May 29, 2024
- Fixed calling the "sc_reset_menu_disable" macro in the menu application event macro list.
- Fixed "Invalid data" error when trying to create a new record from the Grid, when the Form had a "-" (hyphen) in the application name.
- Fixed error "Duplicate entry 'samples-conn_example' for key 'PRIMARY'" when importing example projects with MySQL connection.
- Fixed Undefined array key "extension" error when generating the Helpcase.
- Fixed errors in generating the source code of some applications from the "Training" example project.
- Fixed problem when accessing the creation/editing of the log module in environments with PHP 7.3.
- Fixed problem when clicking on the block inclusion label unchecking other checkboxes.
- Fixed problem when using virtual field in Gantt chart configuration.
- Fixed problem with the option to close form after insertion, in link properties, which did not close the responsive menu tab.
- Fixed problem with loss of value in a disabled field when trying to delete records in applications that have dependencies.
- Fixed problem in Excel export file line with outdated PHP code.
- Fixed problem in file line using outdated PHP code when sending email.
- Fixed problem when passing parameters in "Open the application in a tab within the menu".
- Fixed problem in viewing the export buttons in the grid, when the application name had the hyphen (-) symbol.
- Fixed problem with the "Change all theme fonts" button in Layout->Application Themes.
- Fixed problem with double clicking on the double select field, after updating browsers.
- Fixed problem using the "sc_mail_send" macro in Linux and MacOS installer environments. For environments already installed, please follow the tutorial.
- Fixed problem when viewing link parameters in lower resolutions.
- Fixed problem with the header title not being displayed in: detail, filter and summary, in the grid, when the option selected was "Inherit from theme".
- Fixed problem link the control application to a calendar. The calendar back button did not work if you made any changes in the application.
- Fixed problem when saving the name of the chart theme using the underscore symbol.
May 21, 2024
- Fixed problem with retrieving the primary key field in the form application events, using the MySQL connection.
- Fixed problem with the "Return after Inclusion" option in the form application, using the MySQL connection.
- Fixed problem with searching for the generated helpcase.
- Fixed problem with sorting the applications report in the project interface.
- Fixed problem with including the link on the helpcase page.
- Fixed problem with the data dictionary which continued to be displayed when creating an application after being deleted.
- Fixed the display of the manual lookup profile after creation.
- Fixed problem when using the bold option on even and odd rows of the filter label when editing the application theme.
- Fixed problem with the header of the editable grid view form when there are more than two blocks opening in a tab.
- Fixed problem with the "modal" and "_blank" targets in the "HTML Image" field link in the form application.
- Fixed JavaScript errors in the CSS interface of the menu and helpcase.
- Fixed problem when copying the scriptcase9_SoftCloud and scriptcase9_SoftCloud_Sm buttons. The error "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" was generated.
- Fixed problem when applying breaks in the Grid with fields whose names were reserved SQL words.
- Fixed problem when generating an application whose name starts with numbers.
- Fixed problem with viewing the favicon in the project properties. The image was not shown at the time of upload.
May 14, 2024
- Added new connection to MariaDB.
- Visual improvement in the log module interface.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Attempt to assign property "Sc_groupby_data" when generating the Excel export in the summary.
- Fixed problem when defining field text alignment in a grid application, with vertical or slide orientation, and configured for "Defined by field" alignment.
- Fixed problem when inserting images into HelpCase using Scriptcase's native image manager.
- Fixed problem when correctly returning records when searching in advanced, dynamic and quicksearch filters using the "_" character (underscore).
- Fixed problem with visualizing languages when selected in the project properties.
May 6, 2024
- Project diagram layout improvements.
Updated the versions of the Windows 64 bits installer..
PHP 8.1.28
Apache 2.4.59
Sourceguardian 15.0.0
- Fixed problem with redirect options after inserting and updating form binding properties.
- Fixed problem with datetime2 type field using DBLIB driver.
- Fixed problem with duplicate scrolling in PDF report PDF layout settings.
- Fixed problem with modal not closing after inserting and updating records in a grid link with the form.
- Fixed problem with custom messages not working after inserting, updating and deleting, in the form application.
- Fixed problem with the option to exit the application in the form after insertion.
- Fixed problem with the option to close the form after inserting/updating opened in modal.
- Fixed problem with messages after inserting in the form.
- Fixed problem with the interface when creating a new API.
- Fixed problem with displaying summary total numbers in dynamic break when using the onGroupByAll event.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function nm_db_fields_uk_access, when importing the Access file.
- Fixed problem with the configuration of the manual type lookup in the summary filter. The data was not saved in the interface.
April 30, 2024
- Fixed problem when saving records with the date field marked as required.
- Fixed problem with disabled fields being changed in Ajax event
- Fixed blank screen problem or "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" error when displaying diagram
- Fixed problem with graph visualization when using the fixed menu tab.
- Fixed problem in aligning the totalization of the grid, which is a nested grid.
- Fixed problem with the layout of form blocks in some themes, when the "sc_field_display" macro was applied to hide fields.
April 23, 2024
- Added "Reload" option within the context menu of the Responsive Menu application tabs.
- Added reload spin to Responsive Menu application tabs.
- Added support for wkhtmltopdf on Debian 11 and 12 based Linux operating systems.
- Visual improvement in the log screen for the "Version increment" resource.
Updated the versions of the Linux installer
Libpq(PostgreSQL): 16.2
CURL: 8.7.1
OpenSSL: 1.1.1w
ZLib: 1.3.1 LibSSH2: 1.11.0 - Improvement in the layout and usability of the ER Diagram.
Fixed problem when accessing production applications with the ODBC driver from the MS SQL Server connection. The "Port" field for connecting to this driver has been removed from this version.
Need to update the production environment. - Fixed problem with attribute values not being recognized at lookup a field.
- Fixed problem when editing the user in the security module. Due to the browsers' password saving feature, when editing the user, the password was stored in decrypted form.
- Fixed problem in viewing uniqueidentifier data in Scriptcases installed in Linux environments.
April 18, 2024
- Added support for sc_label macro in ajax events of the editable grid form (view), configured for editing or inclusion in a modal.
Updated the versions of the Linux installer.
PHP: 8.1.28
Apache: 2.4.59
Ldap: 20517
OpenSSL: 1.1.1k - Layout adjustments in the database selection on the connection interface.
- Fixed problem when using the sc_redir macro through a library and calling it through a method in the onApplicationInit or onLoad events of the menu application.
- Fixed problem of sc_vl_extenso macro not working with numbers and values in the billion range.(Production environment update required).
- Fixed error displayed when converting Excel database to a new database whose connection was created during the conversion process.
- Fixed problem using Western - CP1252 charset when using the sc_appmenu_add_item macro passing a string through a variable and adding it to the label parameter.
- Fixed problem of events not being displayed when printing by day in the calendar application.
- Fixed problem of button style loss in some themes when applying the sc_btn_display macro to enable the button.
- Fixed problem in editing record in the editable grid form (view), using modal, after canceling a new record.
- Fixed problem in editing user to enable the administrator privilege option in the user security module.
- Fixed problem of not interpreting template string in JavaScript.
- Fixed problem of "Access initial application" button not working on mobile devices. It is necessary to republish the initial application.
- Fixed problem with the value of the "Port" field in production environment connections, when the MySQL connection was selected first.
April 11, 2024
- Fixed problem with loss of form layout style after performing actions on the form itself.
- Fixed problem with option to disable field (insert/update) in date and decimal type fields.
April 10, 2024
- Improvement in the color-picker of Scriptcase applications.
- Fixed error "incorrect user/password" when attempting to login to the "Album" example project with Postgres connection.
- Fixed error Undefined array key "prop" when synchronizing applications in the data dictionary in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed problem in the lookup of auto-complete fields (text and number) in multiple record forms, containing two or more fields of the same types.
- Fixed problem with the "Exit application" option in the Form navigation configuration.
- Fixed problem with loss of button style in some themes, when applying the sc_btn_display macro to enable the button.
- Fixed problem with custom theme display in the grid when performing v6~v9 Conversion.
- Fixed problem in assembling the Query SQL when using the "SQL_NO_CACHE" function.
- Fixed problem with the grid header not being displayed on mobile devices, when the grid is a detail of a multi step form.
- Fixed problem with disabled fields on the form during insertion and update events. By inspecting the element and removing the "disabled" attribute, it was possible to add a new value.
- Fixed error when converting Excel database to MySQL connection.
April 2, 2024
- Fixed Undefined array key "display_position" error when generating form.
- Fixed invalid data problem when having more than one connection in the nested grid, configured to display in the iframe.
- Fixed problem in viewing details in the grid, configured to display below.
- Fixed problem in viewing the chart filter in the interface.
- Fixed problem with parameters not being deleted in application methods in the Italian language interface.
- Fixed problem when using group labels in grid applications with action buttons.
March 27, 2024
- Added support for local variables in the macro sc_field_style. Support is valid only for style parameters.
- Added feature to export images separately, in a Zip file, in Word document export in the grid.
- Fixed problem with correct recognition of field type in the interface of applications, for IMAGE type columns in Sybase connections.
- Fixed problem when inserting images in Sybase connections (in IMAGE type column), in image fields (database) in the form application.
- Fixed problem with updating the editable grid view form opened in modal.
March 25, 2024
- Fixed error 2 = Undefined array key "display" when generating source code for Control type applications in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed error Column 'usa_seguranca' specified twice when creating the blank application.
- Fixed error in the time display format in calendar events, when the time was between 12:00PM and 12:59PM.
- Fixed error Undefined array key "subst_campo", when accessing SQL in the grid in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed problem with data display with double select field being reloaded via ajax processing.
- Fixed problem with displaying removed fields on the "Edit Fields" screen in the form application.
- Fixed problem with the date not being displayed in the standard format in the Filter application footer, when no format was entered.
- Fixed problem with the Form not working when defining a lang with double quotes in the label of a field.
- Fixed problem with Sybase PDO ODBC connection.
- Fixed problem viewing the "select2" field in the steps form.
- Fixed problem viewing the open form in modal on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem with viewing the fixed label in the summary, when switching between static and dynamic group by, and when navigating.
- Fixed problem with the alignment of the lower toolbar, when enabling option "Pin lower toolbar" in the grid.
- Fixed problem with the behavior of the summary "Reload" button.
March 20, 2024
- Added option "Apply date limits to calendar" in the "date" type field in the form application.
- Added new feature "Remove background color/image" in master detail link properties in form application.
- Added SSL support for secure connections in PostgreSQL connection.
- Visual improvement in the image manager interface.
- Fixed "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token < " in the Form application, when adding the backslash (\) as an allowed character.
- Fixed "Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function." when clicking the advance to the end button in a grid dynamic group by displayed after the records.
- Fixed error "2 = Undefined array key 1" when generating the grid source code in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed problem with displaying the name of the month in the calendar on mobile.
- Fixed Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token ";" in XLS export.
- Fixed problem with data visualization in XLS export in the summary.
- Fixed problem with improper display of the "Exit" button in forms linked to the grid, after conversion to version 9 of Scriptcase.
- Fixed Undefined array key "charset" error that was displayed after losing a session.
- Fixed TCPDF ERROR: [Image] Unable to get the size of the image when generating images in the ReportPDF application.
- Fixed "Records not found" problem when reloading the summary, when dynamic group by fields were only selected at run time.
- Fixed problem with the link type action button not working when set to open in an Iframe.
- Fixed problem with summary header not displaying in PDF export.
- Fixed problem with display of graph application buttons in the grid summary toolbar.
- Fixed PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: mb_convert_encoding(): Argument #3 ($from_encoding) contains invalid encoding “undefined”, in the application creation interface.
- Fixed problem in displaying the grid's dynamic group by layout when not using the "Support for multiple items" feature.
- Fixed error when recovering password via email in the security module, when informing a user that does not exist.
- Fixed problem with the SYBASE PDO connection in the Windows environment.
- Fixed problem when using secondary connection in the lookup fields, in connections with SSL support.
- Fixed the production environment interface for connections with SSL support.
- Fixed Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token ";", expecting ")" when applying grid detail.
March 4, 2024
- Added feature to select and drag multiple items on grid application toolbar buttons.
- Added new themes: Softcloud and Softcloud Small.
- Added options to define header and footer templates in advanced theme mode.
- Added option to configure input hover in advanced theme mode.
- Added feature for customizing the message displayed for required fields in the form and filter.
- Added new directory with project images in the image manager.
- Added support for unique key recognition when creating the form application automatically, in the Db2 connection.
- Added support for recognizing the DATA data type as NOT NULL when creating the form application automatically, in the Db2 connection. The interface will mark the required field.
- Adjustments to the list of Db2 connection drivers.
- Changed the Firebird extension to version 4.0 in the Linux installer.
- Fixed problem when performing a search in quicksearch when a field that had a lookup did not have ORDER BY in its SQL statement.
- Fixed problem with displaying a required field message when canceling an action on the form.
- Fixed problem when executing the sc_exec_sql macro after performing a search in quicksearch with the option to highlight results activated.
- Fixed problem with including values in the image and database document fields in the Db2 connection.
- Fixed problem when manually installing Scriptcase using the MySQLi driver.
- Fixed problem downloading files from the database document field in the Mssql Server connection.
- Fixed problem with incorrect display of vertical scroll bar in connection widgets in Dashboard application.
- Fixed problem using the slide field in the summary filter.
- Fixed problem downloading files from the Multi-Upload field in the Native SRV PDO Mssql Server driver.
- Fixed problem with key fields marked as required in the Form application not being critical.
- Fixed problem in displaying group by values when using totalization variables in events.
- Fixed problem when using the sc_redir macro in the onload event in the menu application.
- Fixed problem when displaying summary data using dynamic wrapping.
- Fixed problem when saving label position definition in filter application blocks and grid advanced filter.
- Fixed error of Undefined array key "tot_res_criar_grafico" in the grid, in the PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in the chart application, when using group by in the SQL command.
January 30, 2024
- Fixed problem in record insertion when using automatic auto-increment with sequence in MariaDB connections.
- Fixed problem with case-sensitive sorting in break fields.
- Fixed problem with sorting for display in break fields with lookup.
- Fixed problem when selecting records in refined search after performing an advanced search in a query application with Firebird connection.
- Fixed problem with sorting special conditions in date-type field filters in grid applications.
January 23, 2024
- Fixed problem in the configuration of the columns option when using grouped fields.
- Fixed field auto-completion problem when associating tables when creating a security module with Oracle, SQL Server and Postgres connections.
- Fixed problem with the "Close form after updating or adding" options and editing link. The form was not being closed.
- Fixed problem with the date field being changed to varchar, when a grid has a special SELECT (INNER JOIN, SUBSELECT, etc.) in Firebird.
- Fixed problem in displaying sorting rules, when in advanced sorting we chose the "Define fields manually" option.
- Fixed error "Invalid default value for 'mfa_last_updated'" when creating a security module.
January 17, 2024
- Fixed problem with saving the display definition of the nested grid (iframe-less mode) in the grid application interface.
- Fixed problem with .xls and .xlsx export in chart applications.
- Fixed problem when using the "Chart" option as the initial module of the grid.
- Fixed problem with the display of the date type field in the chart.
January 15, 2024
- Added a feature to set the validity period in days for a session, performed via Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), in the new security module.
- Added a counter for the expiration time of the two-factor authentication code in the security module.
- Added support for the Sonoma (14.2) version of MacOS installer.
- Fixed problem when disabling the "Code expiration time" feature in Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), in the security module, by setting its value to zero.
- Fixed problem when using the Clickatell API and the sc_send_sms macro in Linux environments.
- Fixed problem with the page scrolling in the user editing modal of the group/users application in the new security module.
- Fixed problem of not displaying the options for the "Relative Period" component of the "Date" field in the summary filter.
- Fixed "Parse error: Unmatched '}' in" when running a Form application.
- Fixed error "The file was not generated with Scriptcase version 9" when importing an application. It was necessary to import the application again for proper functioning.
- Fixed errors "2 = Undefined array key 180" and "2 = Trying to access array offset on value of type null" when generating a Query application in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed error when searching in the quick search of the group/users application in the security module.
- Fixed error when importing a project from the "Project -> Export Project" option.
- Fixed problem in the interface of the Query blocks after converting a project from version 8 to 9.
- Fixed problem when generating PDF directly without respecting Query export modules.
- Fixed problem with the operation of the sc_redir macro in the onAplicationInit event of the new menu.
- Fixed problem in the Query when the option to generate Excel directly is activated. Clicking the back button was regenerating the xls.
- Fixed problem with the sc_format_num macro in the onRecord event, along with the sc_format_num_region macro.
- Fixed error "[object Object]" displayed in the interface after editing fields in "Edit Fields" of the form application.
- Fixed problem with the responsive menu with vertical orientation in Arabic language on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem with locking when trying to edit the theme for the "Flat Blue" button.
January 4, 2024
- Fixed "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot assign an empty string to a string offset" when running some grid applications in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed error 2 = Undefined array key "outro" when generating grid application in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use a scalar value as an array when using onGroupByAll event
- Fixed problem with the group by header not being displayed on all pages in dynamic group by, when the "Enable TreeView" option was disabled.
- Fixed problem in the application interface when selecting fields in the advanced filter and positioning the fields in environments with PHP 7.3.
January 2, 2024
- Added behavior option when navigating in the steps form. Option available in Layout > Pages > Steps Configuration.
- Added support for the "sc_btn_disabled" macro in created buttons.
- Fixed problem when opening items with subitems in the Tree Menu application (Production environment update required).
- Fixed problem in the menu toolbar when redirecting to an application with the hide menu option enabled.
- Fixed problem of non-persistence of state when changing the charset in the project's connection interface.
- Fixed problem of application not reloading in the tree menu from the second click on items with the "Open items in tabs" option disabled.
- Fixed problem in the configuration of the Google Drive API in the production environment.
- Fixed problem in the listing of auto-increment values in key fields in the Oracle connection.
- Fixed problem in editing iframe properties in the link between applications.
- Fixed "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Cannot use a scalar value as an array" when running a query in environments with PHP 8.1.
December 26, 2023
- Added option to start expanded menu, in menu settings, when menu layout is vertical.
- Added special condition "Existing years in the database" in the "Date comparison" field in the grid search.
- Fixed "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method application_name_grafico::load_chart_theme()" when accessing chart in Summary, when the chart module was disabled in "Grid modules".
- Fixed error Undefined array key "extension", when editing a Control application in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string when starting from the summary module.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) in grid menu interface.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, null given in the dynamic group by of the grid.
- Fixed problem when renaming responsive menu application.
- Fixed problem with the average value in tables with few records.
- Fixed problem with ordering icons not being displayed in Summary totalization fields when the grid had a JOIN.
- Fixed problem when searching for items in the dynamic responsive menu.
- Fixed problem with viewing the calendar icon in the date field with the "new calendar" option activated.
- Fixed problem in the calendar view when using the sc_field_disabled macro in ajax events.
- Fixed problem with menu display when using a large number of sub-items.
- Fixed problem with downloading multi-upload files over the Postgres connection.
- Fixed problem with linking dynamic responsive menu items when the sc_redir macro is called in an event.
December 18, 2023
- Added horizontal scrollbar in language interface.
- Added support for creating a lang index containing numbers.
- Fixed "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Object of class application_name_ini could not be converted to string", when defining a lang in the label of a button with "Link" display mode.
- Fixed error "Attention Undefined index: iframe", when the target "_self" was passed in the sc_appmenu_add_item macro in the new menu in environments with PHP 7.3.
- Fixed undefined array key "arquivo3" error when generating the dashboard application.
- Fixed undefined array key "filial" error in the grid application with the PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed undefined array key 0 error in a grid application with the PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem when using the security module configuration application in Spanish.
- Fixed field label display problem when capturing a field of the "Field grouping" type.
- Fixed problem with the "Display percentage" option in the Summary fields interface in old applications.
- Fixed problem visualizing the exit button in the summary.
- Fixed problem with broken buttons in "Button Themes" after converting projects from version 8 to 9.
December 11, 2023
- Added option in the responsive menu layout to display the "loading" image when opening applications.
- Added option to enable or disable shortcut title in responsive menu layout.
- Added header title support in responsive menu.
- Fixed problem when accessing charts from the summary, when dynamic group by was applied to the grid only at run time.
- Fixed problem in the password recovery application of the security module, configured to send the link by email. Follow the tutorial, so as not to recreate the module.
- Fixed problem with displaying responsive menu items, using a charset other than UTF-8.
- Fixed problem in the menu navigation path calling the dashboard application.
- Fixed problem in the security module, when unchecking the option to send an email to the administrator and trying to register a new user within the system area.
- Fixed problem in the target parameter of the sc_appmenu_add_item macro.
December 1, 2023
Added new 100% responsive and fluid menu application with:
- New toolbar;
- Item search;
- Shortcuts;
- Dynamic language and theme switch;
- User menu integrated into the security module. - Added a new date range comparison field in the search with a new calendar component for selection.
- Added a comparative chart between dates on the summary page.
- Added the option for percentage in relation to the total in the Summary.
- Added pagination in the summary.
- Added an option for the positioning of the overall total in the summary.
Added a new security module 100% configurable by the end system user, generated with:
- New interface in the development environment;
- Access mode through login, email, or both;
- New option to define user creation rules;
- New option for optional use of authentication (2FA);
- Last password change. - Added new macro sc_captcha_display.
- Added support for choosing any axis in the static group by of the Grid application.
- Improved performance in the summary.
- Fixed "Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: mktime(): Argument #3 ($second) must be of type ?int, string given", when trying to insert an event into the calendar from "Week and Day" modes.
- Fixed error "Trying to access array offset on value of type bool" when deleting a project through the context menu.
- Fixed "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required" when running the grid application.
- Fixed problem with LDAP connections in the security module.
- Fixed problem with loss of style in the theme preview in the Calendar application.
October 26, 2023
- Fixed problem when creating special conditions for the date field in the search.
- Fixed "Undefined array key image_path" error in application layout after project conversion from Scriptcase version 8 to 9.
- Fixed problem with the "Break" and "Configurable graph" buttons not being displayed in the query summary toolbar.
- Fixed problem with creating an extra directory when generating the publication ZIP in a Windows environment.
- Fixed problem when using JavaScript method passing parameters.
- Fixed "Undefined array key backgroundColor" error when creating a new item in the "My toolbar" resource.
October 17, 2023
- Fixed "Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$orgtable" error when executing a SQL command in the Database Builder within the SQLite connection.
- Fixed problem displaying inputs and confirming log module creation.
- Fixed problem displaying the results of commands executed in SQLbuilder.
- Fixed problem importing projects and applications into Scriptcase.
October 12, 2023
- Fixed "Not Found" error when generating zip file in deploying and exporting applications and projects.
October 10, 2023
- Added possibility to change documentation display in the Scriptcase interface: Online and Offline.
- Added possibility to change documentation language in the Interface: English and Spanish.
- Added new parameters to encrypted connection in SQL Server.
- Fixed "Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string + int" in the application interface menu.
- Fixed trim() error: Passing null to parameter #1 ($string), in the grid application generated by the log module, using the Informix connection.
- Fixed problem saving options configured in the connection security tab, after project creation
- Fixed problem with using 0 (zero) in the "Complete left" option in the Form text field.
September 14, 2023
- Adjustments to the interface for editing form application fields. From this release onwards, the insertion and update columns for fields that are not selected in the application will be disabled.
- Fixed problem translating the calendar in the date field in the filter into other languages.
- Fixed problem in generating langs in the data dictionary, when there were quotation marks in the field name.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string * int in calculations in fields of type "data", in the PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem when creating the form application, using the mandatory field settings in the data dictionary. Required field configuration was not being reflected upon creation or sync.
- Fixed problem with deleting the master detail on mobile. A Fatal error was generated: require_once(): Failed opening required.
- Fixed problem when using application synchronization in the security module with access connection.
- Fixed problem with displaying date and time fields in the calendar field listing.
- Fixed problem with button alignment configuration in the HTML editor.
August 31, 2023
- Added search feature in the management and positioning of fields in the applications interface.
- Added sc_field_no_validate macro for form, control and calendar applications.
- Added "Display field error in a modal" option in express editing.
- Added support for wkhtmltopdf on Linux operating systems based on RedHat 9.
- Improved interface and usability in the production environment download via zip and tar.gz generation in advanced publishing.
- Visual improvement of management and positioning of fields in the applications interface.
- Fixed problem when using "disable field" option or "sc_field_disabled" macro in "select" type field with capture link. The link icon next to the field was not being hidden.
- Fixed problem when creating the grid, when adding a WHERE clause in the SQL with the option to create the form for editing enabled.
- Fixed problem when creating a grid, when unchecking some fields in the "edit fields" tab, if the option to create a form to edit the grid was enabled.
- Fixed problem in validating the control application, when pressing the "Enter" key on the keyboard.
- Fixed "Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: trim(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string" in N:N relationship, after reloading the form from a field of type Select.
- Fixed a problem with fields not being displayed in the Form's SQL configuration, after some change was made in the option to define primary keys.
- Fixed problem displaying calendar in advanced filter label after grid search.
- Fixed a problem in the macro "sc_field_disabled" when using it in the data field with the false parameter. The calendar icon next to the field was displayed twice.
- Fixed problem in master detail view on mobile.
- Fixed error when generating production environment via zip or tar.gz in advanced publishing.
- Fixed error "Incompatible data type in the criterion expression.", when performing an advanced filter with a field of type DATETIME in Access.
- Fixed "Undefined array key grid_break_fixa" error when individually applying the "Fixed breaks" option in express editing.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught com_exception when importing Access base.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method Swift_Mailer::disconnect(), when clicking "Forgot your password?" on the Scriptcase login screen.
- Fixed problem when recovering password through a link in the security module. For those who already have the security module, please check our tutorial to adjust the application.
August 24, 2023
- Visual improvement in the application creation interface.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: trim(): Argument #1 ($string) in subselect field with image in Report Pdf application with PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed problem when configuring an initial application in the menu application.
- Fixed problem in validating fields in the creation interface of the calendar application.
- Fixed problem when uploading files in the "app_data" directory when deploying. From this version on, it will only send files referring to deployed applications.
August 20, 2023
- Added support for global variable in the label of grid buttons.
- Added sorting option for SQL in the grid.
- Fixed error "Undefined array key" vert_campos".
- Fixed problem with alignment of title in multi-record form.
- Fixed problem with linking HTML image field in control application when using the "open in another tab" property in link operation mode.
- Fixed problem with display of FusionCharts Trial version message in manual calls to the library.
- Fixed problem with visual with converted project buttons.
- Fixed problem with the functionality of the sc_apl_default macro.
- Fixed problem when opening the project with the "Save metadata cache to disk" option enabled, if the MSSQL Server extension module was disabled. Scriptcase redirected to login.
- Fixed problem with background color in WORD export.
- Fixed errors "Undefined array key" vert_campos", "sem_tag_php", and array key "sc_field_0" in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem with executing SQL command using sc_exec_sql macro in onValidate event with Oracle connection.
- Fixed problem with the display of end time in week or day calendar application.
- Fixed problem with line break in the display of week or day calendar application.
- Fixed problem with layout with calendar application buttons on mobile.
- Fixed fatal error count() when using validation {sc_mail_ok} in blank.
- Fixed errors in the browser console in calendar application.
- Fixed problem when deploying applications unchecking common files.
- Fixed error 2 = Undefined array key when generating procedures in SQL Server.
August 7, 2023
- Added width option in option use checkbox in dropdown in filter select.
- Added criticism when trying to create an application with its name starting with a number.
Improvements in the first access screen of the production environment:
added CAPTCHA and removed default password splash screen. - Removed sc_pub_(date_time) directory from ZIP file generation on publication.
- Fixed error "2=Undefined array key 0", when generating source code of grid applications in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed count() error: Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable - nmPageServRestore2.class.php line: 116, on project import.
- Fixed display error for the "window.open" method when selecting the "Toolbar buttons" option in express edition.
- Fixed error foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given | nmRestoreGroups.class.php line: 71 on project import.
- Fixed error Undefined array key "dbms", when empty was selected in field "Connection" when creating a new application.
- Fixed errors Undefined array key "entries" and Trying to access array offset on value of type null", when creating a Procedure application.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count(): Argument #1 ($value) on project import.
- Fixed Parse error: syntax error, unexpected identifier "_grid_saveFixedColumnsGrid", when defining the initial of the grid name with a number or dash.
- Fixed problem when importing saved SQL statements in SQL Builder
- Fixed problem when inserting record with line break in form with multiline text field.
- Fixed problem when listing pending connections in advanced publishing.
- Fixed problem with calendar events not being displayed after insertion.
- Fixed problem with the application's modal not being closed when the source application was a menu.
- Fixed problem with the ZIP file not being removed when an SFTP publication was performed with just common files.
- Fixed crash problem when generating the Excel file of the Procedure application.
- Fixed problem with project creation on the project theme selection screen. No theme was being set as default.
- Fixed problem in the formation of "data" type fields, when using the "definition of fields that will be displayed in the break" option.
- Fixed problem when passing a parameter to the chart application's SQL.
- Fixed problem in the synchronization of applications in the security module. For those who already have the security module, please check our tutorial to adjust the application.
- Fixed a problem when viewing a newly created table when creating an application with an Oracle connection.
- Fixed problem in the look of the calendar buttons.
July 18, 2023
- Added new macro sc_lookup_field.
- Added support for Column Selection and Linking between applications in grid with vertical orientation.
- Added support for password recovery in production environment.
- Added option in deployment to generate page containing a link to the initial application.
- Improved Scriptcase libraries.
Improvement in the production environment interface.
You will need to update the production environment
- Improved opening mode for downloading files from the "Document (File Name)" data type.
- Fixed problems displaying charts in applications from the Documents Library sample project.
- Fixed problem with date field format during ajax processing.
- Fixed problem when viewing blocks in a tab in the modal window of the editable grid form.
- Fixed problem in viewing the description in the lookup of numeric and zip code fields in the form.
- Fixed problem with calculator visualization on mobile devices when in form fields with horizontal orientation (multiple records and editable grids).
- Fixed problem using confirmation message on action buttons.
- Fixed problem when saving API edition in deployment environment.
- Fixed a problem when reloading the grid page when configuring the details below.
- Fixed problem when generating the diagnosis in the development environment.
- Fixed problem displaying font color on selected tab in form application.
- Fixed problem with Ajax-type action buttons in environments with PHP 8.1, when created after the first execution of the grid application.
- Fixed problem with the upload modal crashing in the image manager, after uploading the image.
- Fixed problem with returning to the login screen after accessing a project that contains an Oracle and SQL Server connection in Linux and macOS environments.
- Fixed problem with the sc_btn_disabled macro not working in the Form application.
- Fixed a problem with the connection to the database not being displayed in the interface, when opening and saving it.
- Fixed problem with the label not being aligned in the summation of the summary.
- Fixed problem with display when clicking on the calendar icon in a date and time type field in form applications.
- Fixed problem when using the calendar of the "date" field in modal in the search application. This type of view is available when the "New Calendar" option in the "date" field settings is unchecked.
- Fixed problem when using the SQL_NO_CACHE function in the grid's SQL.
- Fixed problem when using sc_change_css() macro in field with "." (point).
- Fixed error Undefined array key "t_text" when accessing the "Field Positioning" option of the Form in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed error Undefined array key "lang_subject_mail", when accessing project messages interface in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed error Connection attempt failed: SQLSTATE[42704]: Undefined object: 7 ERROR: unrecognized configuration parameter "bytea_output", when trying to connect to PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS.
- Fixed error when using the "Grand total" option in the chart application.
- Fixed problem with displaying the sc_lookup_field macro message, when it was not used, in the version with an expired upgrade.
May 22, 2023
- Added option to view the diagnosis in the production environment. We recommend deleting the info and diagnosis files in the production environment.
- Fixed tab bar and refresh button when scrolling, in project default values interface.
- Fixed error Undefined array key "b_bor_collapse", when editing blocks through advanced filter.
- Fixed problem with SQLITE database access in Database Builder.
- Fixed problem with not changing the language of the applications, when defining another default language for the project.
- Fixed problem converting projects from version 8 to version 9.
- Fixed problem when creating a calendar, using the option to create a table.
- Fixed problem in retrieving "data" type fields using the "sc_lookup" and "sc_select" macros in the Native SRV driver of the SQL SERVER connection.
- Fixed problem in viewing themes in the viewing interface, in licenses with expired upgrades.
- Fixed problem in using procedures with rollback in environments with DBLIB driver.
- Fixed problem with numeric fields in advanced filter when changing regional setting.
May 5, 2023
- Added option to reload tables and fields in field lookup.
- Added option to reload tables and fields in Dashboard index.
- Usability improvement in the fields initial values of dynamic group by.
- Fixed problem displaying errors on the console when performing a restore.
- Fixed problem with the display of sorting icons in the Summary PDF.
- Fixed problem displaying fields in the grid search tag in the mobile version.
- Fixed problem with data display when configuring group by month and year in the grid.
- Fixed problem with macro sc_vl_extenso() with application language in english.
April 27, 2023
- Added headers security options on unauthorized user pages and use password on generated applications.
Added headers options in security module applications. The options will be included when creating a new security module from this release.
Note: For the security module already created, just use the express edition to configure the security headers in the applications. For more information about security headers, please access our documentation.
- Fixed problem with confirmation button on delete file screen in internal library.
- Fixed problem when leaving the minimum value and maximum value fields empty in the data dictionary interface. An SQL error was being generated.
- Fixed problem in saving the minimum and maximum value fields in the data dictionary interface.
- Fixed problem in creating the data dictionary with the option to associate repository with connection.
April 24, 2023
- WhatsApp API (ChatApi) removed due to being discontinued.
- Fixed problem exporting PDF via email: strtolower(): Passing null to parameter.
- Fixed problem when performing search in dynamic filter and quicksearch.
- Fixed "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()" error when generating data dictionary in PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed problem in viewing the list of projects after displaying the outdated version message.
- Fixed problem in the action bar color editor when setting a color and not displaying correctly.
- Fixed Undefined array key "t_name" error when accessing label type field settings.
- Fixed problem with alignment of ordering icons in vertical grid.
- Fixed problem when saving the "Hint" option in the properties of a "field" link.
- Fixed state non-persistence issue when updating "Date display position" and "Display date format" options in the default values interface.
- Fixed problem with quicksearch and navigation buttons not being displayed in the "form_sec_users_apps" application in the security modules per application and LDAP with full control.
- Fixed error of Undefined array key "cod_grp" when performing a manual installation using the Mysql database.
- Fixed problem with mobile resource definition loss in the Scriptcase interface after importing projects.
- Fixed Undefined array key "css_btn_list_new" error when accessing the "Themes for buttons" option.
- Fixed problem with the shortcut key for the new button in the edit link, if the option to use shortcut keys is activated.
April 11, 2023
- Added new option to compress files before sending in SFTP publishing.
- Fixed problem with button group option in action bar when loading grid quicksearch.
- Fixed error with array key "nm_lang_locale" in "Subselect" field configuration in ReportPdf application on PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed error 2 = Undefined array key "display_position" in grid application.
- Fixed problem with displaying the "check" icon in the grid "Run" button. The icon was being shown 2x.
- Fixed problem with viewing the "check" icon on the action bar button. The icon was being displayed 2x.
- Fixed problem displaying the "check" icon on buttons being called through the display macros in the menu application. The icon was being displayed 2x.
- Fixed problem with executing the Ajax button created from the action button when using the macro "sc_link" in the Onrecord event of the grid. The button code was not being executed.
- Fixed problem of not styling the group label in nested grids.
- Fixed menu creation problem in PHP 7.0 and 7.3 environments.
- Fixed problem when viewing new tables in the data dictionary when the "save metadata cache to disk" option is enabled.
- Fixed problem in express creation when checking the option to generate source code.
- Fixed error when saving change in group by fields.
- Fixed "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getColumnMeta()" when using the macro sc_select() in a PHP method called by a field of type HTML Image with Ajax event.
- Fixed "access array offset" error when creating security module.
- Fixed problem when closing grid with filter in a capture link.
- Fixed Undefined array key "pub_sftp_zip_file" error on the publication type selection screen.
- Fixed problem with fixed label when fixed toolbar option is active.
- Fixed problem with missing some files when publishing via SFTP, with the option "Compress files before sending" unchecked.
- Fixed missing lang of the "Highlight results" option in express editing.
March 24, 2023
- Added option to display chart configuration of grid fields as an icon or keep the buttons.
- Added visual customization of grid field titles.
- Added fixed toolbar in grid.
- Added aggregation of rating fields in summary.
- Added display of rating fields in grid group by.
- Added field grouping option in the grid.
- Added confirmation message option in the visual configuration of the button in the action bar.
- Added button grouping option in action bar.
- Added button option in button visual setting in action bar.
- Added label configuration option in action bar column.
- Improved performance in the creation of applications, using the Oracle connection.
- Improved visual when creating a new langs folder.
Improved connection performance.
Note: If the new version is updated manually, it will be necessary to apply the permissions in the Scriptcase directory. - Improved internal library interface.
- Improved visual in the notification of saving changes in the interface.
- Visual improvement in the field grouping sorting dropdown on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem when editing the application when the auto save option was activated.
- Fixed problem when synchronizing the form with the option to save metadata cache on disk enabled.
- Fixed Undefined array key "mysql_ssl_cipher" error in MySQL connection when using SSL in PHP 8.1 environments.
- Fixed SQL errors during source code generation of example CRM project with Firebird database.
- Fixed SQL errors when generating the Documents Library project source code, with PostgreSQL and SQLite databases.
- Fixed issue with Excel export crashing in the grid, due to the formatting of "percent" type fields.
- Fixed an error that failed to compile in applications that had a friendly URL, at the end of the publication generation done through the "Publish" button at the end of the source code generation.
- Fixed problem in Healthcare Project created with SQLIte database.
- Fixed a problem when creating applications in the Access type connection, when using a table column with the reserved word "MOD".
- Fixed problem when creating the form, using the "Foreign key optimization" option and the MySQLi connection.
- Fixed problem in the "Value range" option for numeric values in the summary filter. The typing component was not created.
- Fixed problem when selecting ODBC connection in SQL Server, Oracle, Db2 and Sybase connections. The connection driver was not being listed.
- Fixed problem when importing example projects using MySQL connection.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "SCEOT" in the modal of WORD and RTF exports in the chart applications.
- Fixed "Undefined array key" and "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" errors when accessing some options for editing application themes.
- Fixed errors of Undefined array key "summary_export_xml_pwd_pwd" and "label_watermarked" in grid application, when using PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed error "foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given", which occurred when creating Generic ODBC connections.
- Fixed "Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function sc_logged()" error, which occurred when trying to login with 2-factor authentication using the email API.
- Fixed SQL errors when generating the source code of the Onlineshop sample project with a MySQL database.
- Fixed problem with not displaying the rating field icons (star, smile and thumbs), when printing the Grid and the Summary.
- Fixed Undefined array key "display" error, which occurred after saving some application themes at the public level.
- Fixed error of Undefined array key "display", when editing menu application in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function initialize_arrays() on null, when executing the procedure using the SQL SERVER connection.
- Fixed "Internal Server Error" and missing files when publishing projects via SFTP.
- Fixed problem when saving the nested grid interface in a license without entitlement.
- Fixed problem in grid Ajax events when using SQL fields with JOIN between tables.
- Fixed Undefined array key "hint" error in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem of display red background when converting menu type.
- Fixed problem when creating blocks in the application with the auto save option activated.
- Fixed a problem when viewing the options selected in the express edition of applications.
- Fixed problem with ordering grouped fields with fixed label deactivated.
- Fixed problem when accessing the project with connection failure. The scriptcase was logged out.
- Fixed problem with displaying the "Back to top position" option in express editing.
- Fixed error when saving changes in the field on group by.
- Fixed "Use Security" option not working in express edition.
March 23, 2023
- Added label configuration option in action bar column.
- Added button option in button visual setting in action bar.
- Added button grouping option in action bar.
- Added confirmation message option in the visual configuration of the button in the action bar.
- Added field grouping option in the grid.
- Added display of rating fields in grid group by.
- Added aggregation of rating fields in summary.
- Added fixed toolbar in grid.
- Added visual customization of grid field titles.
- Added option to display chart configuration of grid fields as an icon or keep the buttons.
- Improved visual in the notification of saving changes in the interface.
- Improved internal library interface.
Improved connection performance.
Note: If the new version is updated manually, it will be necessary to apply the permissions in the Scriptcase directory. - Improved visual when creating a new langs folder.
- Improved performance in the creation of applications, using the Oracle connection.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "SCEOT" in the modal of WORD and RTF exports in the chart applications.
- Fixed problem when importing example projects using MySQL connection.
- Fixed problem when selecting ODBC connection in SQL Server, Oracle, Db2 and Sybase connections. The connection driver was not being listed.
- Fixed "Undefined array key" and "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" errors when accessing some options for editing application themes.
- Fixed errors of Undefined array key "summary_export_xml_pwd_pwd" and "label_watermarked" in grid application, when using PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed error "foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given", which occurred when creating Generic ODBC connections.
- Fixed "Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function sc_logged()" error, which occurred when trying to login with 2-factor authentication using the email API.
- Fixed SQL errors when generating the source code of the Onlineshop sample project with a MySQL database.
- Fixed problem with not displaying the rating field icons (star, smile and thumbs), when printing the Grid and the Summary.
- Fixed Undefined array key "display" error, which occurred after saving some application themes at the public level.
- Fixed error of Undefined array key "display", when editing menu application in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function initialize_arrays() on null, when executing the procedure using the SQL SERVER connection.
- Fixed "Internal Server Error" and missing files when publishing projects via SFTP.
- Fixed problem in the "Value range" option for numeric values in the summary filter. The typing component was not created.
- Fixed problem when creating the form, using the "Foreign key optimization" option and the MySQLi connection.
- Fixed a problem when creating applications in the Access type connection, when using a table column with the reserved word "MOD".
- Fixed problem in Healthcare Project created with SQLIte database.
- Fixed an error that failed to compile in applications that had a friendly URL, at the end of the publication generation done through the "Publish" button at the end of the source code generation.
- Fixed issue with Excel export crashing in the grid, due to the formatting of "percent" type fields.
- Fixed SQL errors when generating the Documents Library project source code, with PostgreSQL and SQLite databases.
- Fixed SQL errors during source code generation of example CRM project with Firebird database.
- Fixed Undefined array key "mysql_ssl_cipher" error in MySQL connection when using SSL in PHP 8.1 environments.
January 19, 2023
- Fixed problem with outdated display of project messages on the submission screen to Scriptcase.
- Fixed problem when navigating between folders in the project's message interface, after displaying an alert about unsaved changes.
- Fixed problem with filter buttons being displayed when there are no records found in subqueries with Iframe.
- Fixed problem with the sc_btn_disable and sc_btn_label macros not working, when the button is created with a space.
- Fixed problem in the control application when using the sc_error_message macro and enabling the "Script error" option in settings.
- Fixed problem when deleting autocomplete type records when using grid fields in forms.
January 12, 2023
- Added support for resizing message inputs in the Application Translation tool.
- Added option to open div below or in modal in express editing and default values.
- Added "Available Fields" and "Selected Fields" titles in the drag and drop boxes of the ordering, columns and select fields of the export in general, in grid application.
- Fixed issue when deleting project message indexes that contain spaces in the name.
- Fixed problem with missing libraries in the installer for Linux 64 bits.
- Fixed problem using ajax events after reloading a grid with full paging defined.
January 3, 2023
- Improved layout of table and dictionary deletion alerts in project data dictionary.
- Fixed "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" error when generating security module in environments with license without upgrade.
- Fixed problem in Position option of SweetAlert using Toast in express edition.
- Fixed problem in Excel export generation, when using the sc_actionbar_disable macro in events.
- Fixed problem when configuring a group by by month and year and sorting by day.
- Fixed "Undefined array key" error when generating the calendar application, in the PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem in the visualization of the "Timepicker" component of the hour field, next to the html editor field.
- Fixed width problem in the columns of the save grid block, when the grid had many fields.
- Fixed problem displaying the record using the MSSQL Server database uniqueidentifier data type.
- Fixed problem with not compiling applications that had a friendly URL, at the end of publication generation.
December 26, 2022
- Added quicksearch for searching indexes in the Translate Applications tool.
- Added fixed bar on project list screen with vertical orientation.
- Added show/hide password icon on login and license registration screens.
- Added Error Position option in Express Edit.
- Added Display Field Error option in a modal in Express Edit.
- Added Error Timeout option in Express Edit.
- Added Display Date Format option in Express Edit and Default Values.
- Added Date Display Position option in Express Edit and Default Values.
- Added Show Message option in Express Edit.
- Improved project message translation interface.
- Improved project data dictionary interface.
- Fixed problem with displaying ordering icons, on the fixed bar of the project's list of applications, on screens with lower resolutions or after window resizing.
- Fixed problem in maintaining the ordering state of the applications in the interface after closing the application's tab.
- Fixed problem in buttons interface after project conversion from v8 to v9.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array when creating buttons in converted applications.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Serialization of 'LDAP\Connection' in LDAP security module login screen.
- Fixed grid sorting problem when using the MEDIUMINT data type in MySQL.
- Fixed problem when inserting images/documents containing accents in the multi-upload field in the SQLServer database. The error only occurred when the option Conversion from charset to UTF8 by database was disabled in the project.
- Fixed problem when renaming folders with numerals in project messages.
December 13, 2022
- Added protection to not create buttons using parentheses.
- Added new "Last Accessed" column in the interface of all projects in List mode.
- Fixed problem with alignment of totals when changing the placement of action buttons.
- Fixed problem with Grid navigation when using the sc_change_css macro.
- Fixed problem in connection definition when publishing example projects.
- Fixed views of Mssql Server connections "Native Srv" and "Native SRV PDO" in Linux and Mac development environments. The connections will only be visualized when the extensions are enabled in the environment.
- Fixed the visualization of Mssql Server connections in the production environment. You will need to update the production environment.
- Fixed a Javascript error when exporting the grid for printing, using a nested grid link.
- Fixed problem in viewing the code in the Ajax event button, created through the action bar, when making a change to the grid's SQL.
- Fixed problem when accessing detail module in grid application using sc_change_css macro in PHP 7.3.
- Fixed connection error with MSSQL Server Native SRV PDO driver in production environment.
- Fixed problem when using the same nested grid name in the target application.
- Fixed problem with Undefined array key "t_collapse" when accessing the "Blocks" option in the Form, in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed problem in exporting Excel in grids that have nested grid, when the Excel option was set to "No" in the nested grid.
- Fixed problem in log generation in French and Italian languages.
- Fixed problem when generating project source code by choosing outdated application options.
- Fixed alignment of the font awesome icon on the application button if it is displayed without a label.
- Fixed problem with Undefined variable $tbapl_Texto_Size_Header in grid generation.
- Fixed a problem when searching the filter in the chart, using the Slider type option.
- Fixed problem when activating dynamic totaling option in configuration of group by in grid application.
November 29, 2022
- Added payment API (Stripe).
- Added payment API (Braintree).
- Added payment API (Mercado pago).
- Added field type Rating Smile.
- Added field type Rating Thumbs.
- Added Font Awesome support in "Rating" type field setting.
- Added integration with Google Sheets in form applications.
- Added action bar for grid applications.
- Added support for iframe in the nested grid, allowing to execute all the functionality of the grid.
- Added preseeding for foreign key in data dictionary columns.
- Added foreign key improvement option in Scriptcase settings, making it easier to define lookups in grids and forms.
- Added sc_change_css() macro for grid application.
- Added hint option for "Star" Rating fields.
- Fixed problem displaying the cursor for typing when using "Select2" with the search area.
- Fixed a problem with displaying the unsaved changes message in forms that contain the Signature field.
- Fixed problem when using the "select2" option with multiple values.
November 24, 2022
- Added payment API (Stripe).
- Added payment API (Braintree).
- Added payment API (Mercado pago).
- Added field type Rating Smile.
- Added field type Rating Thumbs.
- Added Font Awesome support in "Rating" type field setting.
- Added integration with Google Sheets in form applications.
- Added action bar for grid applications.
- Added support for iframe in the nested grid, allowing to execute all the functionality of the grid.
- Added preseeding for foreign key in data dictionary columns.
- Added foreign key improvement option in Scriptcase settings, making it easier to define lookups in grids and forms.
- Added sc_change_css() macro for grid application.
- Added hint option for "Star" Rating fields.
- Added sc_actionbar_state macro in the grid action bar.
- Added sc_actionbar_disable macro in the grid action bar.
- Added sc_actionbar_show macro in the grid action bar.
- Added sc_actionbar_clicked_state macro in the grid action bar.
- Added sc_actionbar_enable macro in the grid action bar.
- Added sc_actionbar_hide macro in the grid action bar.
- Improved the layout of the Google Sheets API interface in the production environment.
- Fixed problem using action buttons when there is no link between applications and the detail module enabled in the grid.
- Fixed problem when using uppercase fields in the form inclusion, using the Google Sheets api.
- Problem in viewing log module events in the application.
- Fixed error of Undefined array key "name" in button creation interface.
- Fixed problem when navigating between records when using subquery with iframe in Slide type orientation.
November 22, 2022
- Added payment API (Stripe).
- Added payment API (Braintree).
- Added payment API (Mercado pago).
- Added field type Rating Smile.
- Added field type Rating Thumbs.
- Added Font Awesome support in "Rating" type field setting.
- Added integration with Google Sheets in form applications.
- Added action bar for grid applications.
- Added the macros sc_actionbar_state(), sc_actionbar_clicked_state(), sc_actionbar_enable(), sc_actionbar_disable(), sc_actionbar_show(), sc_actionbar_hide(), in the grid action bar.
- Added support for iframe in the nested grid, allowing to execute all the functionality of the grid.
- Added preseeding for foreign key in data dictionary columns.
- Added foreign key improvement option in Scriptcase settings, making it easier to define lookups in grids and forms.
- Fixed problem with simultaneous selection of the Generate ZIP and Tar.Gz options with applications in typical publication, when selecting the Linux OS.
- Fixed problem in the signature field in the Grid, when the record was inserted in the form with the signature field empty.
- Fixed "Parse error: syntax error" when selecting fields for refined filter in queries that have "alias" in SQL, in PostgreSQL connections.
- Fixed problem when totaling a field two or more times in the Grid.
- Fixed problem in duplication of the "Documents Directory" field in the advanced publication directories step.
- Fixed a problem when creating a Grid with customizable SQL in PostgreSQL connections.
- Fixed "2 = Undefined array key 1" in Query source code generation in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed Fatal error: require_once on field binding, when configured to start by search.
November 14, 2022
- Fixed problem when viewing the source code generation of outdated applications.
November 1, 2022
- Added context menu to projects in "Gallery" and "List" modes, with shortcut options pertaining to the project.
- Added new interface for project deletion.
- Added option to create example database in the database tab, when creating a blank project.
- Fixed problem with displaying duplicate icons in the ordering columns of the application list.
- Fixed problem with sc_field_disabled macro when used in auto-complete text fields with select2 enabled.
- Fixed code execution problem in Master/Detail application when there are no records.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string + int when accessing grid summary.
- Fixed Undefined array key "use_login_template" error when generating the security module, when using the option to use social networks.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array in chart application, in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Attempt to assign property "Db" on null in grid application, in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string - int in the grid summary execution, in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Undefined array key "machine" when accessing "My Scriptcase" interface in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem when using Slider in numeric type virtual fields in the control application.
- Fixed problem using the sc_date_dif 2 macro when the date difference corresponds to 28 days.
- Fixed "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" error when generating LDAP security module.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_keys(), when accessing "recent" folder of project applications.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "nmMenuAppLayers" not found, when accessing the "Layers" option of the menu application.
- Fixed problem when returning to the previous application, in master/detail calls, accessing on mobile.
October 21, 2022
- Added PostgreSQL version 15 support.
- Fixed problem when inserting data n the field of type "Signature", in SQL Server connections.
- Fixed problem with undefined array key "webhelp" in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem when using global variable as statement of the WHERE clause of the form.
- Fixed problem with PDF export in forms with HTML editor field.
- Fixed problem in the totalization view when using fixed label in the grid.
- Fixed problem in displaying the totalization label, with custom style in the summary.
- Fixed problem with Undefined array key "MgCd2" error when generating a grid application in environments with PHP 8.1.
- Fixed problem with fatal error in the chart application using the dimension with date "Days of the week", when the user's license type is Annual Subscription: Scriptcase 9 Professional.
- Fixed problem with variable not defined in Javascript console, when accessing form application.
- Fixed problem with option to show all records on one page.
- Fixed problem with file generation when publishing project without libraries and common files.
- Fixed time indication in project publishing.
October 13, 2022
- Added Font Awesome icons for sorting columns in the app list fixed label.
- Fixed problem when saving zero value in initial interface configuration.
- Fixed problem when executing the SQL of the chart application, when configuring a WHERE condition in SQL along with the filter.
- Fixed problem in updating records in NVARCHAR columns with SQLite connection.
- Fixed problem with blank theme input support in button theme setting in express edition.
- Fixed problem with displaying the last application in the application list interface.
- Fixed application list fixed label display issue after page scrolling.
- Fixed problem in the css of the titles of the interface when performing a search.
- Fixed problem in the execution of the created buttons, being added in the upper and lower toolbar.
- Fixed "sc_lookup" and "sc_select" macros synthase problem. A semicolon (;) was generated in the wrong place.
October 5, 2022
- Added the fixed label in the application's home interface.
- Fixed problem in displaying mandatory fields marker in multiple records and editable grid forms.
- Fixed crash problem when uploading images with PNG extension in the Images manager, in Linux and Mac environments.
- Fixed problem with the button link, in the options to open the application in another window and in another tab.
- Fixed problem when notifying discarded changes in HTML Editor fields of the form.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Non-static method nmApplication::HasBackup() when restoring application in PHP 8.1 environment interface.
- Fixed problem loading images in HTML Editor type field.
- Fixed Undefined array key "app" error in application generation in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Undefined array key "app" error in application generation in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function each, when using PostgreSQL 7 or above connection in PHP 8.1 environment.
September 27, 2022
- Added new option to change theme of application buttons, in express edition.
- Fixed error_profile_test_module on connection, with Oracle drivers 8 and 8.0.5 or above, in production environment.
- Fixed problem with assigning "Data" type field to variables, when the "Use ComboBox" option is enabled.
- Fixed problem when saving duplicate file with new name in internal library.
- Fixed "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" error when adding a lang in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem displaying inputs with numbers above three digits in Database Builder.
- Fixed "undefined array key" error in PHP 8.1 environment when accessing layout configuration, in form app.
- Fixed search behavior in the refined filter, when searching using the "See all" option.
- Fixed problem when importing a versioned project, using the PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem when assigning a value to a totalization variable of a virtual field.
- Fixed problem when using the "disable field" option in the multiple record form.
- Fixed crash problem after deleting a virtual field in the application.
- Fixed problem with sc_label macro when passing, as a parameter, a variable with a string value that starts with a capital letter.
- Fixed problem when using advanced search, along with a virtual field in the summary total.
- Fixed error when using the "sc_block_display" macro in the grid slide orientation, in the PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed fatal error when choosing a product for the table in the Restaurant example project.
September 20, 2022
- Added search box in the "Table Name" field in the Dashboard application's index creation interface.
- Added table search box in SQL creation in field lookup.
- Fixed problem when creating security module in Italian and French languages.
- Fixed problem saving JavaScript methods after code changes.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal offset type in isset or empty, in advanced publishing in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem with "Select all" button in refined filter modal.
- Fixed problem when downloading the file in the form using the ISO-8859-1 charset.
- Fixed problem when downloading the file using the Google Drive API.
Fixed problem when downloading files using the Amazon S3 API.
You will need to configure the already installed PHP 8.1 environment. - Fixed "Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable" error in Excel import.
- Fixed problem of not deleting master/detail of Form applications imported from previous versions.
- Fixed problem in the size of the text font input preview in the field settings in the Report Pdf application, in the Firefox browser.
- Fixed problem when applying dynamic filter on a Form with conditions in the WHERE clause.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: strpos(): Argument #1 ($haystack) must be of type string, in Report Pdf application in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem with input display when inserting content in SC_HEADER header parameter, VALUE type, in the grid interface.
- Fixed problem with foreign key equal to 0 (zero) in the NxN relationship table in the Form.
- Fixed "Deprecated: substr(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated" error when creating a connection in PHP 8.1 production environment.
- Fixed problem with sending SMS using the sc_send_sms macro.
- Fixed problem in line break in vertical and slide grids.
September 13, 2022
Adjustments in the online shop example project, using the Mysql database.
Note: You will need to import the project. -
Fixed error when deleting last form record from Helpdesk sample project.
Note: You will need to import the project. - Fixed problem with displaying asterisk in required fields when marking as not displayed, in marker position.
- Fixed problem with modal when trying to close it by clicking the "exit" button of the application.
- Fixed undefined array key "dbms" error in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed error when saving advanced grid filter with special characters.
- Fixed problem when saving a theme other than "SC9_" in applications, in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Undefined array key "nmgp_opc_soma_col" error in grid generation, in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Undefined array key errors "c_width", "t_height", "t_align_vert" and "contr_columns" in grid generation, in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Undefined array key "filldogname" and "nmgp_opc_soma_col" error in form generation, in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem when using multi-upload field configured as Read-only.
- Fixed problem with setting the "Default Application" option in the menu when the linked application is renamed.
- Fixed problem with "Exit" and "Cancel" buttons not showing when the detail form is marked to use modal in editing and inserting.
September 8, 2022
- Added search box in the "Table" field in the creation interface of the Form and Calendar applications.
- Fixed Undefined variable $str_dir_img error in menu application source generation, in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Undefined array key "refresh" error in source generation of grid application, in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Fatal error: Unsupported operand types: string - int, when using manual lookup of type "Multiple position values" in form application, in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed error in the warning of the Group Label option in the Form.
- Fixed error when using manual lookup Multiple values (binary) in applications with field type BIT.
- Fixed "Invalid Data" message display when inserting empty records in select fields in the form.
- Fixed problem when viewing navigation buttons when using the sc_btn_display macro in the onLoad event.
- Fixed "Optional parameter $type declared before required parameter $bol_serialize" error in Access connection, in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed Undefined array key "type" error in source generation of grid application, in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed an error in the browser console, when calling the "fontawesome.css" file in the scriptcase interface.
- Fixed problem in generating Appointments example system in Sqlite and Mysql databases.
- Fixed problem in generating the Restaurant example system in Sqlite and Mysql databases.
September 1, 2022
- Fixed "Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: preg_match_all()" in project search interface when selecting "Words" and "All" options.
- Fixed problem passing parameter of sc_ajax_message macro when "Use SweetAlert" option is enabled.
- Fixed problem when using abbreviated value option in the grid summary.
- Fixed problem when informing the initial value in the form interface. The error only occurred in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem when using spaces in the name of a saved state of the advanced search of the grid.
- Fixed problem with "Back" button losing property after opening another application in a new tab.
- Fixed problem in the list of projects logged in the interface with the Russian language.
- Fixed error: Undefined variable $contr_colunas, when using the sc_field_style macro in the grid configured with the SLIDE orientation in PHP 8.1.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: strcasecmp(), when performing the search grid on double select, checkbox and select multiple values fields in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem of not displaying the record right after insertion in a master/detail form with the detail configured to be displayed in a modal when editing and inserting.
- Fixed problem in displaying virtual field masks in ReportPDF application.
- Fixed problem with sending email function on export.
- Fixed problem with Bubble chart visualization.
August 25, 2022
- Added field lookup support with "ignore accent" enabled.
- Fixed problem when configuring API in production environment in PHP 8.1.
- Fixed Undefined array key "encryption" error when creating security module with LDAP.
- Fixed Undefined array key "concat" error.
- Fixed undefined array key "arr_tipo_sql_look" error.
- Fixed problem with label configuration and reload button hint on toolbar.
- Fixed charset error when saving grid state.
- Fixed problem in calendar event view using MySQL connection.
- Fixed undefined variable $embedded_in_line_pdf.
- Fixed problem with comma handling in the message parameter of the sc_mail_send macro.
- Fixed "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function is_countable()" in the "pivot_table" application of the Samples project in environments with PHP 7.0.
- Fixed problem when using the "sc_api_download" macro in the "run" type button.
Fixed displaying "FusionCharts trial" message in chart applications.
Note: It is necessary to generate and republish the chart applications for the modification to take effect. It will not be necessary to update the production environment. - Fixed problem when viewing the label filter in the grid.
- Fixed problem with label visualization in manual "lookup" in group by.
- Fixed problem when using summary filter together with virtual fields in the total.
- Fixed "Template Error: set_root: /opt/NetMake/v9-php73/wwwroot/scriptcase/devel/conf/grp/onlineShop/tpl/header/elegant_onlineshopping is not a directory" error in onlineShop project source code generation.
- Fixed problem when configuring HTML printing to also print the graphic.
- Fixed overlapping problem with fixed labels in the output modal in debug mode.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: method_exists, when using file upload with storage API.
- Fixed problem in viewing ajax output with fixed columns in the grid.
- Fixed Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported, in the "form_add_users" application generated by the security module. It is necessary to recreate the security module.
- Fixed Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported, in the "app_retrieve_pswd" application generated by the security module. It is necessary to recreate the security module.
- Fixed problem when uploading files in the "Image Manager" interface, using the PHP 8.1 environment.
August 18, 2022
- Added "Ignore accents" option in the filter configuration interface. The option to ignore accents considers accented and unaccented versions of letters to be identical for filtering purposes. Option available only for PostgreSQL type connection.
- Fixed error "Trying to access array offset on value of type null 4070" error.
- Fixed error "Undefined array key 160" error.
- Fixed problem when logging out of scriptcase, when accessing the Database Builder tool.
- Fixed problem in creating the data dictionary, using the Postgres connection.
- Fixed error "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_magic_quotes_gpc()", when using "conditions" tab in SQL Builder.
- Fixed problem with zero value being returned as empty.
- Fixed problem when adding langs and global variables in Form fields watermark.
- Fixed problem in totaling using virtual field, being totalized through onGroupByAll event.
- Fixed problem when viewing the calendar in the date field in the dynamic search.
- Fixed problem when configuring API in production environment in PHP 8.1 environment.
- Fixed problem with lookup of break fields in licenses with expired upgrade.
- Fixed view of link to tables in Database Builder.
- Fixed problem with refined search when using percentage type field.
- Fixed charset error in scriptcase diagnosis.
- Fixed problem when inserting record in double select field.
August 11, 2022
- Fixed problem when creating project in Italian language.
- Fixed problem when using single quotes in the watermark of Form fields.
- Fixed problem connecting to DB2 database using DB2 driver.
August 8, 2022
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: inarray() when performing quick search and dynamic filter.
- Fixed "A non-numeric value encountered" error in devel\generator\nm_gp_consulta_prep.php 668, when using '%' symbol in table width.
August 4, 2022
- Added support for PHP 8.1 environments with Source Guardian.
- Fixed problem when accessing SQL Server connections in Database Builder.
- Fixed problem when synchronizing tables in the form.
June 21, 2022
- Fixed issue in the Application List interface of tab applications.
June 15, 2022
- Removed "get_magic_quotes_gpc" function call in PHP 7.4 environment. The function has been removed from versions 7.4 or higher.
- Fixed issue when uploading with filename containing "ç" in projects with ISO8859-1 charset
June 7, 2022
- Fixed problem in displaying background color of "Mac" layout in menu application.
- Fixed problem with use theme background flag in menu application.
- Fixed problem in displaying iframe properties in application links opening in modal.
- Fixed problem in Excel export, when the title of the total contained a global variable.
- Fixed problem in setting the width of layers in the menu.
- Fixed problem when using tab navigation in menu applications.
June 1, 2022
- Added support to hide grid detail header via sc_head_hide macro.
- Fixed problem in displaying grouped buttons after search result without records in grid.
- Fixed problem in image preview when informing file upload using the storage API. The error occurred when using the same file name with different content.
- Fixed problem with horizontal menu alignment.
- Fixed problem when viewing the link application opening in iframe in a mobile grid.
- Fixed problem with Quicksearch overlapping in grid when using advanced search label.
- Fixed problem in the "label" view when selecting the calendar from the date field. The error only occurred on horizontal forms.
- Fixed problem with horizontal alignment of the advanced search, when configuring and having an effect on the grid.
- Fixed problem when displaying the title and collapse icon in the slide grid block on mobile.
- Fixed problem after criticizing required fields in the last step of the form.
- Fixed problem in shortcut to image directory for label icon on forms in advanced theme mode.
- Fixed problem when viewing dropdown fields from mobile.
- Fixed problem when viewing images in grid on mobile.
May 19, 2022
- Added option to view the steps form on mobile. Option available in Layout : Pages.
- Added options to remove header, footer, border and margin from master/detail links.
- Added options to remove header, footer, border and margin in grid details opening in iframe.
- Added options to remove header, footer, border and margin from grid links and forms opening in iframe and modal.
- Added new sc_head_hide and sc_foot_hide macros.
- Fixed problem when viewing select2 in form fields on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem when closing capture application after registration selection on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem with editable grid (view) form modal on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem when viewing the "date" field in the dashboard application index, using the DBLIB connection.
- Fixed "Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function", when performing the totalization of a virtual field configured with lookup.
- Fixed problem with block title display in advanced search when the option to display block title is unchecked.
- Fixed problem in validating group by, when selecting the automatic lookup method without informing the SQL command.
- Fixed problem in displaying the header of an application redirected by the edit link when using mobile optimizations.
- Fixed problem with Progress PDO connection failure.
- Fixed problem in display of fixed label in "Select" column of applications with capture link.
- Fixed problem in quicksearch result, using fields with reserved words or protected by double quotes.
- Fixed problem when using the "date" field calendar in modal, in versions 8 and 9 themes. This type of visualization is available when the "New Calendar" option in the "date" field settings is deselected.
May 9, 2022
- Added fixed column and form ordering options in express edition of applications.
- Fixed problem when in Quicksearch using the Progress connection.
- Fixed error Call to undefined function nm_psq_liga_cons, when running a grid application with the filter module disabled and the fields in quicksearch selected.
- Fixed problem in generating PDF in Alma Linux 8.5 environment.
- Fixed problem in synchronizing data dictionary langs in applications that have group by.
- Fixed problem when viewing edit buttons on horizontal forms on mobile.
- Fixed a problem with the fixed label working on mobile horizontal forms.
- Fixed problem with text preview in mobile vertical grids (using more than one column per page).
- Fixed problem with displaying the height of form page tabs on mobile.
- Fixed problem in displaying records in xls and xlsx export in grid applications with nested grids and left text alignment.
- Fixed problem with initial value in the filter when configuring with zero.
- Fixed issue of overlapping menu application theme color by project theme color.
April 27, 2022
- Added option to "Display progress bar" in PDF export setting in chart application. The user will be able to choose whether or not to display the progress bar when generating the PDF. This will only be done when the "Generate PDF Directly" option is enabled.
- Added new property of the link "Open in another browser tab", in the links of the grid application.
- Fixed Fatal error: Call to undefined method :gera_icone() when enabling the "Icon" option in document type virtual fields in grid applications.
- Fixed problem with browser window opening when enabling "Display progress bar" option. From this release, the pdf will be generated in another browser tab.
- Fixed problem displaying discarded changes message when using signature type field in forms.
- Fixed problem with loading the HTML editor when browsing editable grid forms.
- Fixed conflict problem using the same field name with Scriptcase's internal function.
- Fixed problem in displaying the modal window in the application toolbar button group interface.
- Fixed problem with displaying "Print" and "Horizontal Line" buttons in the HTML Editor.
- Fixed problem with the height of the HTML editor when the field is configured to be displayed on a form page.
- Fixed problem in displaying grid fields in the side menu of the interface even after the option is disabled in the form.
April 13, 2022
- Added new option within the PDF Grid export to include a progress bar for following the data export.
- Field “HTML Editor” updated with mobile support, new HTML, new options, and faster rendering on screen. (You will need to update the production environment)
- Added fixed columns in the Form application (multiple records, editable grid, and editable grid view).
- Editable Grid view horizontal form’s type with editing and inclusion option using a modal window.
- Added selection of fields that will be part of the editable grid (view), allowing different configuration of form fields.
- Added new sorting icon types options on forms (set by theme or Font Awesome).
- Changed the text content of the advanced, dynamic and summary filter buttons to "Reset", in the English language.
- Fixed problem in onGroupByAll event when performing calculations on fields.
- Fixed problem when viewing the grid and summary export modules when the initial module was configured for PDF.
- Fixed problem with Z-index of the option to save grid that was behind the application label.
- Fixed problem when saving the option "Definition of the fields that will be displayed in the group by" in the group by field configuration.
- Fixed problem in totaling a virtual field with negative values.
- Fixed problem when viewing chart themes in the grid fields interface.
- Fixed JS problem when using named fields with reserved words.
- Fixed Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '\' (T_NS_SEPARATOR), expecting identifier (T_STRING), when using global variables in "where" clause using JOIN in SQL. The error occurred when selecting some fields in the refined filter.
- Fixed error when running application with theme for button that contains quote.
- Fixed problem with lifetime setting of files in tmp directory.
March 19, 2022
- Fixed PHP error in array_map() and array_fill_keys() Expected parameter, when using tcpdf library in blank application.
- Fixed problem in field mask for different phone digits in the grid.
- Fixed problem when adding the same regional setting using different charsets in the project language.
- Fixed problem with refined filter when filtering a field with empty value in postgresql.
March 14, 2022
- Fixed Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(int)' (int) (T_INT_CAST) in grid and chart applications if using only one dimension.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function initializeFixedColumnsSummary, when enabling fixed column option in summary.
March 4, 2022
- Fixed problem with sorting when grid has an INNER JOIN.
- Fixed problem with fixed column when using nested grid configured with display below records.
- Fixed problem in the option "fix column of options", when the detail module was disabled.
- Fixed problem when using the "sc_redir" macro using the target as "modal" in the search application.
February 24, 2022
- Fixed problem when making changes to the grid sorting tab.
- Fixed problem displaying refined search labels in grid when exporting PDF.
- Fixed error in the fix log when setting a directory in open_basedir.
- Fixed Fatal error: Cannot redeclare initializeFixedColumnsGrid() when using fixed columns option in nested grid application.
- Fixed problem displaying refined search labels after loading saved grid state.
February 21, 2022
- Added fixed columns in the grid, freezes the data of the column during the horizontal scroll.
- Added option to customize sort icons on field labels in grids.
- Fixed problem with grid label overlapping on search label.
- Fixed problem in console in the grid.
January 25, 2022
- Fixed problem in tab colors on pages in the form.
- Fixed problem with displaying bottom edge of last tile in Google Chrome browser.
- Fixed error display problem in grid when removing radio type field from advanced search.
- Fixed problem using the escaped comma in the hint parameter of the sc_link macro.
- Fixed problem in displaying ajax events in grid fields after refined search.
- Fixed problem with displaying Font Awesome icons on form buttons when using RTL languages.
January 3, 2022
- Fixed problem with help indexes in the interface.
- Fixed problem in creating FTP publishing directories without common libraries.
December 29, 2021
- Fixed problem on the searching of the "select" field in the dynamic filter, when the field was not available in the advanced filter.
- Fixed issue with displaying refined filter on mobile when "start as" option is collapsed.
December 22, 2021
- Added the functions "scHideUserField" and "scShowUserField" to enable or hide fields in the html control application through the macro "sc_field_display". NOTE: The documentation of the new functions is available in the application itself through the "CHECK" button.
- Fixed issue when starting the search in the tag filter.
- Fixed problem sending the email from the application "app_form_add_users" in the security module. It will be necessary to recreate the module.
- Fixed the login html templates in the external samples project library. The templates were modified to enable or hide the fields according to the settings informed in the security module.
December 16, 2021
- Mobile optimized panel for the grid´s details module.
- Mobile options added within the express edit.
- Mobile bottom toolbar within the filter, detail, summary, and control module/applications.
- Fixed problem with the refined filter collapse/expand option, with the filter module unchecked.
- Fixed problem with layout when exporting the chart application.
- Fixed problem in the fixed label that was duplicated in the mobile grid application.
- Fixed problem in the fixed label that was displayed above the refined filter button in the mobile grid application.
- Fixed problem in the login html template in the external project samples library. The templates were modified for the new security module fields.
- Fixed problem when using capture link with special character in the captured field value.
- Fixed problem when opening quicksearch dropdown in form applications using mobile devices.
- Fixed problem in updating the procedure in the Editable Grid View form. The value was not being updated.
- Fixed problem when editing or deleting the example Business project.
- Fixed problem in form printing export with mobile optimization.
- Fixed problem when viewing the toolbar of applications from the security module on mobile. It will be necessary to recreate the module.
- Fixed problem in the "cancel" button in the "grid save" with the mobile option disabled.
December 2, 2021
- Added option to select year and month in mobile calendar.
- Added option to generate mobile toolbar as simplified or full.
- Optimized mobile view added to control, procedure, and search apps.
- Added fixed bottom toolbar option for mobile viewing.
- Fixed error of "grid_save_grid.php not found" in the browser console, when running the grid application using the Enable mobile optimization option.
- Fixed problem in the display of the scrollbar, using the Firefox browser in the "Insert Code" of the events.
November 29, 2021
Click here and see all the news in version 9.7Fixed fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function sc_logged_is_blocked() in security module generation. It will be necessary to recreate the security module.
November 24, 2021
- Added mobile optimization for form application.
- Added mobile optimization for calendar application.
- Added User profile image upload option in security module.
- Added new 'Settings' option to end user in security module.
- Fixed problem in the filter's clear button, in the checkbox type field, configured as manual lookup.
- Fixed problem in formatting numeric fields passed as a parameter in the link. The field was being formatted when using the open property in another window.
- Fixed problem in the HTML printing of the grid, configured with static group by and the option to start treeview closed. At the time of printing it only displayed the first record.
- Fixed issue in the mobile grid toolbar, which only worked when there were buttons configured on the desktop toolbar.
- Fixed issue with advanced filter mobile toolbar buttons. It was only displayed in the mobile application if there were buttons on the desktop toolbar.
- Fixed damaged file issue in macOS scriptcase installer.
- Fixed problem in redirecting "sc_redir" macro to the pdf report application.
November 10, 2021
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function NM_is_utf8() when using modal option in refined filter search.
- Fixed problem when using the option "Rule Ordering" in the configuration of the grid sorting rules. The sorting was not being applied.
- Fixed problem in displaying the format of "date" type breaks in Spanish.
- Fixed problem in the display of the Exit (Back) button in the grid summary.
- Fixed problem in generating applications when enabling the new mobile flag. Error: substr() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given.
November 5, 2021
- Added new sample project: "Restaurant"
- Fixed problem in assigning value to a lang in the generated application.
- Fixed error "Undefined variable: arr_def_proj" when creating the calendar application.
- Fixed problem when using the detail application, from a master/detail, in a step of the step form.
- Fixed problem in creating tables during manual installation with MySQL connection, in PHP 7.0 environment.
- Fixed problem in displaying "show" option items in menu toolbar interface. When changing the button type, some options were disabled.
- Fixed problem in recognizing global variables in tab applications.
- Fixed download file issue for damaged MAC OS.
- Fixed problem in displaying alert message when adding a new language in the project.
- Fixed problem in viewing the help of macros in events.
- Fixed problem with size of tab margin-top in menu application.
Ultima versioneOctober 28, 2021
- Added mobile optimization for grid, menu and chart applications.
- Added Form Multi-Steps.
- Added Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) to the security module.
- Added API email configuration support in security module.
- Added improvements to Refined Search.
Added new chart options (Zoomline, Scrolling and Overlapping).
You will need to update the production environment
- Added new sc_btn_disabled macro.
- Added new sc_btn_label macro.
- Added new sc_get_wizard_step macro.
- Added new parameter "reply_to" in sc_mail_send macro.
- Fixed error when generating source code for Online Shop project.
- Fixed connection issue in CRM project when using SQL Server Native SRV PDO driver.
- Fixed problem when using reload button when adding records.
- Fixed sorting problem with column type CBLOB, BLOB and LONG, using Oracle database.
- Fixed problem saving API in production environment, due to webkit update in some browsers.
- Fixed problem when returning to the query application when using sc_redir macro in advanced search.
July 27, 2021
- Added option to allow editing of records from capture link to forms and search fields.
- Fixed problem in icon display, for fields that contain interval condition and capture link.
- Fixed problem in the messages in case of EOF, of the lookup of display in text fields.
- Fixed problem in alert display when running application with select field, radio or checkbox with no value in lookup.
- Fixed problem in the inclusion of the "datetime" field with the option of system data in the inclusion and configured as label.
- Fixed problem with BYTEA type when inserting data using signature type field.
- Fixed problem in the configuration of the dimensions of the signature field.
- Fixed problem creating untitled pages in the form.
July 13, 2021
- Fixed problem when searching for "?", using the criterion contains, in quicksearch.
- Fixed Uncaught TypeError error: str_link is undefined when clicking on a tree menu item.
- Fixed problem not loading the menu, not Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, due to large amount of iframes.
- Fixed problem when generating tab applications using old themes.
July 1, 2021
- Fixed parse error: syntax error, unexpected '"', when using checkbox field with multiple values.
- Fixed problem in displaying the WORD option when exporting the chart.
- Fixed scrolling problem in methods interface.
June 22, 2021
- Fixed problem when exporting PDF on forms with pages.
- Fixed problem in the initial value of special search criteria in DATETIME fields.
- Fixed problem in WORD export of grid summary.
- Fixed problem when using sc_error_message macro in the grid's onClick event.
- Fixed problem when using fields to select multiple values, with Select2.
June 10, 2021
Improved connection interface: Microsoft Azure, Amazon RDS and Google Cloud and ODBC connection interface.
It will needed to clear your browser cache. - Added the sc_api_gc_get_url and sc_api_gc_get_obj macros to generate the "token" parameter, to be used in the sc_api_upload macro of google drive.
Fixed problem in displaying the cursor for typing when using the "Display the Select2 search area" option.
It will needed to clear your browser cache. - Fixed problem with fixed label alignment.
- Fixed problem when using "Navigation" option in the mobile tab of the menu.
June 4, 2021
- Fixed problem when viewing events on the calendar with weekly and daily view.
June 2, 2021
- Improved data visualization in SQL Builder.
Added option to convert charset to UTF-8 by database in project properties.
This option will convert the characters sent by the server to UTF-8, according to the database charset. As of this update, new projects will be created with this option enabled, which can be unchecked in themenu interface Project -> Properties.
- Fixed problem with the "Save in session" option in the "Persist State" button.
- Fixed problem with "language" field of applications, after creating batch applications, and project with only one language selected.
- Fixed problem with loss of default values, in manual lookup of radio and checkbox type fields, when clearing state of advanced grid search.
- Fixed problem when defining font size and tab color of form pages.
- Fixed problem when performing column ordering in forms with horizontal orientations.
- Fixed problem in the visualization of themes during project creation.
- Fixed problem when canceling duplicate files in the internal library.
May 10, 2021
- Added support for utf8mb3 and utf8mb4 client encoding on MySQL connection.
- Fixed problem when creating security module using Firebird connection.
- Fixed problem with the display of the "JSON Export" button on the security module.
- Fixed problem when inserting user information in the log table, using an environment with IPv6.
- Fixed problem in viewing the upload area in the form Grid editable (view).
- Fixed problem with the redirection parameter of the sc_ajax_message macro in event Ajax in the grid.
- Fixed JavaScript error when creating the connection in the production environment.
- Fixed problem in viewing records, after page break, in PDF export.
- Fixed problem with creating horizontal scroll bar when expanding vertical menu.
- Fixed problem with the display of an icon indicating the expansion of the menu in the PDF Layout.
- Fixed problem in the display of accented characters in the JSON export of the chart application.
May 3, 2021
- Fixed display problem with the mini calendar.
- Fixed problem in the treemenu tabs, using language or theme options.
April 30, 2021
- Fixed error Undefined property::$apl when assigning values to virtual checkbox fields, through events.
- Fixed problem in event visualization, after adding fields in dynamic group by.
- Fixed Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.' in the query application using the google drive API.
April 22, 2021
- Fixed problem with aligning headings on horizontal forms.
- Fixed problem with displaying the value of the label type field, after adding a new record.
- Fixed problem in the display of the primary key field, after adding a new record.
- Fixed problem when searching for quicksearch in the grid, when the "lookup" field was selected for automatic, but empty.
- Fixed problem when searching for quicksearch in the master detail form.
- Fixed problem with onGroupBy events in fields named with underline(_).
- Fixed problem with a global variable with no value when using the sc_exit macro.
- Fixed problem when disabling the field using the "Spin" option.
- Fixed problem when assigning totalization value in group by with more than one field.
- Fixed connection problem when installing Scriptcase in PostgreSQL 13 environment.
- Fixed error when accessing SQL from the application menu.
- Fixed problem in uploading the Google drive API using the ISO-8859-1 charset. (It's Necessary to update the production environment).
- Fixed problem with the generation of the diagnostic PHP file in the zip file of the production environment generated after publication.
March 31, 2021
- Fixed problem with loading languages in the field of regional settings.
- Fixed problem with displaying errors when copying an application with the same name to another project.
- Fixed problem in confirming the deletion of themes for charts.
- Fixed problem in downloading the PDF export using the sc_set_pdf_name macro.
- Fixed problem with the radio field label in the helpcase settings.
- Fixed problem in the description of the scriptcase toolbar.
- Fixed message error when recovering password generated by security module.
- Fixed problem when configuring the style of the links in the themes of the buttons.
- Fixed problem in required fields, after browsing between records in the form.
- Fixed problem when deleting items in the hotkey template.
- Fixed alignment problem in the action buttons of the hotkey template.
- Fixed problem when naming fields, using the automatic link of the form, during the creation of the application.
- Fixed problem in the definition of langs created in the data dictionary, in form labels.
- Fixed download problem in Document type fields, configured as read-only, when navigating form records.
- Fixed problem with SQL type of DATE columns using several tables in the same query, with Oracle connection.
- Fixed problem in defining refresh interval in grids, when used as a detail application in a master/detail.
- Fixed issue with duplicate list of languages with different regional settings in the menu application.
- Fixed Javascript error: Uncaught SyntaxError, when selecting ZIP code to fill in values.
- Fixed count() error when generating form after changing dependencies, using the cascade delete option.
- Fixed problem with capturing fields in the Run button interface.
- Fixed problem in the helpCase interface when showing CSS code overlapping the buttons, in the code editor.
- Fixed problem when saving specific connection in the filter lookup, in the chart application.
- Fixed problem in formatting date/time fields when marked as a label.
- Fixed problem in the validation of the sc_changed macro for "data" type fields.
- Fixed problem in the initial load of the form visualization, using the application link via iframe.
- Fixed problem in the display of error messages in the html control application.
- Fixed problem with the preview of Youtube videos on grid, in an SSL environment.
- Fixed problem in Excel, CSV, XML and RTF export in SQL Server database with ISO charset.
- Fixed problem in displaying values when using the complete feature with zeros in decimal fields of the chart.
- Fixed problem with the alignment of the menu sub-items.
- Fixed problem when saving connection parameters between applications.
- Fixed problem when using hashes (#) in code comments in application events.
- Fixed problem with German text of the "Exit" button, in form applications.
- Fixed problem with form dependencies error message, using multiple languages.
- Fixed problem with locality icon when creating project, using Chinese (traditional) language.
- Fixed problem in the visualization of themes at the user and project level, in the creation of a new project.
February 25, 2021
- Fixed problem when exporting Grid PDF in CentOS8 environment.
- Fixed problem when exporting PDF in Chart in Linux CentOS8 environments.
- Fixed problem when exporting PDF in Form application in Linux CentOS8 environments.
- Fixed problem with displaying commented global variables.
- Fixed problem with Undefined property: $proc_fast_searc.
- Fixed problem with the "Notify discarded changes" message for the checkbox, radio and double select fields.
- Fixed problem when using the "Complete with zeros" feature in decimal and currency fields.
- Fixed problem with Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function nmFontePHPFormHtml::GeraCorpo() in the N:N relationship binding attributes.
- Fixed problem in the HTML image field link to HTML control.
- Fixed problem when using the } character in a string in an internal library function.
- Fixed problem when double clicking on the back button of a form within a modal.
- Fixed problem with displaying records in fields with N: N relationship after reloading application.
February 12, 2021
- Added tab to choose values when the option is date range in the summary filter fields.
- Improved performance when generating the source code of the project applications.
- Fixed problem when entering the value 0 in decimal field and the currency configured to display three characters.
- Fixed problem with corrupted file when downloading in document fields (file name) in the query.
- Fixed problem in the inclusion of a comma in values beginning with zero, in decimal and currency fields.
- Fixed problem in displaying records after using a PHP button in a form editable grid view.
- Fixed problem with the "Exit" button when defining the initial menu application using a global variable.
February 4, 2021
- Fixed problem with the ajax event code editor when resizing the window.
- Fixed problem with the lookup of the fields when performing research on the project.
- Fixed problem in text editing when switching between run button events.
- Fixed problem with double quote, when inserting values in BLOB and CLOB columns.
- Fixed problem in viewing long-named tables when creating an application.
- Fixed problem when inserting negative values in decimal fields of the form.
- Fixed problem in interface when saving button class.
- Fixed problem on new security options at project default values.
- Fixed problem in the group by lookup when using the same field as a metric.
January 19, 2021
- Fixed problem with opacity on the days of adjacent months in the mini calendar.
- Fixed problem when changing theme CSS parameters in advanced filter autocomplete fields.
- Fixed problem when using global variable in the form confirmation message.
- Fixed problem with Hint input when creating buttons to accept global variables.
- Fixed problem in displaying items of connection property between applications when opening in Iframe.
- Fixed problem with blank printing on the calendar.
- Fixed problem when creating application with primary key field type BIGINT and starting with "All".
- Fixed problem with using fields after displaying the Sweet Alert message from the sc_alert macro.
- Fixed problem with menu items and sub-items after displaying Toast and Sweet Alert.
- Fixed problem when using sc_lookup macro in the menu application.
- Fixed problem when searching for records with "&" in the form's dynamic search.
- Fixed problem with block behavior when opening "Help by block" content.
- Fixed problem when deleting all records from a search, in a multiple record form.
- Fixed problem with highlight on single record type forms.
- Fixed problem when importing project without applications.
December 29, 2020
- Added option to Save HTML tags and Javascript text input in text fields of the control application.
- Added support for .webp files in the Scriptcase image manager.
- Added support for PostgreSQL connection charsets to the production environment's encodings list.
Added "Keep old aspect of uploading files" option in the project properties.
Option added for users who did not use the forward slash symbol (/) when creating a subdirectory, in the image and document type fields. In this scenario, the files were stored directly in the "file" directory. If you use a file structure like this, you need to enable this flag. From 9.6 version, images and documents are being saved in the directories informed in the installation, that is, "file / img" for images and "file / doc" for documents, respectively.
- Fixed problem with the behavior after selecting the "Save Grid" button.
- Fixed problem with the text display when filling in the To-Do List.
- Fixed problem with displaying buttons when sending project messages in low resolution.
- Fixed problem when restoring selected fields in the advanced Report PDF filter and grid.
- Fixed problem with advanced mode parameters with DB2 connection.
- Fixed problem with displaying Google Calendar buttons in the calendar application.
- Fixed problem in viewing HTML tags in the menu tabs, when using the toolbar buttons.
- Fixed problem when inserting data in the calendar using Google Calendar API.
- Fixed problem with redirection in the tree menu when selecting default application and opening items in a new tab.
- Fixed problem with the download of document (file name) field type files in the grid.
- Fixed problem with "save application" after synchronizing the table.
- Fixed problem when using space and capital letters, in global variables of the header and footer of the grid and form applications.
- Fixed problem with the mini calendar display.
- Fixed problem with displaying widget titles in dashboard applications.
- Fixed problem in viewing the applications configured in the tab application, using the French language.
- Fixed problem when sending link through the sc_mail_send macro.
December 17, 2020
- Added reload button on the dashboard toolbar.
Added SweetAlert option in the HTML control application interface.
Note: SweetAlert will only work if the scDisplayUserError() Javascript function is not being used. - Added new security options in the HTML control application.
Added "Error Display" option, located in the HTML control application settings.
NOTE: This feature will only work when the SweetAlert option is disabled.
- Change in the HTML control application. From that version, the "submit" will be done via Ajax.
- Fixed problem when returning to the current record after redirection using the sc_redir macro.
- Fixed problem when using Image type field (file name) in multiple record and editable grid forms.
- Fixed "Undefined" error when expanding or collapsing events in the calendar application.
- Fixed "Undefined" error when changing time of calendar events in the display by day.
- Fixed problem in the "submit" of the HTML control application in Chrome browser. The form was submitted twice, causing an error in the validation of the login, with the message "Unauthorized user".
- Fixed problem with character validation when naming new themes for charts.
- Fixed problem with the use of fields in horizontal forms after the toast of Sweet Alert was displayed.
- Fixed problem when saving changes to the summary, in the project's default values.
- Fixed problem when saving changes to the summary, in the project's default values.
- Fixed problem when using Checkbox in dropdown with editable grid (view) orientation.
- Fixed error when using dynamic filter in chart applications.
- Fixed column alignment problem in summary breaks in the grid application.
- Fixed problem when saving grid summary using fixed columns.
- Fixed fopen error "(_lib / lib / js / GoJS.js): failed to open stream: No such file or directory" in menu applications.
December 3, 2020
- Added "Keep me connected" option in the security module.
- Added new format and options for the "Save grid" feature.
- Added "Persist State" button to save data in the application session.
- Added "Inherit from grid" option to group by lookup fields.
- Added a new vertical alignment option for applications.
- Added tag "below the field" in the fields of the form and grid applications.
- Added new format for displaying the date field: Watermark.
- Added new "sc_statistic" macro to perform calculations and statistics.
- Added Table Width Unit and Table Width options in the express edition.
- Added “100% width inputs” option in the settings of the control and form applications.
- Added "Label position" options, including watermark, to the security module.
- Added "Notify discarded changes" option in the express edition.
- Added "Fixed columns" option for Grid's summary group by.
- Added new security feature "Referrer-Policy" in applications.
- Added new security feature "Feature-Policy" in applications.
- Added new security feature "Permissions-policy" in applications.
- Added new security feature "Content-Security-Policy" in applications.
- Added new security feature "Strict-Transport-Security" in applications.
- Added new security feature "X-Frame-Options" in applications.
- Added new security feature "X-Content-Type-Options" in applications.
- Fixed problem with the interface of the summary filter fields using the Firefox browser.
- Fixed problem in viewing application images.
- Fixed problem in the label of dynamic and static group by, with more than one field, in the grid and chart apps.
- Fixed problem with XML export in columns containing the letter "V" in the Grid.
- Fixed problem in the "After Inclusion" message from the form application, when called via a field link.
- Fixed delay problem when returning a large number of records in autocomplete fields, in the advanced search.
- Fixed problem when selecting condition saved in advanced search chart.
- Fixed problem with a PDF export page break when using slide orientation and initial module as PDF.
- Fixed problem in redirection when using the sc_link macro in vertically oriented grids.
- Fixed problem in displaying the values inside the chart bars in PDF export.
- Fixed problem when using numeric initial in form application names in express creation.
- Fixed problem in viewing selected tabs in SQL Builder.
- Fixed problem in viewing the field options in the PDF Layout interface.
- Fixed problem when using the lookup in the field in the PDF Layout interface, using a connection other than the main connection.
- Fixed problem with clickatell API.
- Fixed problem with FTP publishing using port other than the default.
- Fixed problem with "undefined" alert display when moving events in the calendar.
- Fixed problem with displaying events in the calendar when the category filter is visible.
October 2, 2020
- Added option to use SweetAlert2 in the security module.
- Added password display option (toggle password) at login of the security module.
- Added option of extensions allowed by file size in image and document upload fields.
- Fixed problem when saving search status in TIME type field in the advanced search.
- Fixed problem with save and return buttons in the API in the production environment. (It's Necessary to update the production environment).
- Fixed problem with the macro help icon.
- Fixed problem with the scroll bar display in the Firefox browser, when opening several applications in the interface.
- Fixed problem when clearing auto-complete field value, using select2, in the advanced search.
September 21, 2020
- Added option for clickable drag and drop area in the upload fields.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function GuzzleHttp\Handler\is_countable using Google Drive API with PHP 7.0.
- Fixed error Undefined Index lang_btns_reload_hint when generating applications using the Reload button.
- Fixed display problem in the tabs of applications opened through the menu.
- Fixed problem in applications using Sweet Alert.
September 18, 2020
- Fixed problem assigning values to fields through the onRecord event.
September 17, 2020
- Added new Google Drive API.
- Added new DropBox API.
- Added new Amazon S3 API.
- Added reload button in grid applications.
- Added reload button in chart applications.
- Added reload button in summary applications.
- Added reload button in form applications.
- Added Guaba theme for project applications.
- Added BlueBerry theme for project applications.
- Added Lemon theme for project applications.
- Added new example project - Point of sales.
- Added new macros sc_api_download and sc_api_upload.
- Added options to connect to Amazon RDS databases.
- Added options for connecting to Microsoft Azure databases.
- Added options for connecting to Google Cloud databases.
- Added options for connecting to Oracle Cloud databases.
- Added new toggle to show or hide passwords.
- Added new image viewer for grid, form and control.
- Added option to remove application borders on dashboard widgets.
- Added a new value "sc_format_region" to the "Output Format" parameter, in the sc_date_conv macro.
- Added sc_set_export_name and sc_set_json_name macros for exporting grids and charts.
- Added option to generate JSON directly.
- Added file size option in the Multi-upload field settings.
- Added new layout for quicksearch in the grid and form applications.
- Added options to display automatically or manually application columns in quicksearch fields.
- Added custom order of search criteria in quicksearch.
- Added search for DATE type fields in the quicksearch of the grid and form.
- Added feature to highlight terms searched in quicksearch.
- Added option to notify discarded changes.
- Fixed problem when applying focus on Iframe in menu applications, using Firefox browser.
- Fixed problem when defining date field in day and month format in the advanced filter.
- Fixed problem with Excel export when using the sc_label macro and set column name as date.
- Fixed problem with displaying options for creating database on project connection.
- Fixed problem with primary key recovery on Oracle connection without schemas.
- Fixed problem with data typing when not using schema in Oracle connections.
- Fixed Bad Get Column Meta() error in retrieving form columns with Oracle connections.
- Fixed problem when detecting changes in HTML editor fields, in multiple record forms.
- Fixed problem when creating horizontal scrolling between menu tabs.
- Fixed problem in the progress bar when uploading in the editable grid and editable grid view forms.
- Fixed problem with WKHTMLTOPDF using Debian Buster distribution.
July 8, 2020
- Documentation improvements
June 11, 2020
- Added "Differentiate uppercase/lowercase letters" option in the control application.
- Fixed problem when creating procedure application in PHP 7.3 with SQL Server connection.
- Fixed problem with blank values in fields of type Select on the form.
June 2, 2020
- Fixed problem when updating template layout in the menu application.
- Fixed problem with displaying selected values in select2 fields in the grid search.
- Fixed problem creating global variables in the lookups to display, in the form application.
- Fixed problem with handling quotation marks when using the sc_concat macro and global variables in lookup to display on the form.
- Fixed problem with the treatment of quotation marks when using the sc_concat macro in lookups to display in PostgreSQL connection.
June 1, 2020
- Added ILIKE command in the searching autocomplete text field.
- Fixed problem when using concat or sc_concat macro in automatic text type lookup.
- Fixed problem when using manual lookup (Multiple values (position)) on the form.
- Fixed problem when exporting grid summary when using group by and JOINs in SQL.
- Fixed display size error for a field with select2 and Ajax reload in the search.
- Fixed problem when using < > characters in the lookup title in Select fields.
May 19, 2020
- Fixed problem in viewing manual lookup records for multiple values (position) in the grid.
- Fixed problem when using "Search" option, in the field updates connection table, in PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed problem with Summary button in grid with dynamic groupby.
- Fixed problem with updating the date when dragging events from the calendar.
- Fixed problem when defining exports generating directly, as the initial grid mode.
- Fixed Undefined variable error when creating project with Oracle and PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed Invalid argument supplied for foreach() error when creating a project without a selected theme.
- Fixed problem with image quality resized in the PDF report.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax event on fields with slider enabled.
- Fixed Javascript error when using apostrophe in refined grid search.
- Fixed problem with the return of the lookup on groupby with multibyte characters.
- Fixed problem with conflict internal variables used with sc_lookup macro.
- Fixed problem in JSON export with summary module, initially disabled.
- Fixed problem that disabled the field overlaid by SweetAlert's toast on the form.
- Fixed problem in using index fields in dashboard, with non-UTF-8 characters.
- Fixed problem in the export chart application.
- Fixed problem with CHARSET in the search values, in the chart application.
April 27, 2020
- Added option to run application after creating grid, form and calendar.
- Added option to also create a form when creating the grid.
- Added option to export JSON in grid and chart applications.
- Improved interface for creating projects.
- Fixed problem when defining target parameter as modal, in the sc_redir macro.
- Fixed problem when changing user privileges in Scriptcase administration.
- Fixed problem in viewing fields after deleting the nested grid.
- Fixed problem in the value of Excel export, when the field has a complex SQL lookup.
- Fixed problem when selecting named field with space, in widget filter on dashboard.
- Fixed problem in the visualization of the virtual field with summary in Excel export.
- Fixed problem in displaying dynamic group by after converting the project.
- Fixed problem when performing the sorting by the group by field, using Oracle connection.
- Fixed problem when selecting a row for editing in SQL Builder.
- Fixed problem with duplication in editing form fields.
- Fixed problem in the security module with MariaDB connection and encode utf8mb4_general_ci.
- Fixed problem when using columns named with special characters in SQL Builder, using Progress connection.
- Fixed primary key detection problem in forms with Progress connection.
- Fixed problem in the visualization of images after inclusion or alteration, using SQL Server Native SRV PDO driver.
- Fixed problem in Excel export of the summary, in XLS format.
April 2, 2020
- Added Phpspreadsheet library to improve XLS and XLSX exports in PHP 7.3 environment.
- Added new component for database diagram.
- Added a new component for the project applications diagram.
- Added new component for relationship diagram, when creating applications with several tables.
- Improvement in the routine and performance of export applications in PDF, Excel, Word, CSV and RTF.
- Fixed problem when exporting PDF, with total by date type field, in static groupby.
- Fixed problem in the images upload, using SQLite connection.
- Fixed Erro Notice: Undefined property: ::$force_db_utf8, in the dashboard application.
- Fixed SQL error in the create tables, when importing CRM sample project, using Firebird connection.
- Fixed problem with unprotected sequence name, using Oracle connection.
- Fixed problem when checking internet access in the diagnosis.
- Fixed Error: Trying to get property 'EOF' of non-object when creating applications, using Sybase connection.
- Fixed problem in the images upload in tables that are named with space.
- Fixed Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context when accessing summary in the chart application.
- Fixed Uncaught Error: Using $this when not in object context when exporting Excel, Word and XML in the chart application.
- Fixed problem when using PHP method together with the braces characters "{}".
- Fixed problem when searching between two dates in the chart application.
- Fixed problem with inserting records to the cart in the Online Shop project.
March 26, 2020
- Improved search no match case with UPPER and ILIKE commands.
- Removed GoJS library from Scriptcase.
- Fixed problem when changing static group by in summary and chart, on the same page.
- Fixed problem with search values after pagination of the summary.
March 17, 2020
- Fixed problem when using virtual fields in "User defined" format in the grid.
- Fixed display problem in search condition "In" in date field.
- Fixed problem with output display in Ajax event in the grid.
- Fixed problem with using Ajax event in data fields with combobox, in the control.
March 5, 2020
- Fixed problem when using PHP inside a Javascript code (with <?= Calls) in application events.
- Fixed problem when changing server parameter with the sc_connection_edit macro in SQLite connection.
- Fixed problem with applications creation using accented tables in Microsoft Access connections.
- Fixed Fatal error "Uncaught com_exception: Source: ADOX.Tables Description", with form appliocation creation on Microsoft Access connections.
- Fixed problem with "Image" field update on Microsoft Access connections.
- Fixed open_base_dir restriction error in scriptcase's manual installation with tar.gz.
- Fixed problem in Quicksearch when using disabled field option in the interface.
- Fixed problem when using the sc_url_exit macro.
- Fixed problem with displaying chart's configuration button in grid fields.
- Fixed problem when applying local images with drag n drop feature, using the HTML editor.
- Fixed adding values problem in the grid's advanced search with "multiple values" condition.
- Fixed page scrolling problem when entering values in date type fields in grid's dynamic search.
- Fixed problem with inner join in sc_concat macro.
- Fixed problem when searching for nonexistent records, in "single record" form quicksearch.
- Fixed problem with displaying records with line breaks, in editable grid (view) forms.
- Fixed problem with displaying ajax event output in grid applications.
- Fixed adding records problem without categories in the calendar application.
- Fixed problem with free format grid and virtual field with lookup returning error during application execution.
- Fixed issue with editor HTML field and macro sc_field_readonly.
February 14, 2020
- Added debug mode in the express edition.
- Added document path in the express edition.
- Added image path in the express edition.
- Fixed Javascript error when using filters in the chart application.
- Fixed a problem with the 'Save' button display in the grid application.
- Fixed Parser error when not informing number of decimal places, in the chart application.
- Fixed a problem with the visualization of Google Maps used in the nested grid.
- Fixed display problem in sorting, in grid with old themes.
February 7, 2020
- Fixed problem with the Gant chart in PHP 7.3.
- Fixed problem in the display of user projects when restoring a backup.
- Fixed navigation problem in the master detail.
- Fixed display problem on the interface scroll bar.
January 30, 2020
- Fixed problem when loading master/detail from a modal link.
- Fixed problem with "This month" condition in the chart search.
- Fixed problem in group by, using date fields and grid with JOIN queries, using MS Access connection.
- Fixed search problem, using date fields and grid with JOIN queries, using MS Access connection.
- Fixed problem using global variables named with space, accent or upper case, in application links.
- Fixed "supplied resource is not a valid" error when compiling form applications.
- Fixed problem when using single quotes(') in field help.
- Fixed problem with output display in Ajax events, using grid debug mode.
- Fixed problem with criticizing outdated applications during publishing.
- Fixed a problem in the visualization of the HTML Image field, at the bottom of the Report PDF.
- Fixed problem with the Oracle extension in Linux installers for PHP 7.3.
January 14, 2020
- Fixed count() error when accessing general project search in PHP 7.3.
- Fixed Parser problem using a vector to traverse data from an array.
- Fixed problem using binding for HTML control through HMTL image fields.
- Fixed problem with generating automatic lookup applications on Firebird connections, using PHP 7.3.
- Fixed problem with using table variable along with refined search in grid applications.
- Fixed problem generating application using group by VARCHAR field as type date.
- Fixed CHARSET problem when using special characters in Oracle connections.
- Fixed problem with numeric records in auto-complete fields, using Select2.
- Fixed problem with grid application generation when using sc_ajax_message macro in Ajax events.
- Fixed problem retrieving disabled field values from form.
- Fixed problem running PROCEDURE using native SQL Server connection or SQL Server PDO.
- Fixed problem continue 2 when using PHPExcel library from a blank in PHP 7.3. (Need to update production environment)
- Fixed problem when starting apache service with system in Mac OS installers.
- Fixed problem with LDAP module in Linux installers.
December 27, 2019
- Fixed issue when displaying messages with the macro "sc_ajax_javascript" using the ISO-8859-1 character set.
- Fixed problem when changing the "dimension" values of the graph with the "Update interval" option turned on.
- Fixed problem with the "Show HTML content" indicator in editable grid forms.
- Fixed error "Unable to modify header information" on shared servers.
- Fixed issue with Ajax events to use the interface parameter option in PHP 7.3 environment.
December 18, 2019
- Fixed problem with sc_btn_display macro when used in lower toolbar.
- Fixed problem with application title, creating procedure.
- Fixed problem using sc_include_lib("tcpdf") macro in blank application.
December 16, 2019
- Added support for PHP 7.3 environments with IonCube Loader.
- Added support for Spreadsheet library on Excel exports in PHP 7.3 environment.
- Added option for overwriting public and user files when converting projects.
- Added support for importing projects, applications and backup restoration during trial period.
- Added support for retrieving value from hidden fields in grid, using Ajax events.
- Fixed problem accessing Database Builder with SQL Server connections, using DBLIB driver.
- Fixed problem with time zone selection in Linux installer.
- Fixed display problem of lookup settings, in the PDF Report interface.
- Fixed problem with protection of logged in user, in security module.
- Fixed FLOAT field display problem, in chart application.
- Fixed problem displaying values, in refined search, using range.
- Fixed inserting record starting with backslash symbol (\).
- Fixed SQL error when clicking numeric fields from summary, using MS Access connections.
- Fixed SQL error in "Distinct Count" totalization, using MS Access connections.
- Fixed export crash problem, when setting initial grid module to PDF, in Linux environment.
- Fixed problem reloading charts, displayed on same page as summary, when changing group by and totalization.
- Fixed crash problem when generating control application, using Javascript code in events.
- Fixed problem with summary generation, when set to "Last Page".
- Fixed grid sort button when using fields with ALIAS.
- Fixed problem with formatting numeric fields in tag search.
- Fixed problem with dynamic search description from "Any condition" and "All conditions".
- Fixed problem with application nested grids starting with number in nomenclature.
- Fixed "Apply" button for dynamic search, after changing search criteria.
- Fixed problem displaying group by values by TIMESTAMP type, using Firebird connections.
- Fixed export title problem using CHARSET ISO-8859-1.
- Fixed problem viewing Firebird connections in data dictionary.
- Fixed problem selecting tables in application create, using PostgreSQL 12.
- Fixed color picker display problem, in nested grid field editing.
- Fixed slow problem when selecting themes when creating a project.
- Fixed event viewer problem opening multiple blank applications.
- Fixed problem with group security module applications, using MS Access and Sybase connections.
- Fixed error creating tables in security module using Oracle connections.
- Fixed problem with MS Access connections using ADO driver.
- Fixed crash problem in Excel export, with large mass of records.
- Fixed problem with SweetAlert CSS settings, in tree menu application.
- Fixed problem using lookup in numeric fields, in editable Grid forms, with SQL Server connection.
- Fixed problem with path in publication SFTP configuration.
- Fixed problem installing Scriptcase in PostgreSQL 12 database.
- Fixed formatting problem when updating records with date fields disabled.
- Fixed "sc_apl_default" macro view problem in projects using ISO-8859-1 CHARSET.
- Fixed problem with "Add search" tag button preview on modal windows.
- Fixed Illegal string offset error in creating new themes.
- Fixed problem with column comments through Database Builder.
- Fixed problem using Javascript through form events, from mobile devices.
- Fixed problem in parameter display in the interface of link a master detail.
- Fixed problem in naming the form's "onLoadRecord" event.
- Fixed problem with password usage in HTML export, grid and form applications.
- Fixed problem with auto lookup field display, using sc_ajax_message macro.
November 11, 2019
- Fixed issue on the filter "clear" button upon returning from the query. The button did not remove the special values of the "date" field marked as default.
- Fixed the treatment of boolean fields in the insertion and updating of forms using the Postgres connection.
- Fixed issue in the option "open directly" in word export.
- Fixed catch connection issue in Editable Grid or Grid Editable View forms running through the menu application.
- Fixed excel export issue using "Order by" in query SQL.
- Fixed issue in query exports in internet explorer 11 browser.
- Fixed issue in the search of the label filter, using a Grid and Nested Grid.
- Fixed issue in the control application submit if the application name had the point symbol.
- Fixed issue in ordering the fields configured in the break in the summary.
- Fixed issue when using the "sc_alert" macro with the Sweetalert option on in the "onAfterInsert" and "onAfterDelete" events. From this release, if the macro is used in one of these events, the application will display only the macro message.
- Fixed issue when using TIME field in Grid Group By.
- Fixed issue when retrieving the value of a field containing a link through the Grid Ajax event.
- Fixed issue in the export WORD, Excel, XML and CSV in the Procedure application.
- Fixed problem in viewing the image type button in versions without upgrade active.
October 28, 2019
- Fixed problem in the application "Sync applications" of the security module in environments using the open_basedir directive.
- Fixed issue in label view of totaling value "Number of Records."
- Fixed problem in viewing the upload of the image in mobile environments.
- Fixed issue in the connection exchange in the edition expressed in the Dashboard application.
- Fixed issue in viewing the form, using a primary key with numeric field and hidden navigation buttons in the application.
- Fixed issue when inserting a form with hidden numeric fields.
- Fixed issue when displaying source code of applications using the Google Chrome browser.
- Fixed issue when generating a form application, using the driver MySQLi.
- Fixed issue when inserting an image more extensive than the size set in PDF format in the PDF Report application.
- Fixed issue with totals when exporting Excel, using virtual field calculated percentage.
- Fixed excel export issue when enabled the "Export Excel Directly" option.
- Fixed issue in displaying header settings when changing the Chart application button scheme.
- Fixed issue in the HelpCase display in the menu application.
- FIxed an issue in the layout of the applications when displaying the template.
- Fixed issue in the total value in excel export, using the summary filter.
- Fixed issue by changing the values of cells in the Report PDF subselect.
October 21, 2019
- Improved visualization of documentation images.
- Fixed issue with "sc_alert" macro in OnVality event in horizontal forms. If the browser scroll bar is displayed, after processing the scroll bar macro is no longer displayed.
- Fixed dashboard application filter problem on datetime type fields.
- Fixed issue setting CSS style for calendar button on form.
- Fixed issue with CSS style responses on "image" type buttons.
- Fixed issue saving search filter with select field containing multiple values.
- Fixed issue with setting decimal places in decimal, currency and percentage fields in virtual fields.
- Fixed hyphen button naming issue.
- Fixed issue with a "sc_log_add" macro using ISO8859-1 charset.
- Fixed issue when downloading common libraries in advanced deployment.
- Fixed issue with theme layout selection when creating blank application.
- Fixed issue running sc_connection_edit macro.
- Fixed issue with Excel export, when there are no fields to be totaled in the summary.
- Fixed issue with field search, do not select any PDF reports.
- Issue fixed when exporting excel using a tag as totaling.
- Fixed issue with "new" button when a query application had a form link.
- Fixed problem with data dictionary and field size in table.
- Enabled on the "public" option if there is no option selected in save grid in query, filter and summary.
- Fixed bug in field positioning in Excel export.
- Fixed issue on filter onScriptInit event execution.
- Fixed issue with a sc_redir macro on the "back" button.
- Fixed issue with log module using Sybase connection.
- Fixed problem deleting a record when dependencies exist using the Access connection.
- Fixed issue displaying height and width when changing a Report PDF orientation.
- Fixed problem exporting Excel, XML and CSV in Group / Users application in security module.
- Fixed problem with using the Scriptcase in environments with OPEN_BASEDIR directive.
October 11, 2019
- Fixed header line display problem in PDF Layout when inserting image in Report PDF.
- Fixed problem with cancel button on application selection screen when deploying.
- Fixed problem with lookup (actual value) in Select fields in the search application.
- Fixed problem running project with a global variable in a blank.
- Fixed problem trying to create application, when user has no privilege.
- Fixed icon display problem in application creation, when user has no privilege.
- Fixed problem with "Between two values" search option.
October 10, 2019
- Fixed installation problem on Mac OS Catalina environment.
- Fixed license key problem in Mac OS Catalina environment.
October 7, 2019
- Fixed problem typing database in project creation.
- Fixed problem in the advanced search, using "Equal" condition on double select fields.
- Fixed problem displaying font awesome icon in the menu tabs.
- Fixed problem with MySQL connection using SSL authentication without certificates.
- Fixed problem when incrementing projects without applications.
- Fixed problem in the menu, when renaming an application used in a menu item.
- Fixed problem in the charts, using 'TO_CHAR' and date masks, using Oracle connection.
- Fixed Excel export problem with Security Module application.
- Fixed problem in the setting of master/detail keys and parameters, in fields with special characters.
- Fixed problem tabbing with Enter in select fields.
- Fixed problem with nonexistent connection when opening project.
- Fixed overwritten value problem in database selection.
- Fixed problem with displaying font awesome icon when closing menu tab.
- Fixed problem renaming files in the external library.
- Fixed problem with repeatedly displayed error message in the control application.
- Fixed problem with creating calendar tables using Sybase connection.
- Fixed problem with using delimiter to lookup fields in search.
- Fixed problem with uppercase session variables in the "Subdirectory" option in the upload fields.
- Fixed problem with search generated SQL in checkbox and double select fields.
- Fixed problem inserting record in DB2 connection. You will need to update the production environment.
- Fixed problem displaying debug mode in Report PDF.
- Fixed problem creating security module tables with Sybase connection.
- Fixed problem with Excel export, using different totals in grid and summary.
- Fixed Javascript error while executing Ajax onClick grid events.
- Fixed problem running project after changing open application security.
- Fixed problem deleting dependency using PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed problem in the CSS configuration of search fields, titles and objects.
- Fixed renaming application used in tab applications.
- Fixed CSS button lock problem.
- Fixed problem using special characters in Excel export with SQL Server connection.
- Fixed problem with records not found message when using the search in form application.
September 30, 2019
- Fixed problem uploading files from external library.
September 27, 2019
- Fixed problem deploying projects with Helpcase.
- Fixed problem deploying without production environment.
- Fixed problem completing Oracle, DB2, Firebird, Informix and ODBC connections.
September 26, 2019
- Added option for operating system selection during deployment.
- Fixed problem displaying link to applications in nested grid.
- Fixed fontawesome color in the submenus of tree menu.
- Fixed problem displaying right aligned buttons on menu toolbar.
- Fixed problem with tabbing Enter fields using select2 component.
- Fixed problem with viewing buttons created on toolbar.
- Fixed problem with totalization values in the Excel export.
- Fixed titles alignment problem using fixed label option.
- Fixed slow deploying problem using "Generate ZIP with applications" option.
- Fixed sc_apl_default macro redirection problem with no secure option in the applications.
- Fixed problem with aligning icons for editing data in select fields.
- Fixed problem with subselect fields containing lookup in PDF report.
- Fixed disabled cell selection problem when arranging grid columns.
September 12, 2019
- Added option to remove margin from open applications in dashboard widget.
- Fixed problem with adding or editing toolbar button groups.
- Fixed problem in the setting toolbar hotkeys.
September 5, 2019
- Fixed problem displaying pages loaded in menu tabs from links.
- Fixed problem displaying menu items in interface.
September 5, 2019
- Added "Initial Value" option in filter text and autocomplete number fields.
- Added support for using SweetAlert option on buttons created like "PHP".
Added Awesome Font support in menu items and Tree Menu.
You will need to clear the browser cache.
- Fixed issue using "Run" button configured to open in modal.
- Fixed issue with increasing searchbar when switching between master / detail displayed in tabs.
- Fixed Grid lookup in virtual fields at the Report PDF application in environments published with PHP 7.2.
- Fixed issue when applying Virtual Field Filter and Excel Export.
- Fixed issue with creating buttons with uppercase letters.
- Fixed SQL error when applying saved tag filter.
- Fixed issue with 'Contains' view in 'Exactly same' condition in tag filter.
- Fixed interface issue saving a custom API.
- Fixing SweetAlert CSS for Filters.
- Fixed issue with lang preview in "checkbox" field in tag Filter.
- Fixed issue with Form detail when generating a PDF.
- Fixed issue with displaying data in select in application binding.
- Fixed issue in Summary sorting interface after making any changes to breaks. (Summary interface values were lost).
- Fixed issue with Excel export when Totalized Field was set not to be displayed.
Fixed issue validating insert events.
NOTE: From this release on, if these events return any error validation, the "onload" event will be loaded. - Fixed issue selecting theme from sc_set_theme macro with unlicensed license.
- Fixed issue in field view using Oracle schemaless connection.
- Fixed issue when performing Firebird lookup.
- Fixed issue with amount of characters in auto-complete text.
- Fixed issue with date field display using MariaDB database.
- Fixed issue with form application when accessing procedure option and trying to generate application.
- Fixed issue with Quick Search of Form.
- Fixed issue with scroll bar in Ajax Event code interface.
- Fixed issue with Russian language export.
- Fixed issue with # (CERQUIL) in onLoad event of a Menu app.
- Fixed help alignment issue.
- Fixed issue with scroll bar in PDF report.
- Fixed issue using Select2 in Modal.
- Fixed issue with sc_concat macro.
- Fixed issue with javascript in an editable Form View.
- Fixed issue with sc_label macro.
- Fixed problem displaying right-positioned menu sub-items.
- Fixed issue with Menu Application using Opera.
- Fixed issue with sorting a Form in Firefox.
- Fixed issue with dynamic Filter.
- Fixed issue with fixed label in checkbox option.
- Fixed issue with OnChange event using Safari browser.
- Fixed problem when displaying "Sort" button in Chart application when making a copy of "Rhino" button.
Fixed output format validation on "sc_date_dif" and "sc_date_dif_2" macros.
NOTE: From this release on, if the date format entered in the macro parameter is incorrect, the macro will not return values. The format of the "date" field is available in the field settings under the "internal format" option.
Fixed problem with menu display. In OPERA, Chrome and Safari browsers the menu frame was not respecting the page height.
NOTE: This issue was related to a WebKit update recently released by Google Chrome.
- Fixed issue with using sc_selec_where (add) macro and navigating to last page of grid.
August 16, 2019
- Fixed problem with positioning of icons displayed on menu items.
- Fixed problem viewing icons in menu tabs.
- Fixed problem with sc_begin_trans macro.
August 15, 2019
- Fixed problem using default value of special condition in the date fields in search.
- Fixed problem using special characters in the Report PDF cells.
- Fixed problem with Select2 fields in form application when opened through a modal.
- Fixed problem with label on Sweet Alert buttons.
- Fixed crash problem when updating records in form, using SQL Server connection with NATIVE SRV PDO driver.
- Fixed Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '?> ' in grid, while performing totalization and enabling single line display.
- Fixed CSS class definition for user buttons in control and forms.
- Fixed problem with friendly URL in Excel export.
- Fixed problem with form when creating log module with update and delete disabled.
- Fixed CSS preview problem on buttons created from control and calendar applications.
- Fixed problem with Select2 fields in Ajax events when trying to perform record insertion.
- Fixed problem with values in auto-complete fields during record navigation.
August 6, 2019
- Added new Midnight theme for project applications.
- Added new Midnight theme for charts.
- Added option to link chart themes to project theme.
- Added Awesome Font support on user created buttons.
- Added support for theme classes on user created buttons.
- Added default value and delimiter option in lookup of select, double select, radio and checkbox fields in search.
- Added option for initial value in fields of dynamic search, advanced and tags.
- Added support for theme buttons for calendar application.
- Added support for messages after updating records in grid editable forms.
- Added support for messages after inserting and deleting records in form applications.
- Fixed problem when using image in menu toolbar.
- Fixed CSS conflict when using 'menu01' from Samples external library in menu application.
- Fixed problem when starting by search exporting to Excel in grid application.
- Fixed problem importing sample projects using Scriptcase installed with PostgreSQL.
- Fixed 'Move left' and 'Move right' icons of double select fields using new themes.
- Fixed Javascript error in applications with signature fields.
- Fixed problem with WORD, Excel, XML, CSV and RTF exports using Spanish language.
- Fixed problem exporting Excel in IIS environments.
- Fixed problem with chart displayed on second page in PDF export.
- Fixed problem with field size option in decimal fields of chart.
- Fixed problem connecting Oracle from Linux 64 bits installer.
- Fixed problem with form buttons using Javascript in onSubmit event.
- Fixed problem editing SQL Server connection in projects imported from Windows to Linux environments.
- Fixed problem with subitems of buttons used in menu toolbar.
July 24, 2019
- Added the new CSS theme Sweet Blue for applications.
- Added the new CSS theme Sweet Amour for applications.
- Added the new CSS theme Sweet Coral for applications.
- Added the new CSS theme Sweet Golden Sand for spplications.
- Added the new CSS theme Sweet Hollyhock for applications.
- Added an option to link google fonts in CSS themes.
- Added an option to download and make google fonts available offline in applications.
- Added support to individual button class behaviours into the CSS Buttons setings.
- Added selected buttons class behaviour into the CSS Buttons settings.
- Added Font Awesome icons support in CSS Buttons settings.
- Added Font Awesome icons support in toolbar's group button settings.
- Added an option to show group buttons either Side by Side or Dropdown.
- Added support to SweetAlert2 as Modal or Toast in-app notifications.
- Added SweetAlert2 support in sc_alert, sc_ajax_message and sc_error_message macros.
- Added an option to set SweetAlert2 notifications positioning.
- Added an option to include totals in grid and nested grid Excel export.
- Added progress bar for Word, Excel, CSV, XML and RTF export in grid applications.
- Fixed problem with miliseconds in date and hour field's lookup using SQL Server.
- Fixed problem in nested grid with empty records in Excel export.
- Fixed problem to save a grid that uses refined search.
- Fixed problem with ReportPDF cells position after converting from a previous version.
- Fixed problem in quicksearch and auto-complete text case sensitivity.
- Fixed problem to use refined search with virtual fields in the group by totals.
- Fixed problem with numeric fields values increment using a slider in the refined search.
- Fixed problem to update values using numeric lookup in the grid.
Fixed problem with advanced search having TIME fields.YOU MUST UPDATE THE PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT
May 24, 2019
- Added option to clear other filters after submitting in advanced filter settings.
- Added 'Interact with dynamic filter' option in advanced filter settings.
- Added option to display labels as readonly in advanced filter settings.
- Fixed problem with license expired using Progress driver.
- Fixed problem when using SQL function in lookup of fields.
- Fixed problem in the SQL preview of the current value in grid using WHERE in the SQL clause.
- Fixed Javascript problem when restoring columns and sorting.
- Fixed problem using specific characters when creating APIs.
May 14, 2019
- Added option to restore initial values of the dynamic and static group by in the grid application.
- Added language and regional settings for Gujarati.
- Added language and regional settings for Sinhalese.
- Fixed problem when using virtual field type "Grid Fields" in the grid searh.
- Fixed problem when using the respective macros sc_exit and sc_error_message in the control application.
April 25, 2019
- Added option for settings in the 'Actual value' methods in the lookup of search field.
- Fixed loop problem in redirect using the sc_apl_default macro on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem when navigating from a form to the grid through the menu breadcrumb.
- Fixed problem when using saved search with double select field.
- Fixed problem in label search criteria when changing grid language.
- Fixed problem when saving search with date field, using 'between two values' date criteria.
- Fixed problem displaying images in the header, when configured as record per page type in the Report PDF.
- Fixed problem in list of links between applications.
April 12, 2019
- Added option to restore initial values in the columns and sort buttons, in the grid application.
- Fixed error "TypeError: dt_fmt is undefined" when loading filter profile with datetime fields using special conditions.
- Fixed problem in database creation through project connection.
- Fixed error "Allowed memory exhausted" when publishing project generating TAR.GZ file.
- Fixed problem of duplicate fields in Ajax processing.
- Fixed problem when not repeating values in Excel export.
- Fixed problem in time display format in Report PDF.
- Fixed problem loading in infinite scroll in grid application without records.
- Fixed problem displaying the export buttons when naming grid application with numbers only.
- Fixed problem of displaying the search condition on the search tag when applying a previous state of the previously saved grid.
- Fixed problem in list of field links using uppercase columns.
- Fixed problem at runtime from the list of applications on the link.
April 2, 2019
- Fixed problem in the insert or update mode, in Image (Database) and Image (Filename) fields in the form.
- Fixed problem at header height of the PDF Report as Lines per Page, from the second page onwards.
- Fixed problem in initial value definition in date fields, with special conditions, in chart search.
- Fixed problem when using DISTINCTROW in SQL of the grid.
- Fixed Javascript error when creating connection in production environment.
- Fixed problem of duplicity when using the sc_error_message macro when using in the onValidadeSuccess event.
- Fixed "Array to string conversion" error when creating application links.
April 2, 2019
- Added option for refresh interval in summary settings.
- Added support for tab applications in general project search.
- Added option to view or hide PDF settings in layout preview.
- Improved master/detail link interface.
- Improved control link interface.
- Improved form link interface.
- Improved search link interface.
- Improved layout in the width of the list of tables and fields in SQL Builder.
- Fixed problem in the interface when selecting a special condition for date fields, in the grid search.
- Fixed problem when clicking "Click to download common ZIP libraries" when performing an advanced deployment.
- Fixed problem in dynamic search with 'All period' condition in DATETIME fields in SQL Server.
- Fixed problem in PDF export of charts of Pyramid, Radar, Gauge and Funnel types.
- Fixed problem in message 'Required field' when adding a record, in the form application.
- Fixed problem when making changes to a virtual field of the auto-complete type, on a multiple records form.
- Fixed problem when performing Ajax processing between fields using dropdown.
- Fixed problem when updating or inserting a new record containing label field with javascript text, in Google Chrome.
- Fixed problem in viewing the contents of the "Document (Database)" field in the form Grid Editable View.
- Fixed problem when exporting files in Safari.
- Fixed problem of displaying radio fields on forms using fixed label.
- Fixed problem of permission to export PDF from grid, in publications generated from .tgz file.
- Fixed problem with macro sc_date when incrementing month.
- Fixed problem in displaying users using openLDAP in Linux.
- Fixed problem with sc_label macro using variable type attribute.
- Fixed problem in viewing the signature field in Report PDF.
- Fixed "Data to long for column" error when importing an application.
- Fixed problem using onChange event in auto-complete text fields.
- Fixed problem in repetition of lookup queries in form multiple records.
- Fixed problem in mandatory field message in date fields with calendar.
- Fixed problem using mandatory fields in tag search.
- Fixed problem in search of relative summary search in DATETIME type fields.
- Fixed problem in extracting files compressed by Scriptcase in CentOS environment.
- Fixed problem when exporting PDF in a grid, using search as initial module, iframe and hiding header.
- Fixed Javascript error in tabs without application.
- Fixed problem in language change in control applications.
- Fixed problem with macro sc_format_num in fields with lookup.
- Fixed problem when clearing Auto-Complete fields for Ajax processing.
- Fixed problem in color palette display, on forms with "Grid Editable View" orientation.
- Fixed problem in the view of buttons created in the grid in the summary toolbar.
- Fixed problem in the interface when connecting applications in the application of tab.
- Fixed problem in publishing with API in Linux environments.
- Fixed problem in variable naming with uppercase letters in blank applications.
- Fixed problem when setting double quotes in allowed characters in a form application.
- Fixed problem with VARYING data types in PostgreSQL.
- Fixed problem alignment problem when scrolling the page in summary using fixed label.
- Fixed problem in disabled item view through sc_menu_disable macro, in menu application.
- Fixed problem when using the sc_btn_display macro in the groups of buttons.
- Fixed problem of calendar scroll bar in dashboard widgets.
- Fixed problem in content view when clicking the "View SQL" button in SQL errors on the form.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax onChange events in Auto-Complete fields using Select 2.
- Fixed problem in displaying grid's "Back" button in dashboard widgets.
- Fixed problem when formatting the value in scales with negative numbers in dashboard application.
- Fixed problem in right alignment of vertical menu, using hidden menu option.
- Fixed problem when using checkbox in dropdown, with empty title in Select type fields.
- Fixed problem in preview when changing layout orientation in Report PDF.
- Fixed problem of viewing PDF settings in the layout preview in the Firefox browser.
- Fixed problem when using 'Use slider' option in virtual numeric fields in grid search.
- Fixed tab problem with Enter key in numerical field using spin.
- Fixed display problem in header margin in tab application.
- Fixed interface problem when reporting incorrect login in log module creation.
- Fixed problem when using textarea in the user editor in an HTML control application.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function MoveNext() when executing grid application, containing SELECT with several parameters.
- Fixed problem in aligning slider fields in grid search.
- Fixed problem in description view when defining initial application in project settings.
- Fixed problem in PDF export using headers and titles in Mac OS environments.
- Fixed width problem when using Select2, in field type Select.
- Fixed problem in displaying the magnifying glass icon in a form application with master/detail.
- Fixed problem when using date type field in a label search and enable calendar view.
- Fixed problem when using the sc_redir macro in queries with slide orientation.
- Fixed invalid data problem when performing special character search in grid.
- Fixed captcha settings problem in the advanced settings of the theme.
- Fixed problem at the time of the Report PDF header as Lines per Page.
- Fixed problem in inserting or updating values in undefined label fields.
- Fixed problem in Ajax events between decimal fields in Edge and Safari browsers.
- Fixed problem in generating PDF in queries configured not to display titles.
- Fixed problem in the width of select2, initially hidden, loaded from a block or frame.
- Fixed problem with the "back" button of the calendar, accessing application directly.
- Fixed problem in dynamic search search, in date fields using combobox.
- Fixed problem of visualization in database builder with PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed problem in master loading / detail accessing from mobile devices.
- Fixed paging problem with HTML color field in form.
February 27, 2019
- Fixed problem in viewing the "Week " in the calendar. You will need to clear the browser cache.
- Fixed problem in exporting PDF compressed in application form.
- Fixed problem in the button "Download " in the form PDF export.
- Fixed problem in exporting compressed PDF using password in Linux and MAC environments.
- Fixed Password field display problem in the form, when exporting PDF, even when the password function was previously disabled.
- Fixed problem setting format values as percentage, in Pie chart type.
- Fixed Notice: Use of undefined constant s-assumed's in the tab application using PDF export.
- Fixed problem in exporting images using password in the Chart application.
- Fixed issue in the HTML printing of the form application.
- Fixed issue when exporting PDF in Debian distribution (Linux).
- Fixed issue when creating filter fields using Select 2.
February 22, 2019
- Added options for color and thickness settings for trendlines in the chart theme.
- Fixed problem in handling data entered in SMALLDATETIME fields, using SQL Server connection.
- Fixed error Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function SC_dir_app_name() when accessing menu application without security.
- Fixed problem when cleaning label filter conditions in the grid with infinite scroll.
- Fixed problem in the field title, when using nested grids as title on the same line.
- Fixed crash problem in forms navigation using Informix connection.
- Fixed problem in retrieving SQL types in clauses with INNER JOIN, using MySQLi driver.
- Fixed crash problem in resume export Excel.
February 14, 2019
- Added option for password in form PDF export.
- Added option for password in chart export to PDF, Excel, Word, CSV, XML and images.
- Added option for settings in the image export in the chart application.
- Added option to display items in the export to the end user in the grid and chart applications.
- Added option to export compressed PDF (.zip) in grid, chart and form applications.
- Added option "Distinguish uppercase/lowercase" in the express edition of the applications.
- Added option to allow files to be downloaded through Document type fields, even if readonly.
- Added new sample system for delivery tracking.
- Fixed problem in WHERE of grid using refined search, after redirect of summary.
- Fixed problem loading CSS button settings.
- Fixed problem in refined search view in grid HTML print.
- Fixed problem when displaying records in the calendar, using initial day mode.
- Fixed problem in source code when using external libraries through the onScriptInit event in the grid application.
- Fixed problem in numeric field calculator when multiplying with numbers containing zeros on the right.
- Fixed problem in header during HTML print of grid with orientation of slide type.
- Fixed problem in header during HTML print of grid with orientation of vertical type.
- Fixed problem in sc_field_display macro to hide fields from nested grid, in grid with slide orientation.
- Fixed problem using Ctrl + S shortcut to save Helpcase files.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax event in numeric fields with spin.
- Fixed problem when generating column charts in grid fields.
February 4, 2019
- Fixed problem when importing same application in project.
- Fixed problem when searching for content with single quotes in the grid advanced search.
- Fixed problem in generating the PDF using the grid with vertical orientation.
- Fixed problem in printing the header in the PDF export, using the grid with slide orientation.
- Fixed problem in sorting when editing global variable in a PHP method.
- Fixed problem in two-point named tables (:) in Postgres, when generating grid in SQL Builder.
- Fixed authentication problem when using Database Builder with SQL Server connection.
- Fixed problem in vertical alignment of input in checkbox fields.
- Fixed problem in vertical alignment of subselect fields in Report PDF.
- Fixed problem in advanced search of date type fields as VARCHAR in the database.
- Fixed problem in displaying the label below the group by, not using configurable PDF.
- Fixed problem of vertical alignment of date fields using conditions between two values.
- Fixed issue when using digital signature fields in Report PDF applications.
- Fixed error in_array () expects parameter when accessing express edition.
- Fixed problem in the compressed export library (.zip) in Mac OS.
- Fixed JavaScript error document.registerElement is deprecated from the treemenu.
- Fixed problem in screen resolution in rename application interface, containing multiple bindings.
- Fixed problem in displaying the lines in Report PDF.
- Fixed problem in SQL complex using connection with MySQLi driver.
- Fixed problem in detail HTML printout in grid application.
- Fixed problem Parse error: syntax error in N:N settings.
- Fixed problem using sc_concat macro in field lookup, in control application.
- Fixed problem in displaying defined user grid buttons using master/detail.
- Fixed problem in title when uploading JS files in Helpcase.
- Fixed error when setting orientation as free format and initial "Print" module in the grid application.
- Fixed problem in the regional settings of the mini calendar in the calendar application.
January 25, 2019
- Fixed problem when saving fields in the interface, using the Spanish language.
January 25, 2019
- Fixed problem in Excel export using dynamic group by, in grid application.
- Fixed problem saving changes to fields of type SELECT, in form application.
January 24, 2019
- Option to add password (using a fixed value or global variable) to protect the exported files in PDF, XML, EXCEL, WORD and RTF.
- Option to display titles on all PDF pages.
- Option to display header on all PDF pages.
- Dynamic columns selection for PDF, XML, EXCEL, WORD, RTF and PRINT.
- Dynamic selection of modules for PDF display (Grid, Summary and Chart).
- Option to export Grid and Summary in Excel tabs.
- Option to export Excel with "XLS" or "XLSX" formats.
- Dynamic module selection (Grid and Summary) in Excel, XML and CSV and Grid in Word, RTF.
- Option to display CSV settings for export.
- Integration with the CHATAPI library to use with WhatsApp.
- New macro to send whatsapp messages: sc_send_whatsapp
- Option to insert a trendline in a chart, to attract the attention of viewers to a particular section within data values, on any of the axes.
- Option to insert trend zones to a chart. They are similar to trend lines, except that they mark out an entire range of values, rather than just a single value.
- Option for you to create/edit code snippets and add to them events.
- New options to express configuration for Grid fields.
- Added for Grid and Form filters the select2, slide, auto-complete, switch and checkbox dropdown and options - fields.
- New watermark options in filter fields.
- Option for data-type fields to display format next or below for: Control, Calendar, Filters and Form.
- Added relative dashboard filters for indexes.
- Fixed label option added in the application for the horizontal-type Form.
- Fixed label option added in the Grid’s Summary.
- Added new option for the Form to put the “Help” next to the titles.
New Macro sc_apl_default added to set an initial application to return upon session crash.
Documentation: sc_apl_default - Macro sc_apl_default now available at creation for security module.
- New option for setting the level of the APIs as public, project and user.
- Improvements to usability of Grid application link-interface.
- Fixed error in the timing of the users using the LDAP security module.
- Fixed issue of the title displayed improperly in the PDF.
- Fixed issue in view of the "loading" in importing applications.
- Fixed issue of mandatory fields in the creation of the calendar in the interface.
- Fixed problem in the internal format of the field of type "date" in the application of filter.
November 13, 2018
- Added support for Jsmind, JKanban, and Orgchart components in the sc_inclube_lib macro.
- Fixed problem in the internal format of the date field in the search.
- Fixed problem in the message view "Records not found" in the PDF Report application, using charset ISO-8859-1
- GoJS library is no longer available for native use in Scriptcase. Learn more by clicking here.
October 31, 2018
- Fixed CSRF Token problem when accessing control and form applications.
- Fixed Javascript problem generated in Blank applications.
- Fixed problem in Ajax event in autocomplete fields.
October 30, 2018
- Fixed problem in viewing the "Unauthorized User" message logged in another language when the PHP session was expired.
- Fixed problem when disabling HTML Editor fields
- Fixed problem of connection variables when using connection to database in menu application from publication.
October 26, 2018
- Fixed problem in totalization when updating record linked to opening form in a new window.
- Fixed frame width problem when clicking on the menu tab.
- Fixed problem in menu tab navigation.
- Fixed problem in button freeze when performing Onchange Ajax processing.
- Fixed problem in title when renaming files in helpcase.
- Fixed problem when using select2 field on a form that has linking to another.
- Fixed problem in project name in minor resolutions.
- Fixed problem in the interpretation of tags in auto-complete fields, using the sc_concat macro.
- Fixed problem in the view of type select2 field, initially configured as hidden.
- Fixed SQL error after running the grid run button, containing a calculated field.
- Fixed problem in looukp query processing using multi-valued option.
- Fixed problem with the "back" button of the calendar when connected through a search application.
October 16, 2018
- Fixed problem in description SSL settings for MySQL connection in the production environment.
- Fixed problem when performing search in Quick Search using sc_concat macro in field lookup.
- Fixed problem in the interpretation of tags in text fields of editable grid form (view).
- Fixed CHARSET problem when using title in Select's lookup with Ajax processing.
October 4, 2018
- Fixed problem in the label preview in CSV export, using the macro "sc_field_display".
- Fixed problem with "exit URL" security settings option in menu, tab, and blank application.
- Fixed problem when using capture text in auto-complete fields without Select2.
- Fixed problem in CHARSET of fields when loading application settings in side menu.
- Fixed problem when using help settings in HTML Editor fields.
- Fixed problem using more than one link for more than one widget on the dashboard.
- Fixed problem when creating applications in Internet Explorer 11.
- Fixed SQL error, in XLS export, on group by with empty values.
- Fixed problem when selecting the special conditions of the search, using the french language.
- Fixed problem with height resizing in Ajax event editor.
- Fixed problem when using the sc_field_color macro in Report PDF applications.
- Fixed problem using Google Maps field, hiding columns with latitude and longitude in the grid.
- Fixed problem in print export of grid with group by.
- Fixed problem when using date fields with no regional setting in dynamic search with special conditions.
- Fixed problem in the required field message fields with date/time field using calendar component.
September 26, 2018
- Added initial database support in editing PostgreSQL connections.
- Fixed problem when using refined search in applications, with GROUP BY in SQL clause.
- Fixed Uninitialized string offset: 0 error, when executing form applications.
- Fixed problem when using dropdown option in SELECT search fields.
- Fixed problem viewing the "Jump to" button on the forms.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax onFocus events in auto-complete fields using select2.
September 24, 2018
- Added new example CRM system, Customer Relationship Management.
- Fixed problem when using group by in the grid, by fields containing records with single quotation marks.
- Fixed problem in multiple lines text fields, in editable grid forms (view), adding the BR tag to break line records.
- Fixed problem in incrementing versions using option to keep user logged in.
- Fixed problem in select field width using Select2 with Ajax processing.
- Fixed problem when using ajax onBlur and onChange events in auto-complete fields using select2.
- Fixed problem loading initial helpcase file list.
- Fixed problem in vertical alignment of responsive charts.
- Fixed problem when using call functions inside other functions in internal libraries.
- Fixed problem using advanced search and dynamic search with INNER JOIN.
- Fixed problem passing parameters, through the link between applications, with HTML image fields in the control application.
September 14, 2018
- Fixed problem in button group when saving to default project values.
- Fixed problem in button lock when using Ajax events between fields.
- Fixed scrolling problem in project connection at minor resolutions.
- Fixed problem when using duplicate named methods in internal libraries.
September 6, 2018
- Added support for 'Null' and 'Not Null' conditions in the table fields, used in the index filter on the dashboard.
- Recognizing the type of form in the detail properties in the master/detail properties.
- Fixed problem with search toolbar buttons, in the Scriptcase default values.
- Fixed problem executing checkbox fields in the search application.
- Fixed problem displaying 'TestConn' in the connections of the production environment.
- Fixed problem when tabbing with ENTER in auto-complete fields.
- Fixed error Undefined variable: tmp_apl_or when executing form applications in master/detail creation.
- Fixed error Undefined variable: sNomeCampo field when compiling control applications using Ajax event.
- Fixed Javascript error in the execution of the helpcase button, in form and control applications.
- Fixed problem of overlapping charts in PDF export, using charts on same page of summary.
- Fixed problem of duplicate charts in PDF export, using charts on same page of summary.
- Fixed empty page problem in PDF export grid with group by.
August 29, 2018
- Added support to schema in Oracle connection settings.
- Added support to schema in PostgreSQL connection settings.
- Added support to initial database in creating PostgreSQL connections.
- Fixed problem in title when renaming helpcase files.
- Fixed problem when using 'date' fields not displayed in form application.
- Fixed problem in the positioning of the records when using the option 'Records per line' in the PDF report.
- Fixed problem using format 1- for negative numbers.
- Fixed problem when generating full report option in exporting HTML print.
August 24, 2018
Fixed problem when using Oracle PDO connection without schemas enabled.
You must update the production environment - Fixed problem in sorting columns that list project applications.
- Fixed problem in viewing Progress connection in projects.
- Fixed interface problem when deleting linked virtual fields.
- Fixed problem in sorting the fields on the form using the DB2 connection.
- Fixed problem when using digital signature fields in grid with user defined orientation.
- Fixed problem in the view of the "In" condition of the filter in the double select field.
- Fixed "htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string" error when accessing the data session interface.
- Fixed problem in searching the field "Text autocomplete", using upper case in dynamic search.
- Fixed problem using refined search with complex SQL queries in the grid applications.
- Fixed problem in displaying newly modified applications in environments installed with PostgreSQL.
August 15, 2018
- Fixed problem when using Current Value option in double select fields.
- Fixed Scriptcase access problem after installing in Linux environments.
- Fixed view problem with special periods in date fields, in the dynamic search on form.
- Fixed problem with pageview when searching for records that didn't exist on the form.
- Fixed problem when using dynamic group by starting with closed treeview.
- Fixed problem in positioning the fixed label when using treeview option in the group by.
- Fixed problem in updating numeric fields and auto-complete without filling new features.
- Fixed problem in inserting images when using multi upload fields.
- Fixed problem in time display in date and time fields, under special filter conditions.
- Fixed problem when using Group Results option in the grid label filter.
- Fixed problem when opening image manager through group of buttons in toolbar.
- Fixed problem Fatal error: Invalid handle returned when connecting to SQL Server PDO.
Fixed processing problem when using Ajax events in fields assigning values to itself.YOU MUST UPDATE THE PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT
August 8, 2018
- Fixed connection problem with Sybase PDO DBLIB in the production environment. (You need to upgrade production environment)
- Fixed error Invalid argument supplied for foreach() when accessing dynamic summary without totalization.
- Fixed problem when using dynamic groupby in grid applications.
August 6, 2018
- Added option for the toolbar to inherit settings from project default values toolbar, using Express Edition feature.
- Layout improvement on new database connection creation within the Project Edit Connection feature.
- Fixed problem on inserting images into IMAGE columns with Sybase PDO connection.
- Fixed issue when using option for indentation by space rather than in the events tab.
- Fixed issue in return for signature fields values, through the events in the control application.
- Fixed language of message ' close or Esc Key ' in modal. (Necessary to clean the browser cache)
- Fixed problem with default values of the new features available in version 9.2
- Fixed formatting problem in numerical values in export XLS.
- Fixed issue in buttons when using Grids within widgets in dashboard.
- Fixed issue in data view, when navigating between records of auto-complete.
- Fixed problem saving the project themes.
- Fixed issue in blocking of buttons when using Ajax events between fields.
- Fixed issue in visualization of document icons on multi upload.
- Fixed error Invalid argument supplied for foreach () when saving settings.
- Fixed error 2 = in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in generating query applications.
July 30, 2018
- Added option for slider increment value in number and decimal fields.
- Added support for Ajax events in rating fields.
- Added ODBC PDO driver on Progress connections.
- Fixed installation problem in Linux Ubuntu 18 environments.
- Fixed behavior issue when using the 'Hide menu' option in tree-menu applications.
- Fixed issue in column recognition when synchronizing table with Oracle PDO connections.
- Fixed connection problem with SQL Server from the production environment.
- Fixed problem when disabling numeric fields using slider.
- Fixed issue when using numeric fields without populating slider width.
- Fixed bug "Invalid argument supplied for foreach ()" when using subselect fields in Report PDF applications.
- Fixed issue in date fields using combo while browsing records.
- Fixed width problem when resizing layers from menu structure.
- Fixed issue in menu width, using layers in menu structure.
- Fixed positioning problem for vertical menu.
- Fixed issue using select select fields disabled.
- Fixed navigation problem when using infinite scroll.
- Fixed issue when navigating between number of pages.
Fixed issue when searching for fields with no displayed conditions in search.YOU MUST UPDATE THE PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT
July 23, 2018
- Added PDO IBM driver on DB2 connections.
- Added PDO ODBC driver on DB2 connections.
- Added support for PDO driver on the Firebird connection.
- Added support for PDO driver on Oracle connection.
- Added support for XML export in Nested Grids.
- Added more options to generate the XML elements, such as attribute or value.
- Added support for customizing relative periods in date/time fields in the Filter.
- Added new "Current Value" option to display values of the column itself, without repetitions, in selection fields in the filter.
- Added new option to customize Scriptcase hotkeys interface.
- Added new option for exporting / importing Scriptcase hotkeys interface.
- Added support for new combinations of hotkeys in the generated applications.
- Added new Rating type field to display classifications in icons, within Form, Control, Calendar and Grid applications.
- Added new digital signature type field in Form, Control, Calendar and Grid applications.
- Added new option to "Use Select2" for select type fields.
- Added new option to "Use Select2" for auto-complete type fields.
- Added new option to "Use Slider" for numeric fields.
- Added new option to "Use Switch" for radio type and checkbox.
- Added support for API integration with Paypal Express.
- Added support for API integration with Paypal Express Incontext.
- Added support for API integration with Paypal Pro.
- Added support for API integration with Paypal Rest.
- Added support for API integration with Pagseguro.
- Added support for integration of API with SMS Clickatell.
- Added support for API integration with SMS Plivo.
- Added support for API integration with Twilio SMS.
- Added PDO DBLIB driver on the SYBASE connections.
- Added support for automatic key recognition, dependencies and default values for Progress connections.
- Added new option to save Search profiles in the tag filter.
- Fixed duplicity problem in Summary toolbar when using "Save Grid" option.
- Fixed issue when running applications through the shortcut in Scriptcase interface, after changes.
- Fixed issue in recognizing TIME type columns in application creation.
- Fixed issue using SQL with parentheses in the sc_lookup macro parameter.
- Fixed issue when performing dynamic content Filter search with content (+).
- Fixed issue in task list after project conversions.
- Fixed issue in progress bar preview during application publishing.
- Fixed issue in displaying the Advanced Filter tags when opened in modal.
- Fixed issue in the field label when using virtual fields, in the labels Filter.
- Fixed issue when using Ajax event in decimal fields.
Fixed problem when incrementing versions of the project, bigger than the current version.YOU MUST UPDATE THE PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT
June 19, 2018
- Fixed issue using special conditions in date fields, in filter.
June 19, 2018
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method appname_apl:: SC_lookup_nas () within the search of the Quicksearch.
- Fixed problem in viewing the manual lookup, in the Grid detail module.
- Fixed problem when using the sc_redir macro in menu applications.
June 13, 2018
- Fixed problem when using sc_redir macro in blank applications.
June 10, 2018
- Fixed problem when sending email to more than one administrator, in security module.
- Fixed problem when performing searches in Database Builder.
- Fixed problem in the target "parameter" when opening the application call, using the sc_redir macro together with the sc_exit macro.
- Fixed problem when using macro sc_redir with modal passing as parameter variable with single quotes.
- Fixed problem when using 'Exit Application' option on Forms with capture connection.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax processing in filter fields in Grid application.
- Fixed problem when customizing regional settings of date fields in dynamic Groupby's.
- Fixed problem when using the sc_redir macro, opening in new page, in PHP buttons.
June 6, 2018
- Fixed problem when reporting the negative sign before the value, in numeric fields.
- Fixed problem in running summary filter when grid was started in chart mode.
- Fixed problem when saving changes to the interface of the project default values.
- Fixed problem when generating the summary using the SQL limit option.
- Fixed problem in express edition, applying changes individually in all applications.
- Fixed 'Back' button description in drilldown charts.
- Fixed problem when listing macros in control (HTML) applications.
- Fixed problem for line break in multi line text fields.
- Fixed problem when using floating menu without toolbar.
May 25, 2018
- Added style support for CSS, LESS, SCSS, JS, HTML, XML and PHP code from the file extension used in the external library.
- Added shortcut CTRL(CMD) + ALT + I for automatic indentation of selected code. You will need to clear your browser's cache.
- Added functionality to expand/collapse code blocks in the editor.
- Fixed problem in floating vertical menu, using toolbar.
- Fixed problem in displaying the "Positive currency format" option in summary numeric fields.
- Fixed problem in incrementing days in sc_date macro.
- Fixed problem when viewing the image field in the form grid editable(View), shortly after a search in the QuickSearch filter.
- Fixed problem in the application view procedure, when there were other connections other than the MS SQL Server connection.
- Fixed problem saving chart themes.
- Fixed problem when selecting value in capture link, in editable grid forms.
- Fixed problem while clearing a QuickSearch search.
- Fixed problem in form's onChange Ajax event. The event was being processed 2 times.
- Fixed problem in label filter when using fields with Ajax processing.
May 18, 2018
- Fixed 'unauthorized user' error message when deleting the project.
- Fixed issue when using comment with slash on events.
- Fixed crash when generating applications that contains parentheses in the application's SQL.
- Fixed issue in creating Grid application when informing SQL with parentheses.
May 17, 2018
- Added support for global variables in reCaptcha and Captcha fields.
- Added capture link in tags filter.
- Updated new component of the SPIN option of the Form.
- Fixed issue in navigating the Grid using the Internet Explorer 11 browser.
- Fixed horizontal scrolling issue in SQL Builder with results with many columns.
- Fixed error in SQL, when changing charset in the creation of the application.
- Fixed issue when using a global variable in sql Grid fields.
- Fixed issue in aligning numeric fields in GridEditable forms.
- Fixed issue in the display of the option "Validation Image" in the field of type "data", configured as mandatory.
- Fixed issue in displaying the mandatory field message in ajax in date field in Forms.
- Fixed issue in SELECT, RADIO and CHECKBOX fields using manual lookup in HTML controls.
- Fixed issue when creating Grid applications using SQL functions without aliasing.
- Fixed issue when creating Grid applications using queries like SELECT * table.
- Fixed issue in the menu when using the toolbar buttons with the "hide menu" option. The buttons were not being displayed correctly.
- Fixed issue using URL without "maps.google.com" in Google Maps fields.
- Fixed reCAPTCHA validation on Form update.
- Fixed error in running a Grid using JOIN on Access type connections.
- Fixed problem in Search of QuickSearch containing apostrophe.
- Fixed CSRF Token error in applications opened within the menu tabs.
- Corrected problem using the "Use Password" option in the security of applications that used connections. The applications that received the connection were loaded by requesting the password again.
May 9, 2018
- Enabled the email export buttons in the Grid's detail.
- Fixed issue in Access connections using password.
- Fixed issue in menu events using strings.
- Fixed charset issue when entering values in form Editable Grid view.
- Fixed charset issue in the "Description" field in the calendar application when using ISO-8859-1 charset.
- Fixed issue in the email API interface in the production environment. (You will need to update your production environment).
- Fixed problem in typing the numeric fields by using the option complete with zeros.
May 7, 2018
- A new interface for managing APIs directly from Scriptcase with automatic integration with the email APIs services: Mailchimp, Mandrill and Amazon SES.
New Macros sc_call_api and sc_send_email_api for advanced implementations with APIs integration within Scriptcase events, control and blanks.
Documentation: sc_call_api
Documentation: sc_send_mail_api - New button to send emails from Grids, Pivot Tables and Charts with reports attached in PDF, HTML, XLS, XML, CSV, RTF, WORD or images. Push settings can easily be shown within the interface using SMTP, Amazon SES or Mandrill.
- For Chart applications where added new settings to export to formats: XLS, XML, CSV, RTF, WORD and image;
- For HTML and Images exports from Chart applications, it was added a new important option for Chart depth output selection, according to the metrics used.
- New option for depth output selection to PDF exports within Grid Applications.
- New dynamic tags for Advance Search module that allow you to select or manipulate the conditions and fields with ajax directly within the application with a simple and modern interface.
- New configurations options that allows, for example, to add buttons within the Advanced Search form body.
- In the Summary and Chart Search feature were added new relative period conditions to Filter: "Current week until today", “Current quarter until today” and “year to date”.
- New options for creating customized periods with related conditions directly within the Summary and Chats Filter interface. It gives you freedom to create special period of date.
- Added new keyboard shortcuts for performing basic functions of Scriptcase as: Generate the source code, Save application, Run, Closing/Opening tabs, access SQL Builder and others
- New option to display Nested Grids as XLS export.
- New setting to configure Chart original sorting values to and return to default state.
- Scriptcase codes editor, used within the events, control and application blank with new options for viewing with lateral expansion or full screen code area and access to new themes.
- Integration with shortcut keys from editors Emmet and Sublime Text, that is, the shortcut keys of these editors will be recognized within the Scriptcase.
- CSS and Javascript language interpretation support within the code editor.
- New button for project execution.
- New example template with the HTML diagram library for creating Mind maps This template will be inside the "Samples" project (you will need to import samples project to access the applications).
- Database Builder update with a new Interface facilitating performance for creating and changing your database. New theme, store server-side to avoid excessive requests, accessibility labels (HTML5) and new languages: Danish, Greek, Galician, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Finnish, Hebrew and Malay.
- Database Builder update for MySQL: Support connecting to MySQL via SSL, support JSON data type, Support MySQL 8.
- Atualização do Database Builder para o MariaDB: Suporte JSON desde o MariaDB 10.2 e suporte a índices fulltext e espaciais no InnoDB.
- Database Builder update for PostgreSQL: Support binary files in bytea fields.
- Database Builder update for PostgreSQL: support JSON and JSONB data types, materialized views.
- Database Builder update for SQLite: Allow deleting PRIMARY KEY from tables with auto increment.
- Database Builder update for SQLite: enable FOREIGN KEY CHECKS.
- Database Builder update for SQL Server: Support freetds.
- Database Builder update for SQL Server: support pdo_dblib.
- Updating the new HTML editor
- Fixed issue when using the macro sc_label in multiple record forms and grid editable.
- Fixed issue in setting the maximum size of the field on the filter settings.
- Fixed issue in preview of the label of the columns in the XLS export when the application was using language variables.
- Fixed issue in the duplicity of the characters as they are typed in mobile environments.
- Fixed issue when pressing the enter key in multi-line text field.
- Fixed issue in CSS tabs in static and dynamic Groupby in Grid application.
- Fixed issue in the "Maximum Size" option in the multi-line text field.
- Fixed issue when importing a spreadsheet where the name contained numbers.
- Fixed issue when inserting an image with link in the field EditorHTML.
- Fixed issue in the Google Maps field view in the Editable Grid form (View).
- Fixed issue in processing the "Exit" button of the Control application, when the application was executed within the menu.
- Fixed problem in passing parameters in the field link of the Grid, when the Form had composite key.
- Fixed JavaScript error in the "Save Grid" button of the Grid application.
- Fixed issue in displaying the Summary on the same page of the Grid, after navigation of records.
- Fixed issue in Internet Explorer, by keeping focus on text area fields while the values is being filled.
March 22, 2018
- Improvements in the applications sorting in the project applications's list.
- Fixed problem with alignment of fields' type "radio" and "checkbox" when using manual lookup.
- Fixed issue in target "_blank" parameter of the macro "sc_redir" by using the macro along with the macro sc_exit.
- Fixed issue when using the "dynamic filter" button on summary application.
- Fixed issue in visualization of indexes on the dashboard applications using the SQL Server connection.
- Fixed issue in the HealthCare System with Postgres, SQL Server and Oracle connections.
March 15, 2018
- Improvement in group by of summary group by using Progress connection.
- Fixed problem using the macro sc_hide_groupby_rule in grid applications.
March 15, 2018
- Added new healthcare sample system. UPGRADE REQUIRED View Example
- Fixed issue in Quicksearch when using the connections of type "Progress".
- Fixed issue in viewing the "rows" button in the Grid, when the Summary module was disabled.
- Fixed issue of accentuation in the help descriptions of the fields in the Filter application.
- Fixed issue of accentuation in the visualization of the values of the manual lookup in the breakdown of the query.
- Fixed issue in the search of field type "data" in connection of type "Progress".
March 8, 2018
- Added option to run the onchange event in the field of the master Form when using sc_master_value macro in Form detail.
- Fixed issue using the CONCAT command in the Grid lookup.
- Fixed bug when using the "Arial" font in the ReportPDF application.
- Fixed issue in Chart filter view when exporting to pdf.
- Corrected issue when using the values of the field of type "data" in the Groupby of the Summary, in the connections of type Progress.
February 28, 2018
- Added new Progress connection module.
- Improved performance in the "date" field searches on MSSQL Server connections.
- Fixed issue in updating the values in the lookup type of multiple binary values.
- Fixed issue with “Filter Saving” using "double select" field type.
- Fixed issue in the field tab "date" in the Filter using the range condition.
- Corrected issue with "Filter Saving", when the Grid had Group by using data type fields.
- Fixed issue when using SQL UNION in autocomplete fields.
- Fixed issue when saving theme in Charts, in Scriptcase versions that were installed with MySQL.
- Fixed issue in ajax events of the Grid when using full pagination. Before that, the event was only created in the first 10 records.
- Fixed issue in Filter search with negative values.
- Fixed issue in character display in Summary Filter using charset windows-1255 (Hebrew).
- Fixed issue using the CONCAT command in the Grid lookup.
- Corrected option to Convert Letters of the field in Filter applications.
February 21, 2018
- Fixed issue in the lookup description of the text fields and autocomplete numbers when returning from the Grid.
- Fixed height in the checkbox by clicking multiselect on refined filter.
- Fixed issue when using the sc_log_add macro in the Blank application.
- Fixed issue when assembling the "Order by" in the SQL of the Grid, when the application has two breaks for the same field of type data.
- Adjustments in the display of the Chart application and Summary Filter buttons.
- Fixed issue in viewing images from field "image file name" using the subdirectory option.
February 16, 2018
- Improved performance in Summary applications.
- Improved performance in field data searches on Postgres connections.
- Fixed issue when using parentheses at the "hint" parameter in the sc_link macro.
- Fixed issue when using the "sc_label" macro in fields that use language variables, generated by the data dictionary in Grid applications.
- Fixed issue in the display of the "docx" extension icon, when using the "Display the file type icon" option in the document fields of the Grid application.
- Corrected height in the checkbox by clicking multiselect of the refined filter.
February 5, 2018
- Added support for global variables through the new macro "sc_make_link".
- Added new options under summary and charts filters.
- Improvement of performance of autocomplete fields on a filter.
- Fixed problem in the table creator interface for calendar applications with an Access connection.
- Fixed problem with the format of time values in the backup filenames.
- Fixed problem with the images and templates copied while migrating from version 7 to 9.
- Fixed problem with the images and templates copied while migrating from version 6 to 9.
- Fixed problem that could corrupt GroupBy data while migrating from version 6 to 9.
- Fixed issue in version 5 to 9 migration.
- Fixed problem when using sc_redir in a PHP method called from a PHP button.
- When using an Editable Grid (View) form, File Upload fields now can only be downloaded on lines that are in editing mode.
January 24, 2018
- Fixed issue in returning a connection when we use the sc_select (where) macro in the source application.
- Fixed issue when running the application "Dashboard" in the interface's initial mode.
- Corrected issue in displaying the values of the field "Data" in the interface of the Group By. You will need to clear your browser's cache.
- Fixed special SQL error in Grid Application.
- Fixed issue in view of field lookup when condition had dot.
- Fixed problem of accentuation in the label of the macro button "sc_ajax_message", when using charset other than UTF-8.
- Corrected spacing of the navigation buttons being displayed below.
- Fixed anchor of the menu link in the documentation.
January 18, 2018
- Added lang support in the sc_alert macro. Ex: sc_alert ({lang_btns_ajax})
- Enabled the image and document database fields in the Grid columns interface.
- Enabled the examples in the onScriptInit event of the Grid.
- Fixed issue Tab_lig_apls is not defined in Grid links called through the Menu.
- Fixed issue in the display of the "delete" button when canceling the edition of record in the Grid view editable Form.
- Fixed "Array to string conversion" error when using the sc_mail_send macro.
- Fixed validation of values in the interface of version incrementation.
- Fixed issue in the events help link.
- Fixed issue in searching for Dynamic Search with data type "TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIMEZONE".
- Corrected issue in viewing the refined filter values, after returning from Summary Group by links.
- Fixed issue when generating a free format Grid without the toolbar buttons.
- Fixed issue in hint viewing on field links using Sc7_Black theme.
January 11, 2018
- Added RTL language support in the Summary filter.
- Fixed issue in Chart display in pdf export.
- Fixed Grid export issue when using macros "sc_seq_register" and "count_ger" in the OnRecord event.
- Fixed issue in Nested Grid type links.
- Fixed macro help link in events.
January 10, 2018
- Added option to display the background image of the pdf report when no record is found. This option is available in the SQL interface menu.
- Added option for the positioning of the registration message that does not exist in the PDF Report. This option is available in the SQL interface menu.
- Added dropdown support in SELECT filter fields.
- Added support for complex SQL in Auto-complete fields.
- Fixed issue in the "Group Label" view in the forms, when there was a hidden field in the application.
- Adjustments in the fields verification condition in the multiupload option.
- Fixed issue using empty paragraph tag in HTML editor.
- Fixed issue in sorting's layout configuration of Summary when changing order of fields from Group by.
- Fixed JS issue when clicking on links from image fields in Grid.
- Fixed issue using function keys in Firefox.
- Fixed issue in the menu layout when using the "hide menu" option in the Edge and I.E 11 browsers.
- Fixed issue generating a Subselect field in pdf report application in php 7.1 environments
- Fixed issue when cleaning refined filter search in fields named as length.
- Fixed issue in PDF export support using grids with custom layout from events.
- Fixed issue when using color html field with color palette on horizontal forms.
- Fixed issue in exporting Excel from array Summary.
- Fixed issue in XLS and XML export when referencing some field of type "date" in onGroupByAll events.
- Fixed line break issue in "multi line" fields in PDF Report application, when using the convert letter option.
- Fixed issue in color views of the negative values of the Summary.
- Fixed issue in viewing the size of the buttons in the bindings of the iframe Grid type.
- Fixed bug when using link button in editable Grid form (view).
December 26, 2017
- Added new values in the "negative currency format" option in the total fields of the summary.
- Added grid navigation configuration support from master / detail.
- Added support for YEAR fields.
- Added support for Nested Grids in Grid details.
- Implemented support to macro "sc_format_num" in the onrecord event of the grid, using summary fields.
- Added "port" option in SFTP publishing settings.
- Added port data entry for DB2 connection.
- Fixed issue when converting Access tables that have images.
- Fixed issue in viewing the records in the calendar by checking the option "all day". The schedule showed less 1 day.
- Fixed issue in formatting millisecond fields.
- Fixed duplicate data insertion problem with dynamic search.
- Fixed issue when using the database session option in the post.
- Fixed issue in viewing calendar time on Oracle connections.
- Fixed issue in the Themes view of the tree menu. The tree menu was not inheriting the Themes CSS.
- Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call a member function Execute () when using the sc_lookup macro in the ReportPdf application onHeader event.
- Fixed issue in the initial execution of pyramid and 2D funnel charts.
- Fixed issue when using subselect command in field lookup.
- Fixed issue when running operations directly in the application's SQL.
- Fixed issue in the informed value of the negative field of manual lookup of the multiple selection fields.
- Fixed issue in viewing calendar records on Access database connections.
- Fixed issue using "Use ENTER to Submit" option in dynamic filter settings.
- Fixed issue when using the menu toolbar with image type buttons.
- Adjustments in the Nested Grid CSS when using the title option on the same row.
- Fixed issue when using link button in Editable Grid Form (view).
- Fixed issue in view of the buttons size on the iframe type connections.
- Fixed issue in pdf export when printing mode was configured for economic.
December 13, 2017
- Added macro support "sc_format_num" in the onrecord event of the grid.