June 30, 2017
- Added support for more languages in the calculator.
- Fixed problem when exporting pdf from chart applications.
- Fixed CSS vertical alignment of text fields title and number related to the help of the field.
- Fixed issue when using two checkbox fields, the second field was not displaying the internal lookup value after ajax processing.
- Fixed issue when performing the search in the quicksearch in the fields and number text Auto-Complete.
- Fixed issue when changing the quantity of items in multiple forms and grid editable. The value of the WHERE clause in the field was being not set.
- Fixed issue in the onclick event. The event was not retrieving the value of the double select field.
- Fixed issue in the infinite scroll when the buttons of "advances and return" were enabled in the application.
- Fixed issue in the placement of fields in the report headers pdf images.
- Fixed issue with Grid detail fields display. There was a problem in the display of the fields when exceeded the button toolbar.
- Fixed problem when updating a field of type "image (file name)". The image type field was not updated in the database.
- Fixed issue in the submit page to change the option to view the mobile version.
- Fixed problem in generating maps (Google Maps) on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem of charset with the charts
- Fixed issue in the macro "sc_error_message" on a onValidade event when the application name started with number.
- Fixed problem with capture links within the control applications.
March 16, 2017
- Increased the amount of characters in the "text between values" field, in the date type field settings' interface from Search.
- Added langs support to the field "text between values" in the date type field settings' interface from Search
- Fixed issue in sc_connection_new macro. The dynamically connection created was not being assigned to the application.
- Fixed issue when synchronizing the form containing the same name as an existing virtual field in the application.
- Fixed error in the button link type, when the value passed as parameter had a special character.
March 6, 2017
- Fixed issue in the fields help pages charset.
February 6, 2017
- Fixed issue when using the option "Allow empty value" within the autocomplete fields from Editable Grid Form.
- Fixed validation problem with time fields type when using the Timepicker option set as required.
January 26, 2017
- Added macro sc_select_field support for summary fields. The macro must be used in the OnScriptInit event.
- Fixed issue in SPIN field with negative values. It was returning with the value zero when the field was being loaded in the application.
- Fixed issue in the initial field focus, when the application was open in modal. Error happened only in the Firefox browser.
- Fixed error in the Grid SQL when using a "DATETIME"field type containing some code in the onvalidate event.
- Fixed issue when using Infinite Scroll pagination within Slide orientation Grid.
Fixed issue when changing client_encoding from production environment connection.
(You will need to upgrade the production environment)
January 11, 2017
- Fixed error Undefined offset: 1 adodb-postgres64.inc.php line: 571 in Postgres connections, when it was not using schema before the table.
- Fixed problem in the tree menu sub levels. There was a problem when the parent level had no link, the sub level link was being opened if when the parent item was clicked.
January 5, 2017
- Performance improvement in the recovery of tables and fields.
January 5, 2017
- Fixed Fatal error in function GetTag () when changing field type of applications.
January 4, 2017
- Added on URL field settings the options for maximum size and minimum size.
- Fixed problem of slowness when accessing the fields interface, if a database had more than 1000 tables.
- Fixed problem when entering values in fields NULL with Oracle connection.
- Fixed issue when using double quotes with Grid global variables.
- Fixed issue in upload field validation, to configure the maximum size of the file.
- Fixed Fatal error function setTime () in Excel import via database converter.
- Fixed issue with Grid SQL values display after changing the fields definition using the same ALIAS.
December 28, 2016
- Performance Improvement with dependencies recovering from PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server connections.
- Fixed problem when pressing the enter key in the QuickSearch field, in case you were using a JavaScript burron type as image. The button's code was being executed.
- Fixed problem when displaying the "detail" button, when using Alias in the Grid SQL.
- Fixed problem creating automatic dependencies on Form Applications.
- Fixed problem of line break in text fields with multiple rows from Grid Editable and Editable Grid View Form types.
December 22, 2016
- Fixed issue in the sc_redir macro on Chrome and Safari browsers when using the parameter "_blank".
- Fixed issue with filter special conditions, when using date and time fields as a string.
December 14, 2016
- Added Timeout option for the Blank application.
- Added support for "ico" images in the image manager.
- Fixed layout issue within the Tree Menu.
- Fixed issues with the Appointment Sample (It will be necessary to import the project again).
December 13, 2016
- Added support for reading virtual fields inside the events, passed as variables from the filter to the summary.
- Fixed issue with macro "sc_field_style" on Grids with Slide and Vertical orientation. The colors were not being assigned to the cells.
- Fixed problem when updating field type CLOB with empty value.
- Fixed problem in navigation of the records by using the Grid with free format orientation.
- Fixed Fatal error: Call to undefined function perfil_lib () in the Menu application, if the session was closed and the menu item was clicked.
- Fixed generation of source code in the Tree Menu Onload event. The codes were being included before the HTML.
- Fixed problem when updating or navigating through the records using the field number auto complete. Rather than display the description, it was was displaying the code.
- Fixed CSRF vulnerability problem through the interface. (Credits: hyp3rlinx)
November 18, 2016
- All sample systems updated, with improvements and new layout. You will need to import them again to get the changes.
- Fixed issue when creating a button, if the focus was on the "name" field and the "Enter" key was pressed. The frame was loaded without the button.
- Fixed issue in required field validation on Double Select field type.
- Fixed problem in the fields alignment when using the sc_field_color macro.
- Fixed issue in the Control application, if the field of application was set as required and the option "show mobile version" was clicked. The mandatory field message was being improperly displayed.
November 17, 2016
- Added new sample project: sc_appointments
- Fixed search in the Form quicksearch, when there was a link in the Search application to the Form.
- Fixed SQL error when using the sc_field_color macro in the ajax events from Grid application
- Fixed issue when exporting Grid applications to xls or xlsx formats with Date and Date/Time fields.
- Fixed texts alignment from radio and checkbox fields.
- Fixed issue in the display of MS SQL Server and Oracle connections during a sample project import during the project creation. It was happening to users with single database license type.
- Fixed issue when using the character dot (.) in the initial setting value of the text type field.
- Fixed issue in the option "Keep the WHERE clause in the target application," in the links to multiple forms.
- Fixed issue when using the macro sc_begin_trans in converted projects.
- Fixed a safety problem from upload files.
- Fixed error in Token form validation.
October 20, 2016
- Fixed problem when uploading files exceeding 10MB.
- Fixed issue when using the Enter key within the search to submit when the option to "set all" from checkbox field type was enabled. By pressing the enter key, all checkbox were checked.
- Fixed issue when clicking more than once in the PHP buttons type. The buttons were not processed.
- Fixed issue within ajax events onchange, when using the TAB key to render 2 select fields.
- Fixed error when generating PDF with a Grid application as detail.
- Fixed problem with XLS exporting containing a date and time field with empty records.
September 19, 2016
- Fixed error in coding of pages using the charset ISO8859-2.
September 16, 2016
- Fixed error "strlen () expects parameter 1 to be string" within the filter when using an ajax processing with checkbox field type.
- Fixed issue with ajax button. The button was not executed if clicked more than once.
September 8, 2016
- Fixed issue when using the macro sc_select_order with more than one table.
- Fixed problem when comment jQuery commands within the events. The commands were being interpreted as part of the code.
- Added support for variables display created within the attributes interface, via the sc_alert macro.
September 1, 2016
- Fixed issue when saving the data on Scriptcase admin interface.
- Fixed issue with case sensitive when using global variables as a parameter within Tab Application.
- Fixed issue with the search query within date field for Oracle connections.
- Fixed issue when using single quotes inside the labels from Refined Search fields.
- Fixed connection problem from capture links inside a Grid Application using the Advanced Search with iframe.
August 30, 2016
- Enabled recovery fields in the grid's OnScriptInit event, to be sent through the filter.
- Now the "double select" values are available in the PHP button.
- Fixed the problem in the N-N field using the object "double select". It was presented the "Invalid Data" message when using the filter option.
- Fixed problem when using Homeowners with fields that have lookup using the Use specific connection option in forms applications.
- Fixed problem in the security module creation.
- Fixed problem in the log display by using the field type "datetime" as the primary key in the modal type connection.
- Fixed issue by clicking several times in PHP button during a process. The button was processed for the amount of clicks.
- Fixed problem in passing link button Parameters.
- Fixed problem in uploading files in projects with charset ISO8859-1.
August 23, 2016
- Fixed issue in view of the description of the lookup configured as the manual type in refined search, when the fields were configured not to display in the query.
- Fixed issue in the download description of the file, using the macro sc_set_word_name.
- Fixed locking issue when to click in edit applications.
August 22, 2016
- Added new example system to control the booklet of notes and students frequency. It has an interface for different users levels: admin, students, parents and teachers.
- Fixed display problem in applications calendar from links in the grid.
July 21, 2016
- Fixed the problem when express edition interface using the French language. When you click to run, a JavaScript error occur.
- Fixed the "not found" error for master-detail when using a mobile device, when the option to use project index was not set.
- Fixed bug in the download button from the generate PDF toolbar button.
- Fixed permission issue on the Session Directory on Linux and Mac installers.
July 12, 2016
- Fixed problem viewing of the parameters (fields) inside Ajax events.
- Fixed the error 'TypeError: tplName is null' in the tree menu conversion.
- Fixed issue when using the master detail application in mobile devices.
- Fixed problem in macro 'sc_master_value' when using a Grid application linked to a form with a master of detail.
- Fixed error 'Fatal error: Call to undefined method nmPageADminServBackupImport' when importing backup applications
- Fixed problem in Image Header option in Applications Express Editi
July 4, 2016
- TCPDF library updated (Need to update production environment).
- Fixed issue in sc_redir macro documentation using modal target.
- Fixed "Invalid Data" message when using a Grid with links, running from a filter application with iframe.
- Fixed issue with modal from RUN buttons within Grid applications.
- Fixed issue in Dictionary access permissions for Scriptcase users.
- Fixed issue in error messages titles generated by sc_error_message and sc_error_exit macros.
- Fixed issue when using a date and time field and Multiupload in the same application.
- Fixed problem in the treatment of special characters passed as parameter via the sc_redir macro.
- Fixed search form, autocomplete fields when the data was with special characteres and configured to not use the case sensitive option.
- Fixed Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ' $this ', in fields update link table.
- Fixed issue in the refined filter search containing special characters. Protected the characters: +, & and %.
- Fixed problem in the form printing using pages.
- Fixed glitch in the records selection from the run button if in processing the button "RUN" a new record was included.
- Fixed issue in sc_master_value macro when used without Master/detail.
- Fixed issue when using connection when the primary key of the table is datetime type.
- Fixed issue when inserting record in a form opened in an iframe linked to a Grid application.
- Fixed problem with manual lookup whitn Duble Select fields in the Search module from Grid application
- Fixed Javascript error when running an application from the link "Exec".
- Fixed issue when using background image on the onmousedown event in buttons CSS.
- Fixed problem when accessing applications through the menu on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem in the LDAP security module without selecting the option "Protect logged users".
- Fixed issue when inheriting the labels and hints of the form buttons in a iframe link from a Grid app.
- Fixed issue when using HTML codes in the fields' label.
- Fixed "Invalid Data" message when using Grid with "refresh interval" and "enable direct call by the URL" options within the Security settings.
May 23, 2016
- Fixed problem of 'undefined variable' in the 'nm_converte_datas' function.
- Fixed problem in the HTML template interface editor.
- Fixed problem in the editor interface Method.
- Fixed problem in the column status update when you run the application through the 'Exec' button on the Project Home Interface.
- Fixed the the autocomplete syntax in list of macros at the application events.
- Fixed problem in autocomplete of numeric type in PostgreSQL types connections.
- Fixed problem when using a case sensitive function in the numeric type of fields using in PostgreSQL connections.
May 18, 2016
- Fixed issue in the application's search in the Run type button.
- Fixed problem uploading files that uses "OID" type of field using Postgres database.
- Fixed problem when using a "Date" of field as a foreign key in the Multi Upload field.
- Fixed issue on the button EXIT in Grid applications.
- Fixed problem the LDAP synchronization of users using PHP versions 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6.
May 10, 2016
- Added options: Save HTML tags, text input in Javascript, Run content in JavaScript, Remove HTML tags, Allow direct call by URL and Enable CSRF in the Express Edit Interface.
- Added close button on the modal types of link, when opening a Report PDD application.
Created macro sc_format_num_region. This macro is intended formatting numeric values using the regional settings.
For more detail visit scriptcase manual.
- Fixed problem when generating source in the onLoad event of the form. The interface was changing the event name to onLoadAll.
- Fixed problem in the master detail view, when not informed the height as parameter.
- Fixed problem with the option "Save HTML tags" in the text and text fields with multiple lines Forms Editable Grid View.
- Fixed problem in the fields document (database) and Image (database) using the data type that is NOT NULL BYTEA in the Postgres database.
- Fixed problem with the 'Full Zeros' Decimal field applications using grids with Oracle connection database.
- Fixed problem in the view of the catch connection of the window in modal, when the application was running on the master of detail. From this version, the window will open on every page.
- Fixed problem viewing applications, when using the option to "Use Password" security. Applications were displaying the message "Invalid Data".
- Fixed problem in the recovery of the data type of the field, to create a stored procedure used MSSQL Server Native SRV PDO driver
- Fixed problem in graphic theme display in the interface. Changing the theme in the interface, the topic was not changed.
- Fixed problem in display of messages in the Group Label interface when created in a Grid application.
- Fixed problem in the language directory to update the ScriptCase.
- Fixed problem scrolling applications from the menu on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem in the warning message of the type Run button when there is no records selected.
- Fixed problem in display applications in the mobile sub menu as Navigation
- Fixed problem in the width of the tree menu to display applications on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem with an asterisk display (*) displayed in the fields that appear in the break.
- Fixed error Failed to fetch error message, SQL State HY000 in SQLPrimaryKeys to create a Grid application with ODBC connection
- Fixed problem in the recovery of the data type "Double" in the Visual FoxPro database in ODBC connections
- Fixed problem in the recovery of the data type "Numeric" in Visual FoxPro database in ODBC connections
- Fixed problem when creating images using the "Extras Images" option on Form, Control and Calendar application.
- Fixed problem when using links with Modal on Grid applications, when it displays the filter in an IFrame.
- Fixed problem in the Output URL option when the application is opened from the macro sc_redir.
- Fixed problem in the recovery of fields in the ODBC using SQL Server connections.
- Fixed problem in the description of the search result in WebHelp.
April 26, 2016
- Added support for TLS protocol in the e-mail settings at the security module.
- Added support CSRF token. The option is available in the security module.
- Added an option in the security module, to avoid the visualization of applications which called through connections.
- Added an option 'Run content in JavaScript' in fields Text and Text with Multiple Lines in grid applications.
- Added an option 'Protection in codes (Cross-Site-Scripting)' to allow or disallow JavaScript codes in the fields Text and Text Multiple lines.
- Added an option 'Remove HTML tags' in grid applications.
- Fixed problem when using the 'N-N Relations' field in iPad devices.
- Fixed problem using weighted average using the same weight on more than one summation.
- Fixed problem in the colors of partial events changed the calendar.
- Fixed problem when using virtual fields with negative values.
- Fixed problem in the master/detail when the detail is using security in detail application.
- Fixed problem when using the macro sc_apl_conf on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem in page view by downloading files in the upload fields.
- Fixed problem using character $ in langs values.
- Fixed problem when using comments on events.
- Fixed problem when using the database name before the table in the lookup. The error occurred only in type connections MySQL and SQLite.
- Fixed problem in onApplicationInit event after confirm changes made in the event.
- Fixed problem in the validation of number and currency fields in search at the grid applications.
- Fixed problem in calendar applications using Oracle connection.
- Fixed problem when importing the projects Samples and Recruitments.
April 14, 2016
- Fixed error sprintf(): Too few arguments to start Scriptcase.
- Fixed problem in the search fields when they are set as "Double Select".
April 13, 2016
Due to instability on our servers, we request you update to the release 8.1.036.
April 13, 2016
Added support to modify the dataset of the macros sc_lookup and sc_select, by index or by name through the sc_set_fetch mode macro.
For more detail visit scriptcase manual. - Added sc_master_value macro support in event onAfterInsert, running from a grid.
- Added support for languages in time fields using DatePicker. JQuery plug-in to set the time.
- Fixed problem viewing date field with no values in export of XLS.
- Fixed problem when creating the SQL using JOIN in PostgreSQL and SQL Server database connections.
- Fixed problem in the SQL query's execution, when there is an ORDER BY clause.
- Fixed problem with Master/Detail when it opens in modal forms via application link from a Grid application.
- Fixed problem updating the fields totaled by using the sc ajax refresh macro on Grid applications.
- Fixed problem viewing values of the Checkbox fields, in Editable Grid View Forms.
- Fixed problem with download link in the fields document (file name), document (database), image (file name) or image (database) in Editable Grid forms View.
- Fixed problem accessing LDAP security module in full control mode.
- Fixed problem when performing a search that does not return records on Quick Search in forms applications.
- Fixed problem in URL option safety output in blank applications.
- Fixed problem retrieving the value of the lookup, when the field was configured as read-only.
- Fixed problem when setting values of global variables in Ajax events and use them in the selection fields lookup.
- Fixed problem in field preview of the HTML Editor configured as Read-Only on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem when deploying using the ZIP mode. Where was generating more applications than have been selected.
- Fixed problem on applications synchronization within the security module.
April 5, 2016
- Implemented the support to recovery tables fields name with dot.
- Correction on data recovery for sc_select and sc_lookup macros
April 5, 2016
- Added new option for deleting files in directories. Exclusive to Document, Image and Multi-upload types of fields.
- Added new option to hide the image name. Exclusive to Document, Image and Multi-upload types of fields.
- Added new option to set the orientation of the labels on the X axis, in the column, area and line types of chart.
- Fixed problem in displaying field in nested grid inside other nested grids
- Fixed display problem when configuring a nested grid fields aligned to left and top.
- Fixed bug in the PDF export in Chart and Grid applications.
- Fixed problem displaying negative values in accumulated type fields.
- Fixed problem on return of global variables in the Menu application.
- Fixed problem when using the macros sc_lookup and sc_select when the column has the same name as the array index.
- Fixed problem accessing the grid' summary with chart module disabled.
- Fixed problem when generating charts with totals in the grid's summary.
- Fixed problem using "Display Label in break" with the "fixed Label" option enable.
- Fixed problem using dropdown in selection fields displayed in blocks as tabs.
- Fixed problem using dropdown selection in fields displayed on Editable Grid (View) Forms.
- Fixed problem in field settings when created by a static group by.
- Fixed problem in modal display forms with too many fields in the calendar application.
- Fixed problem in the criticism of existing records in the form application with composite key.
- Fixed problem viewing 'No file selected' in upload type of fields.
- Fixed problem when using watermark on date type of fields.
- Fixed problem in the final time display when changing events in the calendar application.
- Fixed problem disregard aspect, after inserting images in simple upload fields.
- Fixed case sensitive problem in auto complete fields in the filter.
- Fixed problem in fields with auto complete with links parameter passing using variables.
- Fixed problem in Ajax processing checkbox fields in the filter.
- Fixed problem the Run button using Infinite Scroll.
- Fixed problem on the fixed label on pages with horizontal scrolling.
- Fixed problem when using a link button option in master/detail application.
- Fixed problem when using Group Label with fixed label and Infinite Scroll.
- Fixed problem after setting fields for the X and Y axes in the summary.
- Fixed problem by disabling selection fields with Ajax recharge.
- Fixed problem on the date type of fields when export to XLS.
- Fixed problem when creating Ajax event in fields named with the plus symbol (+).
- Fixed alignment problem of the label of nested grids using fixed label.
- Fixed problem when using multiple selection in the refined search with 'zero' value.
- Fixed problem when generating applications that contain fields auto complete without case sensitive.
- Fixed bug in PDF export forms with blocks using collapse option.
- Fixed problem to increment files after a record update in upload fields (File Name).
- Fixed problem in increasing file to an existing directory in upload fields (File Name).
- Fixed problem when assigning empty value to a checkbox fields in Ajax events.
- Fixed problem when using LDAP function with single quotes to enable sorting.
- Fixed problem when using HTML code in HTML Editor field on the form.
- Fixed permissions problem in .zip package, generated in the publication.
March 22, 2016
Fixed problem in the nmFieldFormCons Class when editing form fields through the 'Edit fields' option.
You must clear your browser cache.
March 21, 2016
- Added option for fixed label for Grid's with horizontal orientation.
- Added option to return to the current application, repeat the SELECT "COUNT" in the RUN PHP button interface from the Grid and Form application.
Added option for infinite scroll in grid applications.
To access the Infinite Scroll new feature, your Scriptcase license must have the upgrade/update date active. - Added option for fixing initial tab in menu application.
- Fixed problem when using buttons, which link to Dashboard type applications.
- Fixed problem when using macro sc_master_value in onAfterInsert and onAfterDelete event in the Single Record Form.
- Fixed problem when using CIDR, INET or MACADDR type of fields in the QuickSearch form using PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax processing Checkbox fields in the Grid Search.
- Fixed issue when displaying header in the export to PDF on Chart applications.
- Fixed font size configuration problem on the Grid Chart.
- Fixed problem when using auto-complete number fields in forms defined as not Case Sensitive with PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed issue during parameter passing of a link between Grid and Form application, when you have slash reversed (\) in the parameter value.
- Fixed issue in the outgoing URL in the link button with Dashboard.
- Fixed problem when using fields with the WHERE clause in the Grid's QuickSearch.
- Fixed issue when using document field progress bar (filename) in horizontal forms.
- Fixed problem Undefined variable: TP_banco using macro sc_log_add.
- Fixed problem when using CIDR type fields, INET or MACADDR the dynamic Search.
- Fixed problem when using QuickSearch in form with auto-complete fields.
- Fixed problem when using CIDR, INET or MACADDR type of fields in the QuickSearch.
- Fixed issue with insert and update MACADDR field null using PostgreSQL connection.
- Fixed problem when using the SQL CAST function.
- Fixed problem when using DATE fields as lookup in the form of applications.
- Fixed warning problem preventing list databases in MySQL Transac and Non-Transac connections in the production environment.
February 29, 2016
- Added option to add a field delimiter date in advanced connection settings.
Added search field for application link settings.
We are sending out some fixes for Menu application width and height and to menu generated frames. The cases are conditioned to the regular Menu (with vertical and horizontal orientation) and also to the Tree Menu.
In case you find differences within generated Menus after your version update, we kindly ask that you review all these settings.
- Fixed problem in the behavior of theme editor.
- Fixed problem in output Ajax view to conduct a search into a grid application with subqueries through the menu.
- Fixed problem in the form buttons using the macro sc_field_disabled Ajax event disabling the field itself.
- Fixed problem when using date fields to display lookup on the forms.
- Fixed problem the reload databases to change the connection driver to the production environment.
- Fixed problem in name fields display with accents using SQLite connection.
- Fixed problem in height and width options menu with vertical orientation.
- Fixed problem in high range and width of the frame in the tree and normal menu.
- Fixed problem in running PROCEDURES in form with Firebird connection.
- Fixed problem when using the macro sc_include_library in onScriptInit event in auto-complete fields.
- Fixed problem when using the macro sc_master_value in onAfterInsert and onAfterDelete events.
February 18, 2016
Added support to a certificate validation for the macro sc_mail_send required in the PHP 5.6 environments.
Access the manual to see the new parameter added to the macro sc_mail_send.
- Added support for recognition of TIME fields when converting Excel spreadsheets to databases.
- Added support for mobile toolbar for Grid Summaries and Details.
- Added support for field link type within Nested Grids to open forms in tabs, when linked to the Menu app with the items opening in tabs activated.
- Fixed problem within selection field type using date as an internal value.
- Fixed problem when using functions from TCPDF class within PDF Report.
- Fixed CHARSET problem within calendar applications print settings when using ISO8859-1.
- Fixed problem with words rendition for mask option within text field type.
- Fixed display problem within menu tabs width.
- Fixed problem with PHP button when using the macro sc_redir within Grids apps used as detail on Forms.
- Fixed problem when changing regional settings on fields DATE/TIME within PDF Report app.
- Fixed problem in the Chars display with double quotes content.
- Fixed problem in the records display when using manual lookup within Forms Editable Grid (View) type.
- Fixed problem in the Grids' print mode preview, by limiting the number of records per page.
- Fixed problem when searching for DATE type fields in the Search apps using Oracle connection.
- Fixed problem with fields' total display within the Summary Dynamic Group By.
- Fixed problem with macros display when using code editor shortcut within the PHP methods.
February 11, 2016
- Fixed problem when using CLOB columns in horizontal forms with Oracle connection.
- Fixed problem when using TIMESTAMP columns with TIME ZONE in the dynamic search.
- Fixed problem in the summary display on mobile and desktop toolbar.
- Fixed problem in when updating queries as detail application, when the form comes from another connection.
- Fixed problem when searching dates in DATE type of fields set as DATE/TIME.
February 4, 2016
- Fixed problem in grid navigation if the Quick Search was only enabled in the mobile toolbar.
- Fixed problem in navigation, if the navigation buttons were configured on the bottom bar of the desktop on the grid and only on the mobile.
- Fixed problem when updating the record of the query detail, if the registration had been canceled earlier.
- Fixed problem in the recognition of global variables of events.
February 3, 2016
- Added support to master/detail funcionality for all grid features.
- Added support for mobile's toolbar for grids, charts and search applications.
- Fixed problem when loading applications by clicking on the item in the tree menu.
- Fixed problem in the tabs content of the tree menu application.
- Fixed problem in the minimum and maximum width settings for the tree menu tabs.
- Fixed problem in the menu width settings using menu applications.
- Fixed problem when using the UPPER function in the lookup of a field in the advanced search.
- Fixed problem in the tab scroll reload using the option to "Hide menu" in the tree menu.
- Fixed crash problem when commenting on large portions of code in the application events.
- Fixed problem viewing global variables used in the tab applications headers.
- Fixed problem with line breaks in text fields multiple lines used in nested grids.
- Fixed problem in the icon display to sort fields used in some ScriptCase themes.
- Fixed problem when using macro sc_mail_send in onApplicationInit menu event.
- Fixed crash problem when using tables and columns named with special characters when converting Microsoft Access databases.
- Fixed problem renaming titles from HelpCase folders.
- Fixed support langs problem in the dynamic search fields.
- Fixed the display problem when setting width of the frame in the menu of applications, configured as a floating menu.
- Fixed problem viewing the grid's properties after creating a master/detail.
- Fixed spacing problem between fields of the same column, using label above the fields.
- Fixed problem viewing the SELECT type of field with blocks, configured to start closed.
January 22, 2016
- Fixed problem when assigning HTML values in text fields using grid application.
January 21, 2016
- Added support for Informix PDO and ODBC connections on MacOS installer.
- Fixed problem displaying underscore characters in the PDF export type e-mail fields.
- Fixed problem in the centralized horizontal alignment nested grid with slide orientation.
- Fixed problem in the label display above the grids blocks with slide orientation.
- Fixed problem in the refined search to use Grid applications starting with filter with iframes.
- Fixed problem when using macros within functions in internal libraries.
- Fixed problem in creating scrolling tabs when using vertical menus.
- Fixed problem in the spacing display in the grids records.
- Fixed problem during data entry in the log module using SQL Server connection.
- Fixed problem when using update PROCEDURE with DB2 connection.
January 19, 2016
- Added support for scrolling tabs created by the menu application.
- Fixed problem in the execution of Javascript event on OnSubmit Forms editable grid.
- Fixed problem in the value of the delimiter from double select fields.
- Fixed problem on the values division by delimiter double select fields in PHP buttons.
- Fixed problem when using grid summary of the defined every page.
- Fixed problem when deleting methods named with the plus sign (+).
- Fixed problem while accessing different projects using the same connection name after deployment.
- Fixed problem when using UPPER on lookup in the field of Advanced Filter.
- Fixed problem with macro sc_redir using modal in PHP button.
January 11, 2016
- Fixed Invalid Data problem using grid application with HTML Image field to tab application with normal organization.
January 7, 2016
- Fixed problem in the advanced search filter after accessing the Grid's summary or detail.
- Fixed problem when auto-synchronize the From Application when using the Spanish installer.
- Fixed problem when synchronizing deployed security module applications.
- Fixed problem when creating applications from tables named with special characters using SQL Server and PostgreSQL database.
- Fixed problem when creating applications from tables named with numbers using SQL Server database.
- Fixed problem in the weighted average display in the summary.
- Fixed problem on the primary key columns display after navigating in the horizontal form.
December 27, 2015
- Adding new language Shuar (Ecuador).
- Added Oracle and Firebird extensions in the MAC installer
- Added extensions DB2, Informix, Sybase, Interbase / Firebird, ODBC and Oracle in the Linux installer.
- Fixed issue in the CSV file conversion during import.
- Fixed problem when using field names starting with number in the Access database.
- Fixed issue when creating query-based application View without using aliases.
- Fixed issue when using table names and fields with special characters in Access database
- Fixed issue in the fields connections in the Nested Grid
- Fixed problem when viewing WORD files exported from the grid application.
December 17, 2015
- Added support to search the buttons code, in the "Search Application" functionality.
- Fixed problem when changing the field's style settings in Grid applications that are being generated as a link.
- Fixed the CHARSET problem when displaying values in Charts configured as analytic using SQL Server connection.
- Fixed the Grid's detail problem in the horizontal alignment style settings.
- Fixed problem in the style settings exhibited in the Nested Grid.
- Fixed the "file nonexistent" problem by downloading files, after inserting records in horizontal forms.
- Fixed problem ordering the friendly URL exhibited in the inicial project screen.
- Fixed problem in ZipArchive function, displayed during automatic update in Linux environments.
December 9, 2015
- Added support for hint and title customization for "New" button for links from Grid applications.
- Added a new property to open forms in tabs, when linked to menu and set as open in tabs "yes" within Grid applications.
- Fixed problem on inserting and updating records with NULL value in CIDR and INET fields in PostgreSQL.
- Fixed issue when using colors for fields customization in Grids with slide orientation when using label above or below in the block configuration.
- Fixed problem when displaying applications within tabs, using French language.
- Fixed problem when synchronize users in the security module by using LDAP.
- Fixed issue with images resizing from upload fields.
- Fixed issue with Ajax events in fields time datatype.
- Fixed issue with datatime fields within buttons PHP display.
- Fixed issue on custom width behavior from Tab applications, in browsers Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
November 18, 2015
- Added support for the English language, in the macros used on database variables.
- Fixed problem after changing default values of a project.
- Fixed problem in image upload when named with multi-byte characters, spaces and symbols.
- Fixed problem displaying unserialize error when to access a project.
November 17, 2015
- Added option to list all macros alongside the events that the macro runs.
- Fixed problem in the XLS conversion when importing spreadsheets using PRIMARY KEY, AI and NOT NULL options.
- Fixed validation problem when deploy projects via SFTP.
- Fixed problem in the file directory when deploying projects via SFTP.
- Fixed problem when creating folders with the names of already existing folders in the project application area.
- Fixed problem when generating applications, using external libraries with renamed files.
- Fixed problem ordering of values in date type of fields, written in capital letters.
- Fixed problem when importing sample projects using MySQL with PDO connection.
- Fixed problem in the button display in report applications used as detail.
- Fixed problem accessing the filter using UNIQUEIDENTIFIER column as PRIMARY KEY.
- Fixed problem displaying the number of lines in horizontal forms.
- Fixed duplicate problem after accessing grid application starting with filter in iframes.
- Fixed line display problem with color in the preview of menu items.
- Fixed display problem after clearing all filter conditions using the Safari browser.
- Fixed the problem in functionality to hide the sidebar using tabs in the tree menu application.
- Fixed problem in the width of the side menu in menu applications with horizontal alignment set as "right".
- Fixed problem when closing menu tabs when using only images.
- Fixed problem in the interface to access the onValidadeSuccess event using Microsoft Edge browser.
- Fixed problem in the preview display of templates in HTML Editor, to remove a row.
- Fixed problem when creating scrolling to access the code editor in internal libraries.
- Fixed problem interpreting Javascript arrays as global variables.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax processing checkbox field with manual lookup.
- Fixed problem when creating buttons labeled with quotes.
November 3, 2015
- Improved interface for Oracle connections highlighting the creation of user's filters.
- Added field for sequential display on editing fields' options for Oracle connection.
- Added field for sequential display on editing fields' options for Firebird connection.
- Fixed problema when creating folders named with numbers within the project applications area.
- Fixed display problem when creating applications using Safari browser.
- Fixed display problem with external library buttons when accessed from different screen resolutions.
- Fixed problem in creating connections named with special characters.
- Fixed problem in recovering fields named in a lower case using Oracle connection.
- Fixed problem in records displays with the Croatian language within PDFReport app.
- Fixed problem in CSS of the fields in applications using friendly URL.
October 27, 2015
- Fixed problem in running horizontal forms using global variable defined in the original field value.
October 26, 2015
- Fixed display problem on the button label using lang in form and control applications.
October 23, 2015
- Fixed problem in running forms using global variable defined in the original field value.
October 22, 2015
- Added support to allow the use of global variables in the "path of the PDF file" via Server, in the Report PDF applications.
- Added new option to keep the last status when accessing the tree-menu application.
- Added support to recovery of UNIQUE KEYs when creating form applications with Firebird connection.
- Added support to recovery of FOREIGN KEYs when creating form applications with Firebird connection.
- Added support to recovery of COMPOSITE KEYs when creating form applications with Firebird connection.
- Added support to recovery of UNIQUE KEYs when creating form applications Oracle connection.
- Added support to recovery of FOREIGN KEYs when creating form applications with Oracle connection.
- Added support to the recovery the DEFAULT values when creating form applications with Oracle connection.
- Fixed problem in the exhibion of the side menu, after adding a picture in the HelpCase file.
- Fixed problem when doing a search using the "Quick Search" of the Grid applications using a specific connection.
- Fixed problem when using the "sc_block_display" macro on a Form loaded from Grid application link.
- Fixed problem when doing a search using the "Quick Search" Form applications that have autocomplete fields.
- Fixed problem in viewing records that have HTML content, after navigating from an Editable Grid Form application.
- Fixed problem in the interpretation of HTML fields in "Image HTML" type of field in Grid applications.
- Fixed problem in "Google Maps" type of field when viewing into an "Editable Grid View" Form applications.
- Fixed problem when using a "manual increment" feature in text type fields in the Form application.
- Fixed problem of server access after upgrading the Mac OS operating system to version El Capitan.
- Fixed problem in subqueries viewing from Grids with the slide or vertical orientation.
- Fixed problem updating and deleting records in double select fields in forms using CHARSET WINDOWS-1250.
- Fixed problem on the record navigation in checkbox fields in forms using CHARSET WINDOWS-1250.
- Fixed problem displaying records in autocomplete fields in forms using CHARSET WINDOWS-1250.
- Fixed issue with the menu's toolbar buttons when calling the linked applications.
October 14, 2015
- Fixed problem color palette when used the Google Chrome browser, in the CSS field settings.
- Fixed problem in horizontal alignment settings of the fields in the grid application.
October 13, 2015
- Added new sorting routine for the chart application allowing sorting by size and charts with more than one metric.
- Added support for sub charts in combination types of chart.
- Added responsiveness support in the chart application.
- Added support to Simplified Chinese GB18030 and GB2312 CHARSET.
- Added support to Greek WINDOWS-1253 CHARSET.
- Added support to Turkish WINDOWS-1254 CHARSET.
- Added support to Hebrew WINDOWS-1255 CHARSET.
- Added support to Arabic WINDOWS-1256 CHARSET.
- Added support to Baltic WINDOWS-1257 CHARSET.
- Fixed problem when coping records in the horizontal forms with BIG5 CHARSET.
- Fixed problem when inserting records with values that have the plus sign (+) in horizontal forms.
- Fixed problem in PDF export in the chart application.
- Fixed problem in the "New" button behavior in horizontal forms using the Turkish language.
- Fixed problem in the HTML editor on Linux environments.
- Fixed problem in the TreeView behavior when using Quick Search in the Grid applications.
- Fixed problem in application synchronization in the security module.
- Fixed problem on "Case Settings" option in fields using CHARSET WIN-1250.
- Fixed CHARSET problem when updating records in the form application with WIN-1250 CHARSET.
- Fixed problem in the "Close" Button Description of the summary in the chart applications.
- Fixed problem when creating button schemas with named previously created.
- Fixed problem creating a sub Chart with more than one value in charts: 3D, combination, Pizza, Radar and funnel.
- Fixed problem in the sub Charts with more then one value.
- Fixed problem when clicking in the dynamic filter after conducting research through the Advanced Filter with modal.
- Fixed problem in descending order DATA fields with different formats locale in the refined search.
- Fixed problem when execute an exported application from version 8.1.006.
- Fixed problem when trying to restore an application with the same name as an existing application.
- Fixed problem when using "Keep Values" in the filter starting with frame.
- Fixed problem when setting sizes in height and width in image fields, with the active increment option in Grid applications.
- Fixed problem when using change the language in the application that has special fields as a PRIMARY KEY.
- Fixed problem accessing a data dictionary that has a deleted connection.
- Fixed problem in the parameter passing between global variables when using a link button in the form.
- Fixed problem when making download in Document fields (database) in the Grid application.
- Fixed problem after removing all lines from the HTML editor template.
- Fixed problem in inserting records using SQL Server with the ISO 8859-1 CHARSET.
- Fixed problem with the expansion of the items in the tree menu after recharging it.
- Fixed problem with the "Back" button in the tab application accessed from a link.
- Fixed problem when trying to copy record with new HTML Editor in horizontal forms.
- Fixed problem when creating application using SCHEMA other than the default in SQL Server connection.
- Fixed problem of losing values in disabled fields when using CHECKBOX field with the "Reload form" option.
- Fixed support problem in the HTML Editor languages.
- Fixed support problem in HelpCase Editor languages.
- Fixed crash problem when saving the theme button.
- Fixed problem in "Top Menu" option in the HTML Editor template.
- Fixed problem when using global variables named with accents in different projects using UTF-8 CHARSET.
- Fixed problem when editing a record in a master/detail that use the modal option for editing.
- Fixed problem connecting to DB2 database in the production environment.
- Fixed problem when updating records after changing files on document (File Name) fields.
- Fixed problem displaying values in the project schedule using the Ukrainian language.
- Fixed problem after generating a HelpCase.
- Fixed problem color palette when used the Internet Explorer browser, in the CSS field settings.
- Fixed problem when selecting multiple images in the "extra images" option in the application settings.
- Fixed problem when generating applications with no connection defined.
- Fixed problem when updating values in forms using ISO 8859-6 CHARSET.
- Fixed problem displaying the schema of buttons in grid application with "User Defined" orientation.
September 12, 2015
- Fixed problem in MBSTRING module after deployment.
- Fixed problem in CHARSET function when running applications.
- Fixed problem on the limitation of characters allowed in the insertion of new records, in forms grid editable.
September 9, 2015
- Fixed problem displaying values in the grid application charts.
- Fixed problem in the paging within Forms application with select fields with multiple values.
- Fixed problem in the fields view when using the initial block set as open tab.
- Fixed problem with the dates sorting in the Chart application.
- Fixed problem for downloading files options through within the Internet Explorer.
- Fixed problem in the file insert button into multi-upload fields within the Internet Explorer.
- Fixed problem in image display next to the menu items.
- Fixed problem with the Tab alignment options under Tabs application.
- Fixed problem with tree menu preview through advanced themes' settings.
- Fixed problem when using horizontal menu themes within project and user profiles.
- Fixed problem with the macro "sc_ajax_message" when displaying double select field values.
- Fixed problem when using macro "sc_field_disabled" with N-N fields.
- Fixed problem CSV exporting in the Grids with more than one Group By.
- Fixed problem when deleting an empty folder within the project.
- Fixed problem in the application's directory, after deleting applications with friendly URL.
- Fixed problem with the data visualization within Summaries using virtual fields.
- Fixed problem within the "OnExecute" event in the Tree Menu when calling different projects' applications.
- Fixed problem in inserting records starting with backslash within multiple lines text field.
- Fixed problem with the Administration tab when accessing other segments of the same screen.
- Fixed problem with values conversion into auto-complete fields.
- Fixed problem deleting images after clicking more than once to update.
- Fixed problem in the vertical alignments description on project default values options.
- Fixed problem with upload fields after records' navigate and update.
- Fixed problem with the Search TEXT width.
- Fixed problem when inserting files named using symbols and spaces.
- Fixed problem with numeric fields alignment within editable grid (view) form type applications.
- Fixed problem when using applications starting with numbers in the details.
- Fixed problem with cut images in the old HelpCase header.
- Fixed problem in the folder created by ScriptCase to save libraries within public profile.
- Fixed problem with content blocks display using the macro "sc_display_block" within Firefox browser.
- Fixed problem with themes display in the customization and metric Chart application areas.
- Fixed problem in the option checked/unchecked all on Checkbox fields with AJAX.
- Fixed spacing problem on the margin of HTML Editor.
- Fixed problem after upload files started with accents and symbols in the Linux environment.
- Fixed problem in the Maximum File Size option in the settings of applications.
- Fixed problem when using macro sc_field_disabled HTML Editor field.
- Fixed problem when using regular expression in the grid SQL.
- Fixed problem in PDF export Master/Detail using sc_change_connection.
- Fixed problem when creating HelpCase appointed with pound sign(#).
- Fixed problem in insert forms that have fields with default values set in the database.
- Fixed problem on the option to view HTML code in HTML Editor field through Internet Explorer.
- Fixed problem in title during the restore procedure in ScriptCase.
- Fixed problem when generating common libraries after deployment advanced.
- Fixed problem in black and white export in the chart application.
- Fixed problem when updating records with disabled SELECT fields.
Fixed problem after selecting values in auto complete fields.
After the update to this release, you must regenerate the source code of your projects.
- Fixed problem in the context menu of the tabs used in the menu application.
August 24, 2015
- Fixed problem in inserting records using fields calculated by the database.
- Fixed problem in inserting records that have upload fields without informing the file.
August 19, 2015
- Added a new option to insert titles on Chart application
Added option to increment the file name for existing files with the same name for fields Document (File Name) and Image (File Name) datatypes.
(Need to update production environment!) - Added support the extension .ico images within the Image Manager
- Added support InsertFile HTML editor when you have Moxie manager
- Fixed issue on Grid app when opening application as Chart using additional summarization fields
- Fixed problem when renaming files or directories in the Libraries
- Fixed issue on Advanced Search within the Grid application when starting by iframe
- Fixed issue with initial sorting for date fields in the Chart app
- Fixed issue in the Refined Search quantity exhibition when using a GROUP BY for the Grid SQL
- Fixed problem with the header's filter condition display for date type fields
- Fixed issue when synchronizing security module applications
- Fixed issue when using checkbox field with the search condition "does not contain".
- Fixed settings problem with values display and label positioning for Grid application's Charts
- Fixed issue within blocks editing features
- Fixed problem when using a Grid with Refined Search and application link to open in menu's iframe
- Fixed problem with special characters for select fields in the editable grid forms insert mode
- Fixed problem with CSV files importing
- Fixed issue on records sum using totals in a variable within the Grid application
- Fixed issue with footer's field within the "User Defined" Grid orientation.
- Fixed problem for underlined or scratched texts within text field type
- Fixed issue on field's mask with lookup
- Fixed problem with buttons grouping on the Search toolbar options
- Fixed issue when using a JavaScript button with modal or new page targets
- Fixed issue when using blocks set as starting closed for Grid app with slide orientation
- Fixed issue in the Grid's chart display with the display options set as "Display on the same page" and "Display before the Summary" as yes
- Fixed issue when using parentheses in the macro sc_alert
- Fixed issue when using single quotes in the macro sc_exec_sql
July 30, 2015
- Fixed issue on the icons' directory display "scriptcase/icons/" in the image manager tool.
- Fixed the problem with the zended files in the deployment.
July 29, 2015
- Fixed incompatibility issue with the Scriptcase encrypted files.
July 21, 2015
- Added support for dynamic search in the chart application.
- Fixed CHARSET problem in chart application.
- Fixed problem with summary in the chart application.
- Fixed problem in the dynamic tree menu with tab, opening in new tab browser.
Fixed letter-spacing problem in the label of horizontal forms.You need to clear your browser cache.
- Fixed problem in the menu application with Samples project.
- Fixed problem in the validation of access to security module without maintaining logged in users.
- Fixed problem to icon display in the menu toolbar with tabs.
- Fixed problem to sub item display in the menu toolbar with tabs.
- Fixed problem in the grid detail using image (Database) fields opening to the side or below.
- Fixed problem while downloading files to perform automatic update.
- Fixed incompatibility problem with the PHP version after update.
July 16, 2015
- Fixed problem in the form application update using CHARSET UTF-8.
- Fixed problem in deploying a menu using a toolbar with tabs.
- Fixed problem in display of the toolbar tab in the menu application.
- Fixed problem when importing the Samples project with MySQL database.
July 16, 2015
- Added new chart generator with support for multiple values and reports.
- Added new refined filter restricting values according to the existing universe in the database.
- Added new macro sc_webservice supporting soap services, curl, file_get_contents and sockets.
- Added new navigation exhibition path in the application menu.
- Added new library manager tool.
- Added support the sc_url_library() macros and sc_include_library().
- Added new HelpCase generator.
- Added new total option for weighted mean.
- Added new data type that enables accumulated field creation available for totals and summary.
- Added new ajax button type (it allows you to create Ajax callback function).
- Added new interface to control logged users and Brute Force Protection
- Added new parameters in theme editor for Refined Filter.
- Added new parameters in theme editor for Tabs Menu.
- Added new parameters in theme editor to Menu Breadcrumb.
- Added new group of buttons for the new charts toolbar buttons in the editor.
Added option for background image in the advanced settings of theme for menu application.
If you are using some background image through a template or event and do not want to change the theme, add the command !important; to the end of his important parameter CSS.
- Performance improvement using the PHP 5.6 environment.
- Performance improvement in backup and restore generator.
- Fixed the problem in the allowed characters configuration in converted form applications.
- Fixed the problem in text display configured in the nested grid application.
- Fixed the problem in the parameter passing in tab applications.
- Fixed the problem in the axis X positioning in the Report PDF application when using the option to "Show Contents".
- Fixed the problem in the auto-complete field from the capture type of link.
- Fixed the problem displaying negative values in the Report PDF.
Fixed image problem when performing the backup and export projects.
(You will need to update the ScriptCase for that correction to take effect.) - Fixed problem in CSS style used in buttons editor.
May 22, 2015
- Fixed problem when using global variable in event Ajax on the form.
May 21, 2015
- Added support for renaming applications that have link with sc_redir, sc_link macros and buttons with links.
- Fixed problem when using double select fields in the advanced search option with DB2 connection.
- Fixed problem with Ajax event when editing with modal in the editable grid (view) form type.
- Fixed an interface problem when deleting a Static Group By.
- Fixed problem with string recognition when creating applications with Firebird connection.
- Fixed problem when using ajax processing to a SELECT field with RADIO field type using manual lookup.
- Fixed problem when using onChange event in the double select field type.
- Fixed problem with the ReportPDF background image after conversion.
- Fixed problem with limiting characters allowed in text field type adding accented characters.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax processing and the disable option in the field type SELECT.
- Fixed problem in the PDF files generation using SSL environment.
May 14, 2015
- Added treatment to reserved words in Sybase database.
- Fixed problem connecting to the Sybase database.
- Fixed horizontal alignment problem in the menu when using RTL languages.
- Fixed problem when searching values of virtual fields in the Quick Search.
- Fixed the display problem in the menu's toolbar.
- Fixed problem in the SELECT type of field when using the advanced search in the DB2 database.
- Fixed the display problem when the saving the PHP method with no parameters.
- Fixed problem in viewing records limiting the amount of auto complete fields.
- Fixed problem in the blank's image directory.
- Fixed problem in the lookup from the double select when used in the search.
- Fixed problem in the log module creation with Sybase connection.
May 7, 2015
Added PHPExcel - Need to update production environment!
(For users that use the separate production environment for the publications, you need to update it. For the rest, just leave marked the "Update production environment" during automatic update ScriptCase.) - Added new project theme.
- Added support for border radius in content of project themes.
- Fixed problem in generating XLSX files in the Grid application.
- Fixed problem in the conversion of Access databases using ADO connection.
- Fixed problem in the lookup preview at charts.
- Fixed problem in the conversion of Access databases to SQL Server.
- Fixed problem in the application navigation when it has a multiple line field.
- Fixed problem in the project version history view.
- Fixed the CHARSET problem when using macro sc_exec_sql with specific connection.
- Fixed problem in the changes validation in the Report PDF events.
- Fixed problem when importing files named with special characters in document fields (File Name) in the form editable grid with Oracle.
April 29, 2015
- Fixed problem in sub-select field alignment of PDF Report.
- Fixed problem in form applications using JavaScript reserved words in PostgreSQL.
- Fixed problem in the display of dynamic filter on tabs and HTML editor fields.
- Fixed problem when searching for accented fields disabling case-sensitive in Quick Search using UTF-8.
April 27, 2015
- Added image support at Excel exportation.
- Fixed issue in the positioning of background images in PDF Report with RTL languages (right-to-left).
- Fixed issue in the behavior of the macro sc_alert during navigation in the Grid application.
- Fixed connection problem in the Log Module when application has different connection from the module one.
- Fixed problem in "Clean" button behavior of the filter when used in special conditions.
- Fixed tabulation problem in the Grid application when it has only one field as Group By.
- Fixed issue in the view content in the Grid applications when it start by the summary and it has a nested Grid enable.
- Fixed issue in the menu application when there is a validation on the menu items.
- Fixed problem accessing side menu settings in the PDF Report application.
- Fixed issue in the search engine of the filter application, when you have more than one table.
- Fixed problem when using the macro sc_error_message in master / detail application.
- Fixed issue in display the main menu at lower resolutions.
April 17, 2015
- Added new themes and buttons layouts.
- Fixed problem in group by interface with DATETIME fields, when changing the SQL of application.
- Fixed problem in Scriptcase interface, when loading the fields settings.
- Fixed problem in initial positioning of PDF Report's fields.
- Fixed problem in field conditions interface in form application.
- Fixed problem in display of HTML content in grid application fields.
- Fixed apostrophe's problem in French language, when using LATIN1 CHARSET.
April 9, 2015
- Improved the project creation interface.
- Fixed problem deleting records using dependence with more than one field.
- Fixed problem using the macro sc_pdf_print_img reshaping the image of the cell.
- Fixed problem when changing the label of a field for the value of a lang.
- Fixed problem when we search words with double quote in the Quick Search.
- Fixed problem in the radio field behavior with manual lookup in form multiple records.
April 2, 2015
- Implemented option to detect the language automatically according with the with the language selected on the Scriptcase's login screen to be used on the project creation language and regional settings.
March 31, 2015
- Fixed problem on the Subselect field aligning in the Report PDF Application.
- Fixed the validation on radio and select type of fields at interface to select manual lookup.
March 30, 2015
- The buttons from the project creation were improved.
- Fixed problem when using the option to completing with zero in decimal fields.
- Fixed issue in the buttons behavior after using auto-complete fields with capture.
- Fixed problem when using the function "TABLE (TestFunc([VAR])) AS A" in the DB2 database.
- Fixed issue in the navigation behavior after a search on the "Quick Search" in multiple records Form.
- Fixed issue when generating applications that have a selection type of fields with a empty lookup.
- Fixed issue when viewing the color palette in the Google Chrome browser.
- Fixed issue in the tree menu preview on themes.
- Fixed issue in the sort fields using free DBMSes.
- Fixed issue in the search content in the HelpCase.
- Fixed issue in the "Show HTML" content of sub select fields in PDF Report.
- Fixed problem when using macro sc_concat in selection type of fields in the dynamic search.
- Fixed problem in the interface to remove all fields of dynamic group by.
March 20, 2015
- Fixed problem in the behavior of PHP buttons in horizontal forms.
March 19, 2015
- Added support for Ajax processing in the dynamic filter.
- Added support for using "all" with capital letters in the records per page option.
- Fixed problem in ordering of the CSV export in Grids with ORDER BY defined in the SQL settings.
- Fixed the problem hint fields HTML image in control applications.
- Fixed the problem at the "onHeader" event behavior in the Report PDF applications.
- Fixed the problem when using the option to show "All" in the records per page.
- Fixed problem in the description for number of cells in the header and footer of the PDF Report application.
- Fixed problem with the message "Do you want to save?" when select a theme "Only horizontal" in the menu application.
- Fixed problem when changing a block display, affecting the configuration of other blocks.
- Fixed problem when creating calendar when we add all privileges to a new user.
- Fixed the problem removing report columns design from the Application List.
- Fixed problem in the profiles block when excluding created templates.
- Fixed the problem when removing Generation status column in the Application List report.
- Fixed problem in the configuration of the blocks, when a block is deleted.
- Fixed problem in the option behavior "Character quantity to display" to interpret HTML content.
- Fixed problem using global variables in the table name in the SQL settings.
- Fixed problem when entering accented files with umlaut in document upload fields (database).
- Fixed problem in the onBlur event behavior when used in a field, then clicking a button.
- Fixed the problem changing decimal type of fields at the onBlur event.
- Fixed problem in the exclusion of fields through the Database Builder.
- Fixed problem in the behavior of numeric fields with calculator using onBlur event.
- Fixed problem in the fields of behavior with an initial focus using onChange event.
- Fixed problem in the view to positioning the label to define the block with consecutive fields.
- Fixed problem in the side menu behavior when creating a static break.
- Fixed duplicate problem when editing links.
- Fixed problem in the folder titles display in the tab application in Chrome and Opera browsers.
- Fixed the problem with the back button behavior when there is a link in iframes.
- Fixed problem when clicking to add a record in a master / detail via mobile devices.
- Fixed PDF export problem of horizontal forms using custom label group.
- Fixed problem to preview XLS export in the summary.
- Fixed problem in the empty filter behavior with date fields in the advanced search.
- Fixed problem when entering values in the footer of the applications.
- Fixed problem in the behavior of the number of lines in horizontal forms.
- Fixed issue in the creation of items in "My Toolbar".
March 5, 2015
- Added support to allow blank value in auto-complete fields.
- Fixed problem with lower resolutions in Edit Fields interface.
- Fixed problem in the behavior of interface when saving templates.
- Fixed problem with the copy button layout in detail.
- Fixed issue in the tree menu CSS. Added "Mouse over" and "Selected" parameters in the settings of the Themes.
- Fixed problem when using the lang in the group label in grid applications.
- Fixed problem in text multiple lines field to insert records with double quotes.
- Fixed problem when using sub items with Arabic language on the menu.
- Fixed problem in the behavior of interface when saving the menu orientation.
- Fixed charset problem in the description of grid application rows with Hungarian language.
- Fixed problem on the interface to apply Express Edition in multiples applications.
- Fixed problem in the format values in text fields.
- Fixed problem in the images preview in the customize toolbar.
- Fixed problem in the interface when changing a database without setting password.
February 26, 2015
- Fixed issue When changing the chart type after creating a theme.
- Fixed Problem when using HTML buttons with JavaScript functions on label fields.
- Fixed Problem when using the macro sc_date_dif in onApplicationInit events.
- Fixed issue in the behavior of pages Resulting from the Report PDF using sub-select in the header.
- Fixed issue of the Grid's QuickSearch when use a TEXT fields in PostgreSQL database.
- Fixed issue in the description of the buttons used to create directories in HelpCase.
- Fixed the checkbox fields behavior with manual lookup in editable grid (view) forms.
- Fixed issue in the field selection behavior forms of multiple records using the macro sc_field_disabled_record.
- Fixed problem with tabular ENTER on the first access to the form.
- Fixed bug in PDF export applications using labels groups.
- Fixed issue in display multiple tabs at lower resolutions.
- Fixed PDF file corrupted Problem when downloaded via mobile devices.
- Fixed issue in the preview days of the week on the calendar with Indonesian language.
February 19, 2015
- Fixed problem of duplicate by selecting a field in the dynamic search.
February 18, 2015
- Added horizontal and vertical support for the menu application.
- Added time parameter option when creating charts in PDF's export configuration.
- Charts Exportation performance improved.
- Fixed problem when using macro sc_error_exit in master/detail application.
- Fixed problem when using apostrophe in the Quick Search.
- Fixed issue when using multiple criteria values in the Dynamic Search.
- Fixed problem importing XLS files on the database.
- Fixed problem when including tables with decimal fields in the Data Dictionary.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax processing with double select.
- Fixed bug in the PDF export's summary with multiple charts on the same page.
- Fixed issue when editing the CHARSET while creating an application.
February 5, 2015
- Fixed problem in percentage fields display with negative values in the grid application.
- Fixed problem in the date field visualization to change the language via the toolbar in the grid application.
- Fixed problem when inserting multiple values for a double select fields in editable grid forms (view).
- Fixed problem in the amount of characters for the user's e-mail in the ScriptCase administrative settings.
- Fixed problem in the vertical alignment of the menu items with images.
- Fixed problem in the fields type when importing Excel spreadsheets for database conversion.
- Fixed problem in the behavior of disabled fields to score check box fields set to reload after changing the value.
- Fixed problem when changing amount of bars in the standard HTML editor values in the project.
- Fixed problem in select type of fields with multiple values in the filter.
- Fixed problem when generating a Grid application initiating as CSV.
- Fixed auto complete problem in fields for capturing the filter.
- Fixed problem when clicking on Google Maps fields configured as URL.
January 29, 2015
- Updated examples of projects Samples and Cash Flow. (Required import again)
- Fixed problem when using macro sc_btn_display in grouped buttons.
- Fixed problem in "Do not Repeat Value" option in fields with lookup.
- Fixed problem when using QRCODE in a sub-select of the PDF Report application.
- Fixed problem of invalid characters in the tittle display of chart on a PDF application.
- Fixed problem in sub menu indicators in ScriptCase.
- Fixed problem in search of HelpCase.
- Fixed problem when using global variables in procedures with Firebird.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax event with calculator.
- Fixed problem in paging editable grids with log module.
- Fixed problem when using PHP button after deleting details (master/detail).
- Fixed problem date field values to change the language of the form.
- Fixed data problem invalid in double select fields in grid view editable form.
- Fixed problem after inserting multiple values in a editable grid view though checkbox fields.
January 21, 2015
- Implemented option when different users use the same e-mail in the security module. (You will need to recreate the security module)
- Fixed problem when using the preg_match function to validate amount of numeric digits.
- Fixed problem when you click to add images on buttons.
- Fixed problem in the distortion of images to be resized in the PDF Report application.
- Fixed problem when using predefined texts in the cells of the PDF Report application.
- Fixed problem validating the unique key when the form is configured to update link table.
- Fixed problem of accentuation in HTML Editor fields when exported to Excel or Word.
- Fixed problem when using Google Maps field in a grid application with INNER JOIN.
- Fixed problem in the TO-DO's scroll bar.
- Fixed problem in the nomenclature of the friendly URL of the menu application.
- Fixed problem when inserting files with the plus sign (+) in multi upload fields.
- Fixed problem when exporting to Excel in the grid application using the macro sc_where_current.
- Fixed duplicate header problem of the summary in grid applications.
- Fixed SQL problem to add a record in multi upload fields using sequence in auto-increment.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax events in fields with calculator.
- Fixed problem in the symbol display (-) in negative fields.
- Fixed double processing problem using Ajax processing.
- Fixed problem in the charts display when it is set as black and white.
- Fixed problem in the validation of the message "That the data have already been sent previously."
- Fixed problem when using custom tables in the security module.
- Fixed Javascript problem when using the Run button.
- Fixed problem when using UNION in SQL's chart application.
- Fixed problem when using the key of properties in the Firefox browser on text fields.
- Fixed problem in "Do not repeat value" upload fields in the grid application.
- Fixed problem in the field Document(database) in the editable grid form.
- Fixed problem on upload fields in Editable Grid View, Editable Grid and Multiple Records types of form.
- Fixed problem in view of the fields when using the free-form option.
- Fixed problem when configuring Google Maps fields such as latitude and longitude without informing the fields.
- Fixed problem with tabulate with Enter on upload fields.
- Fixed problem saving filter profile that contains checkbox fields.
- Fixed problem in the navigation of form after using Ajax event with Javascript function.
- Fixed error "Undefined property" in the deployment of container applications.
- Fixed problem in navigation on forms with editable grid with Log module.
- Fixed problem when using Google Maps field modal in Firefox browser.
December 30, 2014
- Fixed problem insert and update files on multiupload fields.
- Fixed problem in the validation of required fields when using special conditions in the date field of the filter.
December 23, 2014
- Fixed issue in the indicators of submenu itens in Internet Explorer.
- Fixed issue for downloading files, with characteres multi bytes in upload fields.
- Fixed issue in behavior of file type fields when disabled.
- Fixed issue when executing commands saved in SQL Builder.
- Fixed issue on the Google Maps fields in grid application.
- Fixed interface issue on session data of application.
- Fixed issue when using the Ctrl+Space shortcut in brackets in the code editor.
- Fixed session issue when using the Database Builder.
- Fixed issue in the interface of Database Builder.
- Fixed issue when using grouping of buttons on control application.
- Fixed problem in navigation buttons to the Spanish language (United States).
- Fixed issue when using methods in Ajax event in grid application.
- Fixed issue in display of files in multiple uploads field on first access.
- Fixed issue of broken characteres in the language field in the toolbar.
- Fixed edge issue in menu images using Internet Explorer 10.
- Fixed issue when using tables named with dollar sign in SQL Server.
- Fixed problem in entering data in fields of type ENUM.
- Fixed issue when using the Ctrl+Space shortcut when preceded by spaces and tabs.
- Fixed issue in master/detail navigation using query details.
December 18, 2014
- Fixed problem to hide the detail in view of a form with several details.
- Fixed problem when displaying the field value in Report PDF footer using the macro sc_pdf_output.
- Fixed problem in view of the background to change the orientation of grid application.
- Fixed problem in image resolution in the converted PDF Report applications.
- Fixed problem in the back button configured with outbound URL in the grid application linked to the menu.
- Fixed problem in the view of virtual fields in the configuration of grid application columns.
- Fixed problem in view with double scroll bars in Internet Explorer using the menu application.
- Fixed problem in the display for WORD export.
December 15, 2014
- Fixed problem in the interface to create langs without content.
- Fixed problem when creating applications with multi upload hidden fields.
- Fixed problem when searching for DATETIME fields configured as type date in the filter.
December 11, 2014
Created new macro to change the file name when exporting WORD. sc_set_word_name macro.
This macro should be used in the event "onScriptInit".
- Modified the layout of advanced filter in grid application.
- Fixed issue when clicking on folder "HelpCase" in Images Manager used on HelpCase.
- Fixed issue when using DISTINCT with INNER JOIN on totals.
- Fixed problem when accessing the summary of a grid application using DISTINCT.
- Fixed issue in interface after link application at HelpCase.
- Fixed problem when using ENTER to tabular in double select fields.
- Fixed issue in the grid application started by the filter when submitted by ENTER.
- Fixed problem when using the macro sc_redir in grid Ajax events.
- Fixed issue when recreating tables with prefix through the security module.
- Fixed issue in groups of Firebird connections in the data dictionary.
- Fixed problem in navigation after adding records into a form connected to another form.
- Fixed issue when using checkbox fields in forms with automatic lookup.
- Fixed issue when using checkbox fields updating more of one value on the form.
- Fixed issue when using the option to convert letter on Report PDF.
- Fixed issue when using sc_appmenu_update_item macro.
- Fixed problem for date fields are disabled.
- Fixed issue when clicking outside after selecting a value, in SELECT fields for multiple values.
- Fixed issue when using initial focus in editable grid form (View).
- Fixed issue when using sub select with a field in report PDF.
- Fixed issue when using the Database Builder to modify the table.
- Fixed problem in displaying the Finish connection button to create a new project.
- Fixed display problem with global variables commented, in the interface.
- Fixed issue on required field validation with multi upload fields.
- Fixed problem when publishing an application with the French language.
- Fixed issue of indexes in the production environment.
- Fixed issue when using form with drop down in Internet Explorer or Firefox.
- Fixed problem with alignment of blocks to enable tree view.
December 2, 2014
- Added option to display the month spelled out in fields date with combo box in the filter.
- Fixed problem with misalignment in the summary using several breaks, in XLS export.
- Fixed problem in the label and hint configuration at HelpCase button form.
- Fixed problem in applications count when done the decrement of a project.
- Fixed problem in the script to criticize existing dependencies with 3 or more foreign keys.
- Fixed problem with link type option on Google Maps field.
- Fixed problem increase earlier version of a project.
- Fixed problem in tab behavior with Enter in multiple line fields.
- Fixed problem when using slide orientation with consecutive blocks in the grid application.
- Fixed problem when using initial focus in an auto-complete field.
- Fixed problem in the fields of date format when used with multi upload in the form.
- Fixed problem of invalid characters when using the characters allowed in the form.
- Fixed problem when inserting values in decimal fields with 16 or more characters.
- Fixed problem when using JavaScript in label and/or HTML editor fields.
- Fixed problem in PDF report using text field multiple lines in the header.
- Fixed problem in tab behavior with Enter in SELECT fields.
- Fixed problem when using onMouseOver and/or onMouseOut events on the form.
November 25, 2014
- Improved performance during installation ScriptCase.
- Fixed problem with values processed in onHeader event with XLS export.
- Fixed problem at the interface of procedure applications.
- Fixed problem in the global variables untreated quotes in SQL.
November 20, 2014
- Fixed problem when generating container application.
- Fixed problem when using Ajax processing in the filter in grid application.
November 20, 2014
- Added message for validation of SQL syntax in grid applications.
- Fixed problem in macro sc_btn_display on navigation buttons.
- Fixed problem in the itens for insert and update values of the database, in fields edition.
- Fixed problem in HelpCase search in Internet Explorer 11.
- Fixed problem for close the application when opening several applications in project interface.
- Fixed problem in visualization of SQL Server connections in Database Builder.
- Fixed problem of PDF export in grid applications.
- Fixed problem in lateral column of code editor to some themes.
- Fixed problem in Ajax processing option for search fields in form application.
- Fixed problem in Quick Search after conversion in grid application with nested grid.
- Fixed problem using Google Maps API in blank application.
- Fixed problem in source code view with Russian language.
- Fixed problem of NULL fields when importing or restoring applications and projects.
- Changed font type in code editor to Courier.
November 17, 2014
Fixed crash problem when accessing the menu application in firefox.
(Will be necessary to clear the browser cache) - Fixed crash problem when accessing the HelpCase.
- Fixed problem using calculator in form application.
- Fixed problem in theme of code editor in library.
November 14, 2014
- Added option to group by per date or date/time in DATETIME and TIMESTAMP fields.
- Added directory to see all tasks in TO-DO list.
- Added tasks search in TO-DO list.
- Added files list in "Include HelpCase" option in HelpCase.
- Added treatment for save changes, when exiting of a modified file, in HelpCase.
- Added themes option in events editor, templantes and libraries.
- Added filename and file path above HelpCase editor
- Improvement in HelpCase layout and performance.
- Fixed problem when updating a label field as filename, without being displayed in insert.
- Fixed problem in drag n' drop of dynamic group by with a long text in the label of the field.
- Fixed problem in icon of chart application when generating the sourcecode of application.
- Fixed problem in settings loss of group by and totalization when changing the application SQL.
Fixed problem in charset settings, in production environment, for MySQL PDO connection.
(Need to update the production environment.) - Fixed problem in form applications when using field link type, with empty value in primary key.
- Fixed problem in resizing of the screen in Internet Explorer, with files editor of HelpCase.
- Fixed problem when adding images inside menu's folders of HelpCase.
- Fixed problem when linking a file to an application, in a project that hasn't applications, in HelpCase.
- Fixed problem when attributing a value to a datetime field and using the "Copy" button.
- Fixed problem in mask of date field, in dynamic search with the chart module enabled.
- Fixed problem in blocks exibition, with tabs, when are without fields.
- Fixed problem when using a lang along with a text in the label of dynamic group by.
- Fixed problem when renaming applications that are referenced in several links.
- Fixed problem in auto-complete of the search, of grid application.
- Fixed problem in log module when incrementing projects.
- Fixed problem when using variables as parameters, in sc_field_readonly macro.
- Fixed problem in formatting of TIMESTAMP field in summary, using oracle connections.
- Fixed problem when using search events of grid applications, inheriting for the grid application.
- Fixed problem in auto-complete of dynamic search, when disabling the search module of grid application.
- Fixed problem in number auto-comple fields in advanced search.
November 6, 2014
- Enhance to proccess of improvement projects.
- Fixed problem when using value 0 in mathematical operations in Ajax event.
- Fixed problem in grids using ORDER BY with single quotes in the CONCAT function.
- Fixed problem with retrieve password in the security module.
- Fixed problem with Gantt charts HTML5 generated in flash.
- Fixed problem with charts overlapping fields listed in the dynamic filter.
- Fixed problem in macros sc_connection_edit and sc_connection_new when used in a production environment.
- Fixed problem when validating required fields not displayed in the update.
- Fixed issue in charts icon when change the totals.
- Fixed problem in alignment of fields in converted applications into PDF Report.
- Fixed problem behavior fields upload applications returning to the mode of insert.
- Fixed problem in aligning the sub-select field in reportPDF.
- Fixed problem with multi-upload by using the digit grouping option.
- Fixed issue in recognition of decimals to create new applications.
- Fixed problem with file upload/image in editable grid applications.
- Fixed problem of outdated applications to terminate generation of source code.
- Fixed language problem on the print button in the calendar application.
- Fixed problem ScriptCase installation on different ports in the Mac OS environment.
- Fixed problem behavior Youtube field.
- Fixed problem date format for date and time fields in the chart application.
- Fixed problem in export formats in the toolbar of the summary.
- Fixed problem when viewing the HTML template editor on smaller screens.
- Fixed crash problem typing in fields of type decimal.
- Fixed problem in PDF export in grid application on server with security certificate.
- Fixed issue in the language files in the conversion.
October 30, 2014
- Added Timezone configuration in the general settings on Scriptcase.
- Added Timezone configuration in the Scriptcase's production environment.
- Added Timezone configuration in the ScriptCase installation.
- Fixed problem on the button to display the INSERT commands in the list of project applications.
- Fixed problem inserting images into BLOB fields in Oracle ODBC connection.
- Fixed problem executing SQL on forms with fields named with numbers.
- Fixed the display issue on the custom messages in the SQL configuration from Chart applications.
- Fixed display issue of values in DATETIME columns when there is a grid lookup.
- Fixed issue in the char application when the searches results in records not found.
- Fixed problem when using PROCEDURES on multiple records and editable grids Forms.
- Fixed issue in the footer toolbar, when the form has the block with the calendar fields.
- Fixed problem in macro sc_apl_conf when used on mobile devices.
- Fixed issue from date and time fields set to null when using the Copy button.
- Fixed issue when clicking the "New button" in the Grid application initiated by the filter, which has a link to a form inside an iframe.
- Fixed problem with cursor buttons disabled in the Scriptcase themes.
- Fixed problem in the alignment of the totalization when using dynamic Group By.
- Fixed issue when generating a form with fields running position on the block, using the macro sc_field_display.
- Fixed issue in the HTML editor field to limit the amount of characters to display.
- Fixed problem in back button to edit a record from a Grid of an express creation, accessed on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem when using an intreger field (bigint) in terms of grid applications using advanced search.
- Fixed problem deleting old versions of the project.
- Fixed issue on the "warning to save" after leaving the settings from header, footer and summary without saving changes.
- Fixed problem creating the log module using Firebird connection.
- Fixed issue when returning values in date fields in the search onScriptInit event.
- Fixed problem displaying fields when the table is named with lower case in Firebird.
October 16, 2014
- Added Advanced filter and regular filter in the chart application.
- Fixed problem when using the special condition "All Period" in DateTime types of field.
- Fixed issues when creating a PHP method on Scriptcase interface without any attributes.
- Fixed issues in the Helpcase's HTML editor on Linux environments.
- Fix MSSQL PDO using "DISTINCT" in the sql command.
- Adjustments in example projects.
October 9, 2014
- Added the version number in the name of backup file.
- Added option to remove the schema before the tables in the data dictionary.
- Fixed problem in blocks configured as tabs with master / detail.
- Fixed problem in the size of ID field on Google+.
- Fixed issue when starting an application as a chart.
- Fixed issue when running the dynamic filter on the summary.
- Fixed problem in condition between two values of the filter.
- Fixed issue when viewing the details of a grid with master / detail.
- Fixed problem when browsing the grid of a master / detail.
- Fixed on Windows installer, Oracle's problem to connect with the environment of instant client installed environment. (You will need to reinstall the environment).
- Fixed problem in ODBC Oracle connection.
- Fixed conflicts in ajax events.
October 3, 2014
- Fixed issue when saving settings in lookup applications.
- Fixed problem in the filter autocomplete when using the capture option.
- Adjustments in example projects.
- Fixed problem adding events on the calendar application on mobile devices.
September 26, 2014
- Fixed the problem on the exportation buttons visualization.
September 26, 2014
- Added support to TOP function for MS SQL Server databases.
- Fixed problem using DATETIME fields with special conditions in the filter.
- Fixed problem when importing the samples projects on the MS Access database.
- Fixed problem when using the macro sc_set_language in the onApplicationInit event.
- Fixed problem when using the macro sc_set_regional in the onApplicationInit event.
- Fixed problem when searching for DATE type virtual fields in the filter.
September 19, 2014
- Added SSL support to recover ScriptCase password.
- Added SFTP support for projects deployment.
- Fixed issue with the visualization of Views for MS Access connection.
- Fixed issue when using floating menu with toolbar.
- Fixed issue with visualization of abbreviated values in the charts.
- Fixed issue in the search from the Grid QuickSearch using ENTER.
- Fixed issue in view of Google Maps on mobile devices.
- Fixed issue in master/detail navigation when used grid as detail.
- Fixed problem when generating source code from the sync tables screen in the forms.
September 12, 2014
- Added new option to hide or make the menu icon visible.
- Added new option to positioning the floating menu. Whether to display the floating menu to the right of the icon or below the menu.
- Added in the search application, the option to open the application in a direct search.
- Fixed problem positioning the toolbar in menu application when used with the floating option menu enable
- Fixed the spacing of the header and/or toolbar in order to position the menu icon.
- Fixed issue when using the TreeView option in Group bys on Grid applications.
- Fixed problem saving the manual lookups dynamic filter fields on form application.
- Fixed problem when add new buttons in the grouping buttons option on the toolbar.
- Fixed problem in the samples project importation.
September 4, 2014
Added a configuration option to sort the fields in the Grid application.
(Use the fields displayed in the query, Using columns defined in the Columns or Customize the definition of the fields) - Added option to hide the menu when you click on any menu item for desktop and mobile.
- Added option to hide the menu on desktop and start the menu in mobile mode.
- Added option to show the floating menu when the normal menu is hidden for desktop and mobile menu.
- Fixed problem when using lookup in onApplicationInit event.
- Fixed issue when updating records in the form on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem using Ajax events on mobile devices.
- Fixed issue when cleaning the form's QuickSearch from a multiple records type.
- Fixed problem in positioning the message "Processing .." when used in Ajax events.
- Fixed problem when using the summary on every page of the Grid application.
- Fixed issue when accessing a project with locked version.
- Fixed issue with auto complete fields in forms applications with format multiple record and editable grids.
- Fixed issue in the theme images of converted applications.
August 27, 2014
- Added new auto complete component for forms, controls, dynamic searches and advanced searches.
- Added new option for editor menu CSS for background images of the menu line.
- Fixed problem setting the background image in the CSS editor menu.
- Fixed problem with ENTER submit the advanced search.
- Fixed problem with tabular ENTER in dynamic search and advanced search.
- Fixed problem setting links in the HTML image fields.
- Fixed problem with the columns and sort buttons to start the grid by the filter.
- Fixed problem importing Scriptcase 8 projects.
- Fixed problem with error after accessing Scriptcase.
- Fixed problem to list tables with MySQL PDO connection in publishing environment with PHP 5.5.
- Fixed problem in grouping buttons after conversion.
- Fixed problem in macro sc_master_value on event onApplicationInit into forms.
- Fixed problem on processing Ajax in form and control applications to access for mobile.
- Fixed problem deleting a record in the application form when the filter resulted in a single record.
August 21, 2014
- Fixed problem with export in the chart application.
- Fixed problem of duplicate data entry form with the dynamic search.
- Fixed problem when restoring applications with specific connection.
- Fixed problem to view the onRecord event in the Report PDF applications.
August 15, 2014
- Fixed issue the "Internal Server Error" in Linux environments during automatic update. (Required reinstall Scriptcase on Linux environments)
- Fixed issue with navigation buttons in Forms applications linked to Grids applications.
- Fixed issue when changing items in the menu tree application.
- Fixed problem in SMTP configuration during the creation of the security module.
- Fixed issue when generating Grid applications in PDF mode when starting by the filter.
- Fixed problem when using "the use password" option in the security of grid application.
August 13, 2014
- Added option to use more than one field in the metric of option for chart applications.
- Fixed issue when using specific connection in a lookup in text type of fields.
- Fixed issue when adding empty items in the tree menu.
- Fixed issue in the menu's theme preview in the menu's settings.
- Fixed problem displaying blocks on mobile devices.
- Fixed problem when authenticating users accessing forms through mobile devices.
- Fixed issue displaying the sub groups buttons when the application was generated with charts.
- Fixed issue when changing the format during the from generation.
- Fixed issue on the chart's link when it has more than one dimension.
- Fixed problem removing the "Number of Records" option in metric section on Chart applications.
- Fixed issue when adding empty buttons on the menu's toolbar.
- Fixed problem in using the macro sc_reset_global in the security module.
- Fixed issue in the control application status after change the fields configuration.
August 7, 2014
- Added option to use SSL on SMTP in the creation of the security module.
- Fixed SQL error using virtual fields in the search of the Grid.
- Fixed display of images in the preview of the menu after conversion.
- Fixed option to use layout (re-sizing) in the treemenu.
- Fixed issue after changing values in the format of the form.
- Fixed syntax error when clicking on the detail of the Grid.
- Fixed error when restoring backup containing tasks on TO DO.
- Fixed accented words of the Report PDF in converted applications.
- Fixed behavior on the menu application using macro sc_menu_disable on mobile devices.
- Fixed security behavior in the menu items on mobile devices.
- Fixed behavior of dynamic menu (using macros) on mobile devices.
August 1, 2014
- Added new options for alignment and positioning of the number of pages on pdf export. This option is available in the PDF export settings.
- Fixed issue in published applications when accessed on mobile devices. (You will need to generate the source from the applications and deploy it again).
- Fixed problem accessing the group by buttons, sorting and columns when running from the menu application.
- Fixed problem with syntax error, unexpected '<' when generating a double select field in the control application.
- Fixed issue in navigation and update from radio button, checkbox and select configured as a manual lookup.
- Fixed problem generating the autocomplete from text and number fields with the option to capture text in dynamic folder
- Fixed issue when creating express applications with PostgreSQL connection.
July 25, 2014
- Added a new option to group the toolbar buttons
- Added a new feature to send/receive messages between users from the same Scriptcase installation
- Implemented a new tool to manage all images from Scriptcase
- Created a new tool that create TO-DO lists between users from the same Scriptcase installation
- Now, the Form application adjusts itself automatically when accessed in a browser by a mobile device
- Added a new configuration interface from Form and Grid applications
- Implemented a new feature that allows the search, group by and filter to be set up dynamically by the end user.
- Created a new chart application
- Added a new tool to edit the char themes
- Implemented improvements on the calendar application
- Created a new tool to import ACCESS files, CSV and XLS to MySQL, SQLite, Postgres and MSSQL databases
- Implemented a Dynamic Search on Form Applications
- Added support for TCPDF class in Report PDF application and language Arabic .
- Improvements on the Scriptcase performance