
System Folders

Here you can set the directories path to stores the Scriptcase data information. Scriptcase uses the default paths when using the installer or the Typical manual installation method. You don’t need to make changes. We recommend contacting the support if you wish to change them.

Default Values - System Directories

Root Directory for the Web Server files

Set the Root of the Web Server. On IIS servers, you should use the path: “inetpub/wwwroot”.

Application Path

Set the folder that stores the generated applications source code.

Production Path

Set the folder of the Scriptcase “prod” files. It keeps all the libraries needed to execute the generated applications.

Documents Directory

Set the folder to store document files used in applications.

Images Directory

Set the folder to store image files when using the upload field (Image File Name) of applications.

Temporary Files Directory

Set the folder of temporary files used to manipulate the images and the exporting data of the applications.