
Association tables

Table association screen

This step is essential if the option “Use existing tables” is selected.

In this case, you must associate the fields from the existing tables to fields of security applications (applications generated by the Security Module).

If you have selected the option “Create tables”, in the previous step, it ssociates the fields automatically.

If you choose to create the tables beforehand, see below as local tables and fields.


CREATE TABLE "sec_users" (
    "login" TEXT NOT NULL,
    "pswd" TEXT NOT NULL,
    "name" TEXT,
    "email" TEXT,
    "active" TEXT,
    "activation_code" TEXT,
    "priv_admin" TEXT,
    "mfa" TEXT,
    "picture" BLOB,
    PRIMARY KEY ("login")


CREATE TABLE "sec_apps" (
"app_name" TEXT NOT NULL,
"app_type" TEXT,
"description" TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ("app_name")


CREATE TABLE "sec_users_apps" (
"login" TEXT NOT NULL,
"app_name" TEXT NOT NULL,
"priv_access" TEXT,
"priv_insert" TEXT,
"priv_delete" TEXT,
"priv_update" TEXT,
"priv_export" TEXT,
"priv_print" TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ("login", "app_name")


CREATE TABLE "sec_logged" (
    "login" TEXT NOT NULL,
    "date_login" TEXT,
    "sc_session" TEXT,
    "ip" TEXT

The table Logged users will be created only if the option Protect Logged users is checked during the Security Module creation.


CREATE TABLE "sec_users_social" (
  "login" TEXT NOT NULL,
  "resource" TEXT NOT NULL,
  "resource_id" TEXT NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY ("login", "resource", "resource_id")

The table users_social will be created only if the option Use social networks is checked during the Security Module creation.