

Project Converters

The Project Converter allows to convert the projects developed in previous versions of Scriptcase to the current version of Scriptcase.

Basically it is an import of the projects from different versions of Scriptcase.

The process of conversion does not modify any of the information of your project.

To prevent eventual problems, it is recommend to create a backup of your projects.

The project’s conversion works the same way for all Scriptcase versions.

Coping Scriptcase

If your Scriptcase is not installed in the same place of your Scriptcase 9 you need to copy the Scriptcase folder, of the previous version, nexto to the current ScriptCase folder that will receive the projects.

In this example:

  • Scriptcase 8 folder - Old version of the tool.
  • Scriptcase 9 folder - Version that will receive all the projects.

Coping Scriptcase to the same folder Coping the Scriptcase 8 folder to the same place

Path to Scriptcase

In Scriptcase select the converter (compatible to the version that you want to convert), and inform the complete path to the folder of the old version.

If your Scriptcase 9 is installed in the same place of your old version you can inform the complete path where your old version is installed.

  • Ex1: /opt/NetMake/v9/wwwroot/scriptcase
  • Ex2: C:\Program Files(x86)\NetMake\v81\wwwroot\scriptcase

Path to the previous version of Scriptcase Informing the path to the Scriptcase 8

Converting the projects from your old version

In this screen will appear all projects from your old version.

  • Convert: Will convert the projects from your old version.
  • Not Convert: Will not convert the projects from your old version.

If is not the first time that you are converting, may appear a option called Overwrite. If you convert with this option selected will overwrite your project with the old one.

Projects that need to be converted Selecting the projects that will be converted

Next, you will view a log of everything that has been converted. With this the selected projects are already in the current ScriptCase and ready for use.

Conversion Log Information showing the success