
General Overview

Scriptcase uses the concept of projects to manage the development of the applications. You will use the projects to organize your system development in a simple and practical way.

To create a Project on Scriptcase, it is necessary to have an interaction with a Database. This way you can create applications based on database tables and views.

In a project, it’s possible to define the applications development standards using the default values, work with project version control, deploy all the applications or part of them, create developers work flow reports, display application diagrams. Each project from Scriptcase can have 3 privilege levels for users or user groups. These privileges can be set inside the menu options.

It’s recommended to review your database tables and relationships to ensure that you have them correctly structured and organized. This will make your work on creating applications easier and faster when performing fields lookups and etc. You can visualize the current database structure through the menu > Database > Diagram ER.

Click here to see the steps to create a project.