimensions on the same chart, and it can be customized also by the end user at run time;
  • New type of Search (User search) so that the end user can dynamically filter dimension and metric fields within the chart. Different display options for the values according to the data type;
  • New LIMIT function that can be used to rank the values within the charts. For example: chart with the 10 best customers, 10 cities that have sold less in 2016, etc;
  • New interface for chart themes full customization. Chart themes can now can be configured to project level or individually within the application;
  • New chart themes already included within Scriptcase: pastel (based on google charts), flat (based on bootstrap charts), modern and dark;
  • New chart types available: Scatter, bubble, Semicircular and Linear Gauge, 2D Funnel and 2D Pyramid;
  • Option to add and customize the subtitles for the charts;
  • New customization options specifically to bar, column, pie and Gauge;
  • Possibility to export the charts to PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG and XLS.
  • To be implemented within next minor releases:
    • - New option for Trend Lines creation;
  • FusionCharts Chart library update, now supports the FusionMaps.
  • Added support for the FusionCharts library in the sc_include_lib macro.

Dashboard Application

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  • New interface with drag and drop for setting up widgets dynamically. The widgets can now have different sizes and positions within the desktop;
  • Responsive widgets;
  • New index widget with field-specific settings and aggregate functions for presentation of KPIs (key performance indicators) within the dashboard;
  • New widgets configuration and customization options. For example: hide toolbar items from linked application within the widget, layout formatting, filter, values abbreviation, etc;
  • Integration of applications within the same Dashboard, e.g. Master detail between different queries;
  • Dashboard update without recharging the page;

Dashboard Application

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  • New interface with drag and drop for setting up widgets dynamically. The widgets can now have different sizes and positions within the desktop;
  • Responsive widgets;
  • New index widget with field-specific settings and aggregate functions for presentation of KPIs (key performance indicators) within the dashboard;
  • New widgets configuration and customization options. For example: hide toolbar items from linked application within the widget, layout formatting, filter, values abbreviation, etc;
  • Integration of applications within the same Dashboard, e.g. Master detail between different queries;
  • Dashboard update without recharging the page;

Grid Application: Reports and Pivot Tables

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  • New interface for the Grid creation with the option of selecting multiple tables and fields directly in the creation interface;
  • New interface using drag and drop for defining the grid and summary group by, with new configuration options for the summary with individual field settings;
  • New aggregate functions to chart metrics: count, distinct count, variance and standard deviation;
  • New dimension options for date fields, such as: Semester, Quarter, Trimester, Semester and others;
  • Possibility of dragging the same dimension (for different date period fields) or metric (with different SQL aggregate functions) more than once into the group by and summaries;
  • New type of Search (User search) so that the end user can dynamically filter dimension and metric fields within the summary. Different display options for the values according to the data type;
  • New LIMIT function that can be used to rank the values within the grid or summary. For example: summary with the 10 best customers, 10 cities that have sold less in 2016, etc;
  • New configuration options within the summary aggregation: display the count of rows in the summary, hover showing column values and display the value in the subtotal line;
  • New sorting settings for the summary fields;
  • New option to abbreviate the values to display in the summary.
  • Added option to select initial values ​​in the dynamic Group By interface.
  • Added the value of "Dynamic Group By" in the "Static Group by" options in the Group by settings.

Usability & Layout

Usability resources for all Scriptcase interface and application generated, with the objective of facilitating the understanding and use of the features on development as well as for generated systems users.

New Control application with layout free

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  • New option within the Control application that will allow the integration of Scriptcase forms with customized HTML and CSS or importer from external libraries. This option gives total freedom for forms layout customization;
  • Body handling variables from HTML, visual can now be changed completely and adapted to the form with the proper Scriptcase markups;
  • Support to events, libraries, macros, images, and Scriptcase field types;
  • New templates provided by Scriptcase for login screens and contact forms;
  • Possibility of integration between the layouts created by the control application with the security module login screen.

PDF Report with Drag & Drop design

  • New option of drawing with drag n drop and dynamic configuration of the fields within the same interface.

PDF Report with Drag & Drop design

  • New option of drawing with drag n drop and dynamic configuration of the fields within the same interface.

Menu Application

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  • New option "menu structure" for layout customization with the option to use external libraries, methods and dynamic variables;
  • Option to expand/collapse the menu to hide the items and expand the desktop within the application generated.

New themes

  • New themes for the generated applications (sc_rinno and Sc9_Meadow);
  • New CSS options for advanced themes customization (Application Layout).

New themes

  • New themes for the generated applications (sc_rinno);
  • New CSS options for advanced themes customization (Application Layout).

Scriptcase Interface

  • New interface to manage the projects with search option;
  • New interface for project creation;
  • New interface for Application creation;
  • New interface for building grid applications (grid, search, chart and PDF Report) with a multiple-table query, multiple fields and validation of dependencies while creating the application with automatic identification of JOINS. New graphical interface to change the relationship between the tables;
  • Option to expand/collapse the top and side menus to hide items and expand the desktop inside Scriptcase interface.

Scriptcase Environment & Security

Performance and Security have always been two areas with high priority in Scriptcase development, in the new version we will do a huge and important changes in the environment of Scriptcase and also in security options.

  • PHP 7.0 Support;
  • PDO drivers update (SQL Server, MySQL);
  • Addition of the PDO Dlib drive for SQL Server;
  • Addition of the new MySQLi drive for MySQL connections;
  • SSL for secure connections with MySQL;
  • New Apache version 2.4.25;
  • 32 and 64-bit architecture for windows installers;
  • WKHTMLtoPDF library update;
  • Fusion Chart library update;
  • Automatic converters to projects developed in versions 7 and 8/8.1, i.e. projects of these version will be compatible with version 9;
  • Production environment for generated applications approved for PHP 5.6 and 7.
  • Click Here to see a complete conversion tutorial.
  • Added support for .tgz formats in the deploy generation.

Security module

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  • Social login option with Google, Facebook and Twitter generate automatically by Scriptcase security module;
  • New encryption options for login application password field (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512);
  • Security module integration with the new option of free-form control with templates responsive to login screen;
  • Component update for automatic generation of captcha function to the login screen generated by Scriptcase security module;
  • Option to assign more than one group for users created by Scriptcase security module;
  • Creation of a new "default group" in the security module group table (in that group will be added new users that enter through the new user form generated by the module or by social login option);
  • New option of integration with LDAP and groups creating on the Scriptcase users administration environment (development environment).
  • Added Google reCAPTCHA v2 integration in creating the security module.
  • Added Google reCAPTCHA v2 integration in form, control, and calendar application security.

Security module

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  • Social login option with Google, Facebook and Twitter generate automatically by Scriptcase security module;
  • New encryption options for login application password field (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512);
  • Security module integration with the new option of free-form control with templates responsive to login screen;
  • Component update for automatic generation of captcha function to the login screen generated by Scriptcase security module;
  • Option to assign more than one group for users created by Scriptcase security module;
  • Creation of a new "default group" in the security module group table (in that group will be added new users that enter through the new user form generated by the module or by social login option);
  • New option of integration with LDAP and groups creating on the Scriptcase users administration environment (development environment).
  • Added Google reCAPTCHA v2 integration in creating the security module.
  • Added Google reCAPTCHA v2 integration in form, control, and calendar application security.

Other features

In addition to the areas mentioned above, we will make other important implementations in the Calendar Application and additional Scriptcase tools with the aim of improving the project and the database management.

New Diagrams

  • ER Diagram - New feature to improve the database management options, in addition to the SQL Builder and DATABASE Manager, was implemented support for creating ER Diagram for databases connected to Scriptcase;
  • Project Diagram - New tool for generation of the Project Diagram. With advanced viewing and printing options;

New Documentation

  • New Layout for Scriptcase documentation, more clean and intuitive for you to access the features of the development environment faster and easy.

New Documentation

  • New Layout for Scriptcase documentation, more clean and intuitive for you to access the features of the development environment faster and easy.

Calendar Application

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  • New configuration options;
  • Creation of categories for calendar events;
  • Width and size setting;
  • Integration with Google Calendar;
  • New responsive calendar;
  • New configuration options;
  • Integration with Google Calendar;
  • Creation of categories for calendar events;
  • Added filter for multiple categories on the shore side of the calendar;
  • Added option to color palette in the Color HTML fields;
  • Added option to display a mini month calendar in the calendar;
  • Added new events in the calendar application: onCalendarApplicationInit and onCalendarScriptInit;
  • Added option to export calendar events to Google Calendar.

New project templates

  • Added a new template system for creation of virtual learning environments (EAD). Designed to assist in content management and administration of courses online.
  • Added new example project Personal Finances
  • Added DB2 support for the project templates.

New project templates

  • Added a new template system for creation of virtual learning environments (EAD). Designed to assist in content management and administration of courses online.
  • Added new example project Personal Finances
  • Added DB2 support for the project templates.

Note: This list is under construction and we will add more features until the release.

Frequently asked questions for who already work with Scriptcase

We detail few frequently asked questions for those who already work with Scriptcase, we remind you that we're going to make videos and step-by-step tutorials how to install and migrate projects, if you don't find the answer to your question, you may contact us.

How do I convert my projects of a Scriptcase older version to Scriptcase 9?

The conversion process is automatic for versions 6, 7, 8 and 8.1. Click Here to see a complete conversion tutorial.

Will I lose my projects with new version release?

R: No. Projects made by versions 7 and 8/8.1 will be totally compatible with version 9, therefore your current version won't stop working.

Do I need to uninstall Scriptcase 8 to use Scriptcase 9?

No. You can work with 2 versions, they just need different roots.

How do I migrate my projects if I only have one license?

When v9 be released you can check in your customer portal https://www.scriptcase.net/user-login/ area a new serial v9 available. You just need to install, register and start the migration.

I have Scriptcase v8/8.1. Am I eligible to Scriptcase 9?

R: Yes. As long your updates are valid, you just need to download and install the new version.

How can I know if my updates are valid and expire date?

R: Go to https://www.scriptcase.net/auto-upgrade/ insert the same user and password as you have used to purchase your license.

What will happen to my v8/8.1 license?

R: Will continue working normally. Both versions will have different serial keys.

My license v8/8.1 will become annual?

R: No. Licenses will continue lifetime with optional updates renewal. If your updates expire, you continue working with Scriptcase normally.

I want to buy a new license, which options I have?

R: When Scriptcase9 be released, we are going to offer 2 types of licensing: annual licenses with expire date for a lower cost; and perpetual licenses without expire date (just annual updates renewal).

Get ready to receive the Scriptcase new version

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