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Scriptcase Timeline

All implementations in chronological order. Please make sure that your Scriptcase is updated to receive all new implementations. To verify the update date access your account.

A new theme, SoftCloud, is available, with modern elements.

  • Theme available in two different sizes;
  • New options for configuring themes in the advanced configuration of themes;
  • New option to link header and footer HTML templates to the themes;
  • New option for using frames in form blocks and filters.
See Video See theme SoftCloud See theme SoftCloud Small

New themes for Charts.

  • Along with the new SoftCloud theme, two new themes for the Chart: sc_DeepSkyBlue and sc_HighChart.
See Video See theme sc_DeepSkyBkue See theme sc_HighChart

Grids with a new modal.

  • New layout;
  • "Dual ListBox" component for dynamic and intuitive item selection;
  • Search option, multi-selection of items, and interaction buttons;
See Video See Example

"Required Fields" text customization

  • New configuration to customize the text of mandatory fields in forms and filters.
See Video

New menu with a significant innovation in the user experience.

  • 100% responsive and fluid;
  • New toolbar;
  • Search;
  • Shortcuts;
  • Dynamic language and theme switching;
  • User menu integrated with the Security Module.
See Video See Example

Business intelligence (BI) continues to evolve with amazing features.

  • Visual comparison of data between two date ranges;
  • Comparison chart between dates on the same summary page;
  • New percentage option relative to the total;
  • Pagination in the summary;
  • New positioning of the Grand Total;
  • New component for selecting date ranges;
  • Significant performance gain.
See Video See Example

The new Security Module provides the system administrator total control.

  • Access mode throug login, email, or both;
  • 100% configurable by the generated system end-user;
  • New option to define user creation rules;
  • New option for optional use of Authentication (2FA);
  • Last password change;
  • New Security Module creation interface.
See Video See Example

Grouping Fields

  • A new type of field allows the grouping of several fields for a better visualization within the grid.
See Video See Example

Grid Action bar improvements

  • In the Grid action bar option, new settings were added: Confirmation message, label for the action bar columns, the possibility of creation via button, and button grouping option.
See Video See Example

Feedback fields in Summary and Group by

  • Fields Rating, Smile, and Thumbs can now be used within the Grid Group bys and also in the Summary module, with the option of totaling to view the sums and averages of the ratings within the reports.
See Video See Example

Grid fixed toolbar

  • New configuration for the Grid's top and bottom toolbars, which from this release on can be fixed at the top and bottom of the screen.
See Example

New options in the Grid Chart

  • A new option to display chart configuration in Grid fields as a font awesome icon; the visualization of the summary graphs was also improved with a settings button opening the options in the modal.

Performance Improvement in Connections

  • Option to save data cache on disk for better connection performance within the development environment.
See Video

Improvements in the Development Interface

  • This release introduced a new interface for creating an internal library. Changes were also made to the notification for ‘’saving changes’’ in the interface and improved the look of the “new folder” creation option on the application translation screen.
See Video

Action bar

  • Option for creation of in-line buttons within Grid records!
See Video See Example

Advanced Nested Grid

  • Sub-queries with the possibility of buttons, navigation, and pagination!
See Video See Example

New API's

  • Native integration with APIs: Google Sheets, Braintree, Stripe, Mercado Pago!
See Video Documentation

New form fields

  • New fields were added for feedback: rating smiles and ranting thumbs.
See Video See Example

Lookup Optimization

  • Option to configure field lookups within the data dictionary and optimize automatic lookups.
See Video

New template system

  • Sample system includes more than 30 forms templates.
See Video

Added support to PHP version 8.1

See Video Documentation

Wizard form with mobile optimization

  • Option to use a mobile theme which adapts to mobile screens natively.
See Video See Example

New properties within 'link between application' options

  • Allowing to remove: borders, margins, and header/footer within iframes and modal windows.
See Video

New macros to hide header and footer of the main applications dynamically

  • Define your own conditions and hide the footer and header by using the macros: sc_header_hide and sc_foot_hide to dynamically.
See Video Doc: sc_head_hide Doc: sc_foot_hide

New property within the Grid application links

  • Within the Grid’s application links, a new property option to open in a new tab was added.
See Video

Progress bar for PDF exportation

  • The PDF export option within Grid and Charts now includes a progress bar, and the file opens in a new browser tab.
See Video

Forms with fixed columns

  • This option allows displaying the data of the fixed column during horizontal scrolling, available within the form application.
See Video See Example

Editing and Inclusion with modal

  • Editable Grid view horizontal form’s type now with editing and inclusion option using a modal window.
See Video See Example

Font Awesome icons within the sorting options also for the forms

  • In a simple way, now it is possible to apply icons to the labels.
See Video

Field “HTML Editor” updated

  • Now with mobile support, new HTML, new options, and faster rendering on screen.
See Video See Example

Progress bar for PDF generation

  • A new option within the PDF Grid export to include a progress bar for following the data export.
See Video

Fixed columns

  • This option allows displaying the data of the fixed column during horizontal scrolling, available within the grid application.

Font Awesome icons within the sorting options

  • In a simple way, now it is possible to apply icons to the labels.

Form with mobile optimization

  • The option enables the mobile view at the form app and includes mobile panels, horizontal toolbar scrolling, and a new scroll-up button.

Calendar with mobile optimization

  • The option enables the mobile view at the calendar app includes new icons and an optimized event form.

Form with mobile optimization

  • The option enables the mobile view at the form app and includes mobile panels, horizontal toolbar scrolling, and a new scroll-up button.

Security settings for the end-user

  • The option allows the ‘sys-admin’ end-user to manage options such as: Session expiration action, remember me, expiration time cookie, retrieve password, new users creation, Brute force options, and 2FA options.

Profile image field within the security module

  • The option allows the ‘sys-admin’ end-user to upload a profile image for each user.

Restaurant table management system

  • Manage your restaurant tables, control orders, reserve tables, monitor the kitchen, make a menu available via QR Code to your customers.
Try System

Mobile Optimization

  • Grids, summaries, and charts with automatic optimization options for accessing applications on mobile devices!
See Video Try QRCode Documentation

Wizard Form

  • Option inside the forms allowing to divide the filling in several stages. Also includes a new sc_get_wizard_step macro for dynamic validations!
See Video See Example Documentation

2FA Two-Factor Authentication

  • An extra layer of security! Make the login process more robust and secure. Once enabled, the user will receive a code sent by Google Auth, E-mail, or SMS.
See Video See Example Documentation

Refined search improvements

  • Collapse/expand option, on mobile, the filter is hidden and is displayed when clicking, the modal window allows you to organize records into columns and also perform searches, option for displayed labels in the grid.
See Video See Example Documentation


  • The zoomline function allows the data analysis into a specific user-defined range offering several levels of navigation within the line chart.
See Video See Example


  • A horizontal scroll bar that optimizes the visualization of charts. Available in the chart types: 2D Bar, 2D Column, Line, 2D Area
See Video See Example


  • Overlapping Bars/Columns ou Barras/Colunas sobrepostas, usados para visualizar dois conjuntos de dados em um único gráfico.
See Video See Example

News Macros

  • sc_btn_disabled A macro is intended to dynamically enable or disable toolbar buttons.
    See Video Documentation
  • sc_btn_label The macro is used to change the label of the buttons, whether they are created by the developer or Scriptcase's natives.
    See Video Documentation
  • sc_get_wizard_step With this macro, it is possible to identify the current stage within the wizard form, useful for performing any necessary validation.
    See Video Documentation

Other news

  • New parameter "reply_to" at sc_mail_send macro, used when the reply will be sent to a different address than the "main" address.

Vertical alignment for Forms

  • New vertical alignment option in all applications (except blank, tabs and menu).
See Video

Form inputs with 100% width

  • More convenience in configuring fields with inputs for data entry with 100% width as standard. The option is available for the Form, Control and Calendar applications.
See Video

Label option below the fields

  • New option to add labels or captions below the fields. Option available in the Form, Control and Calendar applications.
See Video

Watermark for date fields

  • New option to display the watermark of the date field inside the input, available within Forms, Control and Calendar.
See Video

Watermark on blocks

  • New option to display the label as a watermark, available only in the control application.

New sc_statistic macro

  • Calculates and returns a matrix with statistical values, you can now easily calculate: median, variance, standard deviation, amplitude, number of different values, number of values, number of non-zero values, lower value and higher value.

Save button improvements

  • The save grid option stores views created with the grid and summary applications, now with more options.
See Video

New "Save state" button

  • New option to store the views and reports created with the grid and Summary applications in session.
See Video

New option to inherit lookups within grid’s group by and summary

  • New option within the grid’s group by to inherit lookups from the fields so that it is not necessary to redo the lookups when creating the group by.

Pin column into summary

  • It is now possible to fix and pin the columns also during horizontal scrolling within the summaries of the grud application.
See Video

Native option in the security module to remember password

  • 'Remember me' option for login and password automatically generated now by the security module. Also included is a new option to define the position of the labels on the login screen.
See Video

Http response headers and cookies

  • New native security features available for all applications, those features that further protect your applications from various vulnerabilities.
See Video Documentation

Upload field with customizable rules.

  • Create your own rule, a very interesting resource has been added, which allows you to define the size of the files for the upload field in bytes, MB, or GB, it is also possible to define a specific rule by an extension (Ex: PDF up to 5MB and PNG up to 4MB), this new option is available for all fields that upload files and images.

Connection with cloud databases

  • Scriptcase now connects to the WS, AZURE, GOOGLE CLOUD, and ORACLE CLOUD databases.
See Video

New Option of integration with cloud storage services

  • The option integrates with cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Amazon S3. You can now safely read and store files and images from your Scriptcase systems.
See Video

New storage macros

  • With the sc_api_download and sc_api_upload macros, it is now possible to create and customize the way you manage your files into the storage services.

New quicksearch options

  • Quicksearch received new search options with the simple or extended option, the possibility to search in multiple fields, and dynamic configuration of the displayed fields.
See Video

New search & highlight option

  • New highlight option for searched terms though the Grid app. This feature is also available within advanced filters and quick search.
See Video

New reload button

  • Once activated in the toolbar, you can update all the content of your applications page, such as: Grid, Summary, Graphs, and Forms.
See Video

Show/hide password toggle option

  • With this feature available in the Control application, it is now possible to view the entered password using the open-eye icon feature.
See Video

New component for viewing images

  • Added a new component for viewing images within Forms and Grid, including useful options like zoom, rotate, and more.
See Video

New application themes available

  • Themes added: BlueBerry, Guava, Lemon
See Video

New class of roudend buttons

  • A brand-new class of Scriptcase action buttons is ready, you can keep using your own system theme and add in a jiffy.

Real-time JSON

  • Now in simple steps, it is possible to generate real-time data in JSON format, available at the Grid application, using the macros: sc_set_json_name and sc_set_export_name.

POS Template system

  • The Point of Sale sample project uses some main resources of Scriptcase such as images, pricing calculations, forms, master-detail, multi-language login and security module including user authentication.

Other implementations

  • New option to remove the border from applications on the Dashboard;
  • Added regional configuration parameter in the sc_date_conv macro;
  • Added file name and size options in the Simple Upload and Multi-upload field settings;
  • New option on the form to notify the user of discarded changes.

New JSON exportation option

  • The JSON format exportation option is now available in the grid application allowing the exchange of information/data between systems.
See more

New library for Excel exportation

  • The exportation component for Excel (XLS, XLSX) in the main Scriptcase applications have been updated to PHPSpreadsheet improving 40% the performance of the exportation process also increases the supported number records.
See more

Integration of Grid + Form creation

  • Simple and fast, now during the grid creation interface a new option for express creation of Grid + Form application.
See more

Automatic execution option for Grids, Forms, and Calendars

  • The option “Run after creation” was added to the grids, forms, and calendars creation interface. This option allows the generated application to be executed automatically after creation.
See more

Project creation process improved

  • The steps are now simpler than ever, you can now set up the initial options of your project in an intuitive and quick way abiding future charset errors into your system.
See more

Added support for PHP 7.3 environments with IonCube Loader.

  • As of release 9.4.016, Scriptcase is also compatible with PHP 7.3, bringing major improvements in performance and security.
See Improvements

New Library for Excel Exports

  • Added support for Spreadsheet library on Excel exports in PHP 7.3 environment.
See Improvements

Added new Midnight Theme

  • New template theme for dark tone applications for you to apply to projects developed in Scriptcase. With a few clicks you can completely modify the layout of your applications.
See Video

Added new button layout for Calendar application

  • The Calendar application will also receive a new layout, according to the new themes released, both in the Calendar and in the integrated Form.
See Video

Form CRUD with native SweetAlert Toast alerts

  • Create, update and delete form confirmation alerts were natively included with the SweetAlert Toast component after adding, updating, and deleting records.
See Video

New option to link the Chart’s theme to the application's CSS theme.

  • More dynamism now in the Charts layout too! With this new option you will be able to associate the chart theme with the project's main CSS theme, so it’s easier to configure and standardize your charts with the new themes released in release 9.4.
See Video

Adding Font Awesome support to manually created buttons

  • You can now also apply Font Awesome icons to buttons you create within the “Buttons” option, available in Scriptcase applications.
See Video

New “initial value” option for Advanced and Dynamic Search fields

  • Your Advanced and Dynamic Searches can now be set to default, with this option you can choose a default value for the Search, so the end user can already have a starting value to optimize the filter's use.
See Video

New themes templates

  • For all tastes, based on the material design concept, new themes generating harmony and softness within your applications, as well as 'action buttons' including stronger colours and flat designs.
See Video

Improved the interface for CSS buttons customization

  • New configuration options for the buttons to provide more freedom to the developer in the customization of themes of buttons. Among the changes are the possibility of inclusion of Font Awesome and Google Fonts, and new options for creating CSS classes for styling. It was also included in a new toolbar option for grouping function side by side inside the application.
See Video

Google Fonts integration

  • +900 stylish font sets are now available to be included within your own systems.
See Video

FontAwesome icons integrated

  • 'Icons' turned into fonts have now arrived to Scriptcase. These ‘icons’ will always maintain the resolution, including the style configuration of your entire theme.

New alerts and toasts with SweetAlert

  • Friendly and customizable 'SWEET ALERT2' now available for your applications. Scriptcase is giving its users a better notification experience, fully compatible with required fields and macros: sc_ajax_message, sc_error_messageupdate.


  • Progress bar for XLS (Excel), XML, DOC (Word), CSV, RTF and print export;
  • Excel export now with Grid Totals.
See Video

New options for PDF export

  • Option for password in form PDF export;
  • Option to export compressed PDF (.zip) in grid, chart and form applications.

New features also for other export options

  • Option for password in chart export to Excel, Word, CSV, XML and images;
  • Option to display items in the export to the end user in the grid and chart applications;
  • Option for password in chart export to PDF, Excel, Word, CSV, XML and images.

Other implementations

  • Option "Distinguish uppercase/lowercase" in the express edition of the applications;
  • Option to allow files to be downloaded through Document type fields, even if readonly.

Extend your possibilities with the new features for PDF export

  • Pre export columns selector;
  • Optimized content distribution;
  • Fixed or variable passwords;
  • Option to display title of groupings;
  • Option to show/hide header/footer;
  • Dynamic selection of modules (Grid, grouping, graphics).

New features added to the other files as well

  • Passwords also for XML, EXCEL, WORD, RTF, PRINT;
  • Columns selector also in exports to Excel, XML, WORD, RTF, CSV, and PRINT;
  • Dynamic module selection in Excel, XML, CSV, WORD and RTF for Grids and in Excel, XML and CSV for Summaries;
  • Option to display CSV settings for export.

Integration with CHATAPI for sending messages via WhatsApp

  • New API integrated to help you to send automatic messages via WhatsApp;
  • Code template with the new API for WhatsApp integration;
  • New option for setting the APIs as Public, Project and User levels.

Trendlines and Trendzones for Charts

  • You can insert a trendline in a chart to attract the attention of viewers to a particular section within data values, on any of the axes;
  • Trend zones are similar to trend lines, except that they mark out an entire range of values, rather than just a single value.

Driving accuracy with the new capabilities for Search modules

  • Added for Grid and Form Searches the select2, slide, auto-complete, switch and checkbox;
  • New watermark options in filter fields;
  • Option for data-type fields to display format next or below for: Control, Calendar, Filters and Form;
  • Added relative dashboard filters for indexes.

New features and components that will help you to develop even faster

  • Add code snippets creation to events;
  • Improvements to usability of link-interface between applications;
  • New options to express configuration from Grid fields.

Other implementations

  • Permanent label option added in the application for the horizontal-type Form;
  • Permanent label option added in the Grid’s Summary;
  • Added new option for the Form to put the “Help” next to the titles;
  • Macro sc_apl_default added to set an initial application to return upon session crash and automatic option with the macro for security module.

Added support for Jsmind, JKanban, and Orgchart components in the sc_inclube_lib macro.

See Example

Added new example CRM system, Customer Relationship Management

See Video Run System

New fields to your form, simple and easy!

In the form, calendar, control and Grid applications, new field types have been implemented:

  • Field with "Select 2" component: for select and auto-complete field types a new option to the drop down will provide more performance and accuracy in the select results. The new component allows you to perform a search within the select result, limit the characters and number of records displayed.
  • Digital signature field: allows the user to use his finger, mouse pointer or a digital pen to make signatures or drawings, it is stored in the database as an image format. It is also available for Grid application.
  • Rating star field: This field allows you to qualify with stars (or any other image), where the user can select the classification according to a scale previously configured. It is also available for Grid application.
  • Slider Field: available for integer fields, the field shows a slider component (jQuery range) to allow the user to select a value within a range defined in the application.
  • Switch toggle field: Available for radio and checkbox field types, the switch uses a component "JS iOS toggle" to check the values on the form.
New fields Try all samples See video

New built-in APIs

Continuing the implementations of APIs already released in version 9.1 (Mandrill, Amazon and Mailchimp), we bring in this new version the automatic integration with the APIs for payment and sending of messages (SMS Marketing), which are:

  • Clickatell, Twilio or Plivo to send SMS.
  • PagSeguro and Paypal Express for payment services.

We will keep working hard to bring new options to integrate with other APIs in upcoming releases.

SMS SMS group Pagseguro and Paypal Try all samples See video

Grid Search

We keep extending the filter options for better Scriptcase Grids and reports:

  • In the advanced and dynamic filters for date/time type fields we have added the relative period customization option, as already available in the summary and chart filters. So now you can have more options with specific periods options within your search options.
  • We have also added an option in the advanced search tags to save searches in the selector, so the end user can reuse previously saved searches.
  • In the filter selection it was added an option to display the actual values of the table itself, so that the values will not be repeated within the selection.
Grid Search Try all samples See video


The drivers for the connections: Oracle, DB2, Firebird have been updated to improve performance with your database connection, using PDO technology.

New option to connect to the SAP SyBase database.

See video


We have expanded the options in shortcut keys that were released on the V 9.1, enabling new combinations for both Scriptcase as for the generated applications:

  • Shortcut keys for Scriptcase applications: option for creating shortcut keys also available for applications created by Scriptcase. The key combinations can be defined according to the functions of each application. The new functionality brings also the possibility of creating templates that can be reused in multiple projects.
  • New area to customize the hotkeys from Scriptcase: new interface for creating and customizing shortcut combination from Scriptcse’s development environment, with this option you can also share or import a shortcut setting from one dev environment to another.
Hotkeys Try all samples See video

Other implementations

Added new keyboard shortcuts for performing basic functions of Scriptcase as: Generate the source code, Save application, Run, Closing/Opening tabs, access SQL Builder and others. In addition, Scriptcase codes editor, used within the events, control and application blank, won new options that will help a lot in programing, among the options there can be highlighted:

  • Added support for XML export and WORD in Nested Grids.
  • Added option to set generation of XML elements, such as attribute or value.
XML export Try all samples

A new universe of possibilities with the APIs

A new interface for managing APIs directly from Scriptcase. This new interface will turn the integration of Scriptcase with external APIs easier. Sending emails using automatic integration with email APIs services like: Mailchimp, Mandrill and Amazon SES will be a simple task on release 9.1!

For those who require further settings there will be two new macros: _ sc_call_api and sc_send_mail_api for advanced implementations with APIs integration within Scriptcase events, control and blanks.

In addition, other APIs will be available in upcoming releases.

Complete reports direct to your inbox

A new way to share reports! Now with Scriptcase 9.1 you have a new button to send emails from Grids, Pivot Tables and Charts with reports attached in pdf, html, xls, xml, csv, rtf, word or images. Push settings can easily be shown within the interface using SMTP, Amazon SES or Mandrill.


Grid Summary Chart

New export settings

For Chart applications, besides the option to send via email with the new button “Send”, there are also new settings to export to formats: xls, xml, csv, rtf, word and image.

For HTML and Images exports from Chart applications, it was added a new important option for Chart depth output selection, according to the metrics used. This option is also available for PDF exports within Grid Application.

New Advanced Search for Grids and Charts

Within the Advanced Search there are two important new features to improve data analysis and management with dynamic conditions selection, these are:

  • New dynamic tags that allow you to select or manipulate the conditions and fields with ajax directly within the application with a simple and modern interface.
  • New configurations options that allows, for example, to add buttons within the Search form body.

Grid Summary Chart Inline buttons

Summary and Chart user search

In the Summary and Chart Search feature were added new relative period conditions to Filter: “Current quarter until today” and “year to date”. In addition to the options for creating customized periods with related conditions directly within the Filter interface. It gives you freedom to create special conditions to your reports!

Productivity now also on your keyboard

Added new keyboard shortcuts for performing basic functions of Scriptcase as: Generate the source code, Save application, Run, Closing/Opening tabs, access SQL Builder and others. In addition, Scriptcase codes editor, used within the events, control and application blank, won new options that will help a lot in programing, among the options there can be highlighted:

  • New viewing with lateral expansion or fullscreen code area and access to new themes.
  • Integration with shortcut keys from editors Emmet and Sublime Text, that is, the shortcut keys of these editors will be recognized within the Scriptcase.
  • CSS and Javascript language interpretation support.

Shortcut keys are available in all browsers that are compatible with Scriptcase. So now coding inside Scriptcase editor gets faster and more comfortable.


Database Builder

More fluid Interface facilitating performance for creating and changing your database. New theme, store server-side to avoid excessive requests, accessibility labels (HTML5) and new languages: Danish, Greek, Galician, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Finnish, Hebrew and Malay. Besides these we can highlight:

  • MySQL: Support connecting to MySQL via SSL, support JSON data type, Support MySQL 8
  • MariaDB: Support JSON since MariaDB 10.2 and support fulltext and spatial indexes in InnoDB
  • PostgreSQL: Support binary files in bytea fields, support JSON and JSONB data types, materialized views
  • SQLite: Allow deleting PRIMARY KEY from tables with auto increment, enable FOREIGN KEY CHECKS
  • SQL Server: Support freetds, support pdo_dblib


New template system released

  • New Health and Medical System template released for clinics, hospitals and doctors to create medical schedules and manage electronic health record of patients. The template has all the essential pages pre-made and plenty more for your convenience. Doctor profiles, patient profiles, reports, tables and many more extra pages. Check out the system

Summary improvements

  • Improved performance in summary applications, reducing time by up to 60%.


  • Improved performance in searches using "data" fields, with PostgreSQL connections;
  • Improved execution performance of filter autocomplete fields in text fields.

Filter Enhancements

  • New options of relative periods in the summary and chart filters:
    • This month until today;
    • Last 03 months from the current month;
    • Last 03 months from today;
    • Next 03 months from the current month;
    • Next 03 months from today;
    • Last week (Regional Settings);
    • Next week (Regional Settings);
    • Next week (Mon-Sun);
    • Last week (Mon-Sun);
    • Last commercial week (Mon-Fri);
    • Last 30 days from today;


  • Support for global variables through the macro. Check out sc_make_link documentation;
  • Support for language variables in the macro. Check out sc_alert documentation;
  • RTL (Right-to-Left) text targeting support in Grid Summary Filter: Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Urdu…
  • Advanced SQL support in Auto-complete type lookup: JOIN, UNION, CASE, INTERSECT e etc.


Improvements in the Report PDF application

  • Added new text fonts to the Report PDF application: Dejavu sans, Kozminpro regular, Aefurat, Cid0jp, Cid0ct, Cid0kr, Aealarabiya, Free serif, Free sans, Kozgopro medium;
  • Added support to SELECT fields with checkbox to select multiple values in the filter, dropdown option.

Calendar app enhancements


New library for maps

  • Added Fusion Maps library to create map graphics with Scriptcase.
Using the Fusion Maps library in Scriptcase


  • Added option to set initial values in the dynamic Group by, allowing the creation of dynamic Summaries;
  • Added option to hide captions on the chart.

Calendar app enhancements

  • Added support for integration with Google Calendar API;
  • Added onCalendarApplicationInit and onCalendarScript events;
New calendar application with Google Calendar integration and other news Octoberv9

New libraries


  • Added support for DB2 when importing sample projects available in Scriptcase. Sample Projects;
  • Added support for .TGZ format when deploying.

Chart application enhancements

  • Added support to define standard filters in the Chart and Summary, allowing the creation of Dynamic Filters from a predetermined initial value;
  • Added option to sort Chart values with drill down navigation.

Performance improvements

  • Improved interface performance and Scriptcase generation capacity;
  • Improved performance in the installer for macOS environments.


  • Added support for the third digit in the version increment of the projects;
  • Added "Start by Filter" option in the Chart Application;
  • Added the "Between two values" option in the Filter conditions for numeric fields;
  • Added button to print in the Print export of Grid.

Language Enhancements

  • Added support for new languages in the calculator used in numeric fields: Catalan, Simplified Chinese, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, Polish, Brazilian portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Turkish, Ukrainian.

Chart Application

  • New aggregate functions have been added to Chart metrics (Count (COUNT), DISTINCT COUNT, Variance (VAR), Standard deviation (STD);
  • New date dimensions for date fields (Semester, Quarter, Trimester, Semester and others);
  • Analytical combination of different dimensions in the same Chart, multi-series option. Check out a Multi-Series Chart sample;
  • Added a new Filter type to the Summary module (User Search), using this filter the final user can select values dynamically within the application. Check out User filter sample;
  • New LIMIT function that can be used to rank the values within the grid or summary. For example: summary with the 10 best customers, 10 cities that have sold less in 2016, etc;
  • New chart types (Scatter, bubble, Semicircular and Linear Gauge, 2D Funnel and 2D Pyramid);
  • New customization options that are specific to bar, column, pizza, and gauge Charts (Values Positioning, Values Orientation, Format of values and others);
  • Possibility to export charts to: PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG and XLS.

Dashboard Application

  • New interface, with drag and drop to configure the widgets dynamically;
  • Responsiveness for displaying widgets in Dashboard view;
  • New index widget for displaying KPIs (performance meters) within the Dashboard. Check out a Business Intelligence sample;

Grid Application (Reports and Pivot Table)

  • New interface for the Grid creation with the option of selecting multiple tables and fields directly in the creation interface;
  • Added new features for Summary metrics (Count (COUNT), DISTINCT COUNT, Variance (VAR), Standard deviation (STD);
  • New dimensions for date fields (Semester, Quarter, Trimester, Semester and others);
  • Possibility of dragging the same dimension (for different date period fields) or metric (with different SQL aggregate functions) more than once into the group by and summaries;
  • Added a new Filter type to the Summary module (User Search), using this filter the final user can select values dynamically within the application. Look how User filter works;
  • New LIMIT function that can be used to rank the values within the grid or summary. For example: summary with the 10 best customers, 10 cities that have sold less in 2016, etc; Look how Summary LIMIT works;
  • New configuration options within the summary aggregation: display the count of rows in the summary, hover showing column values and display the value in the subtotal line.

Control Application

  • New option within the Control application that will allow the integration of Scriptcase forms with customized HTML and CSS or importer from external libraries. This option gives total freedom for forms layout customization;
  • Body handling variables from HTML, visual can now be changed completely and adapted to the form with the proper Scriptcase Marchkups;
  • Possibility of integration between the layouts created by the control application with the security module login screen. Take a look in a Login Form sample and in a Contact Form sample.

Report PDF Application

Menu Application

  • New option "menu structure" for layout customization with the option to use external libraries, methods and dynamic variables;
  • Option to expand/collapse the menu to hide the items and expand the desktop within the application generated.
  • Check out a Menu Structure sample.

Scriptcase Interface

  • Most of Scriptcase interface has been modified, thus improving the usability of the tool for developers;
  • New interface for creating projects with Search option;
  • New interface for building grid applications (grid, search, chart and PDF Report) with a multiple-table grid, multiple fields and validation of dependencies while creating the application with automatic identification of JOINS. New graphical interface to change the relationship between the tables;
  • Option to expand/collapse the top and side menus to hide items and expand the desktop inside Scriptcase interface.

Environment and Security

  • Support to PHP 7.0;
  • Connection PDO drivers updated (MSSQL Server, MySQL);
  • Added the PDL Dlib driver for MS SQL Server;
  • Added the new MySQLi drive for MySQL connections;
  • SSL for secure connections with MySQL;
  • New version of Apache 2.4.25;
  • WKHTMLtoPDF library update;
  • Fusion Chart library update;
  • ER Diagram - New feature to improve the database management options, in addition to the SQL Builder and DATABASE Manager, was implemented support for creating ER Diagram for databases connected to Scriptcase;
  • Project Diagram - New tool for generation of the Project Diagram. With advanced viewing and printing options;
  • Social login option with Google, Facebook and Twitter automatically using the Security module;
  • New encryption options for the password field in the login application (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512);
  • Security module integration with the new option of free-form control with templates responsive to login screen;
  • Creation of a new "default group" in the security module group table (in that group will be added new users that enter through the new user form generated by the module or by social login optio;
  • New option of integration with LDAP and groups creating on the Scriptcase users administration environment (development environment);
  • Component update for automatic generation of captcha function to the login screen generated by Scriptcase security module.

Performance Improvements

  • Enhanced performance in the recovery of tables and fields, using the application creation interface.


Image Manager Improvement

  • Added icon support (.ico) in the image manager.

Security Improvement

  • Added CSRF token support;
  • Added "Execute content in JavaScript" option in Text and Multiple Lines Text in Grid applications;
  • Added option to allow or disallow Javascript codes in Text and Multiple Lines Text fields. Code Protection (Cross-Site-Script).


  • Added support for the TLS protocol in the email settings within the Security Module;
  • Added "Remove HTML tags" option in Grid applications;
  • Added support to languages in time fields using TimePicker. JQuery plugin to set the time;
  • Added option to delete files in directories. Exclusive to Document fields, Image and Multi-upload File Name;
  • Added option to hide the name of the image. Exclusive to Image fields and Multi-upload file name;
  • Added option to set orientation of the labels in the X axis, within Charts of type column, area and line.

Grid application enhancements

  • Added option for fixed label to horizontal orientation Grids;
  • Added option for infinite Scroll in Grid applications.


  • Added "Fixed start tab" option in the menu.

Grid application enhancements

  • Added support to field linking in the sub-Grids to open Forms in tabs, when linked to the menu by opening items in tabs;
  • Added support for all Grid functionalities for the master/detail feature;
  • Added mobile toolbar support in Summary and detail of Grids.


  • Added support for TIME fields recognition when converting EXCEL worksheets to databases.

Enhancement of Menu Application

  • Added support for scrolling tabs created by the menu application.


  • Added support for Informix PDO and ODBC connections in the Mac OS installer.


Grid Application Enhancements

  • Added support for hint and title customization on the new button, within application links in Grids;
  • Added property in Grid connection to open forms in tab, when linked to the menu set to open in tabs.


  • Added search support in button code, by using the feature "Search in applications".

Project connections enhancements

  • Added support for filtering users when creating Oracle connections;
  • Added field for sequential display in editing fields in Oracle connection;
  • Added field for sequential display in editing fields in Firebird connection.

Enhancement in project connections

  • Added support for single key recovery when creating Form applications with Firebird connection;
  • Added support for foreign key recovery when creating Form applications with Firebird connection;
  • Added support for composite key recovery when creating Form applications with Firebird connection;
  • Added support for single key recovery when creating Form applications with Oracle connection;
  • Added support for foreign key recovery when creating Form applications with Oracle connection;
  • Added support for recovering default values when creating Form applications with Oracle connection.


  • Added support to allow the use of global variables in the "PDF file path" option via Server in Report PDF applications;
  • Added new option to keep the last status when accessing the Tree Menu application;
  • Added new ordering routine for Chart application allowing ordering by dimension and for Charts with more than one metric;
  • Added sub Charts support for combination Charts;
  • Added responsivity support in Chart application.

HTML Editor Library Improvement

  • The HTML Editor component has been updated with the latest version available;
  • Added new area for configuring profiles used in HTML Editor (Layout Menu > Templates for HTML Editor);
  • Added option to use the new HTML Editor in the application settings;
  • Added option to use the new HTML Editor in the default values of the project.

Enhancement of multiupload fields

  • Added option to increase the name of the files, when you already have files with the same name in documents fields (Filenames) and image (Filenames).


  • Added new option to insert title in the Chart application;
  • Added support of insert file of HTML editor when using Moxie manager.

Release Version 8.1

July 2015

Scriptcase Environment

  • Now its possible to send messages between Scriptcase users;
  • New tool for managing Scriptcase images;
  • Tool for creating TO-DO list among users;
  • New tool for editing Chart themes;
  • New library manager;
  • New HelpCase generator;
  • Added new configuration interface for Form and Grid applications.


  • Tool for converting MS Access, CSV and XLS databases to MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server.

Grid Application

  • Added new parameters in the Refined Search theme editor;
  • Added a new totalization of the "Weighted Average" type;
  • Added new field to accumulate values of other fields.

Menu Application

  • Added new parameters in the theme editor for Menu Tabs;
  • Added new parameters in the theme editor for Menu Navigation Path;
  • Added option for background image in advanced theme settings for Menu application;
  • Added new path (breadcrumb) navigation in menu application.


  • New version of the security module with user login and blocking by Brute Force;
  • Implemented mobile responsiveness to applications Form;
  • Added support for the TCPDF class in the Report PDF application;
  • Added new sc_webservice macro with support for soap, curl, file_get_contents and sockets services;
  • Button grouping option in applications that have toolbar;
  • Implemented improvements in calendar application;
  • Added support for the sc_url_library () and sc_include_library () macros;
  • Added new button of type Ajax.

PHPExcel library enhancement

  • Added support for PHPExcel;
  • Implemented support images in Excel export.


  • Added support for renaming applications that have links to sc_redir, sc_link, and button bindings;
  • Added treatment of reserved words in Sybase.

Ajax processing enhancement

  • Added support for Ajax processing in the dynamic filter.


  • Added support when using "All" with capital letters in the records per page option;
  • Added support to allow blank value in auto-complete fields.

Menu application enhancement

  • Added support for menu with horizontal and vertical orientation in the configuration of items.


  • Added time parameter for creating charts in the PDF Export setting.

Security module enhancement

  • Implemented option when different users use the same email in the security module.


Search enhancement

  • Added option to display the months by extension in date fields with combobox in the filter.

Task list enhancement

  • Added directory for viewing all tasks in the TO-DO list;
  • Added task search in TO-DO list.

Helpcase enhancement

  • Added list of files in the "Add HelpCase" option in HelpCase;
  • Added treatment to save changes, when leaving a modified file, in HelpCase;
  • Added file name and directory above the editor in HelpCase.


  • Added message for validation of SQL syntax in Grid applications;
  • Added break option by date or date / time in DATETIME and TIMESTAMP fields;
  • Added themes option in the event editor, templates and libraries.

Chart Application enhancement

  • Added advanced filter and internal filter in chart application.


  • Added TOP function support for MS SQL Server databases.

Menu Application enhancement

  • Added option to hide or make the menu icon visible;
  • Added floating menu positioning option.


  • Added SFTP support for project publishing.

Chart application enhancement

  • Added option to use more than one field in metric option of chart applications.


  • Added option to use SSL in SMTP configuration during security module creation.

Release Version 8

July 2014

Scriptcase Environment

  • Option for grouping buttons on the application toolbar to optimize usage on mobile devices;
  • New configuration interface for form and Grid applications.


  • Implemented a new messaging tool for users of the same Scriptcase installation;
  • New tool for managing all Scriptcase images;
  • New tool for creating Message List among users of the same Scriptcase installation;
  • Added new tool for editing graphic themes.

Form Application

  • Implemented mobile responsiveness to applications Form;
  • Implemented dynamic search in Form applications.

Grid Application

  • Implemented new dynamic filter, break, and summary functionality in Grid applications;
  • New options for aligning and positioning the number of pages in the PDF export.

Chart Application

  • Created Chart application to create charts separated from the Grid.

Calendar Application

  • Improved visualization of past, future and present events.

Report PDF Application

  • ​Support for the TCPDF category in the Report PDF application.

Language Enhancement

  • Added new languages: Bulgaria; Denmark; Estonia; Ukraine; Belarus; Malaysia;


Grid application enhancement

  • Added "Quick Search" button in master/detail queries.


  • Added treatment in the name of downloaded files in documents fields with exclamation marks (!), Comma (,), period (.), Hyphen (-), plus (+), single quotes (') and spaces.

Grid application enhancement

  • Added charts link option in pivot table type summary.

Release Version 7.1

July 2013

Scriptcase Environment

  • Multithreaded processing in source code generation of applications;
  • Added friendly URL option in the Project home area in the application listing.

Grid Application

  • Added support for Ajax in Grid applications.
  • Added option to create links to Grid or sub graphs (more than one field per order by) in the summary chart settings.
  • Added end-user configurable chart option in summary graph settings.
  • HTML5 graphics support.

Menu Application

  • Mobile menu support.


  • Added toolbar customization tool for user in the Scriptcase configuration menu.


  • Added friendly URL option in general application settings;
  • Integration with PayPal;
  • Buttons with social media integration (Facebook, Twitter and Google).

Projecto Interface Enhancement

  • New interface for managing languages used in projects.

Grid application enhancement

  • Added the option in the bar chart so that the data is displayed inside or outside the bars;
  • Added the option in the bar chart so that the data is displayed horizontally or vertically.


  • Updated the Google Maps for API v3 fields;
  • Added independent option for "Database Builder" in the Scriptcase user administration screen.

Form application enhancement

  • Added "Drag and Drop" area in the file fields;
  • Added in the multi-upload field.

Release Version 7

February, 2013

Authentication options

  • New authentication options for applications developed with Scriptcase: Facebook, Twitter and Google.

LDAP Security Control

  • Scriptcase will provides application security using LDAP. Offering full user control through local network administration.

HTML5 Charts

  • All Charts will be available in HTML 5, compatible with mobile platforms. New types of Charts have been added.

Upload "drag n drop" from multiple files

  • New upload component of multiple files and images, all that with “drag and drop” features and progress bar available.

Listview Menu

  • Listview menu is commonly used in mobile applications. This new option will help development of systems for mobile platforms.

Menus Toolbar

  • Toolbar option is now available for Menus applications.

Ajax Events Grids

  • Ajax technology has been incorporated into Grid applications, allowing the Ajax processing in lines of records of the Grid.

Reports with Dynamic Group by

  • This new option allows the end user to select from several options to Group by at run time.

Modal insertion in an Editable Grid

  • Option to add records in an editable Grid by opening a single record form in a modal window.

New PDF Generator

  • The PDF generation component has been changed to fit HTML5. The new component will also allow the PDF generation in the Forms.

Master/Detail with Single Registration Forms

  • Master / Detail Forms can now use Single Signature Forms as a detail.

New Percentage Field

  • New field type that performs automatic percentage calculation.

Labels under the field

  • New option in blocks to use labels below the fields.

PDO Connections

  • New PDO driver for MySQL, PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server connections. Faster and more consistent connections.


  • Control of users logged into applications;
  • Time field option with am/pm values;
  • Macro for time difference;
  • Display values in multiple languages;
  • New Google Maps API v3;
  • Integration with Paypal.


Language Enhancements

  • Added Chinese language;
  • Added new themes for the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages.

Form application enhancements

  • Added file extensions validation option in the "documents" and "images" fields;
  • Added options in the "collapse" of the blocks in the Grid, Form and Search, being able to determine if the blocks starts opened or closed.

Language Enhancements

  • Added support for multi-byte set in the interface;
  • Added support for the multi-byte character set in charsets: Shift-JIS, Cyrillic, BIG-5 and others.


  • Added new filter conditions (18 and 24 months).

Release Version 6

February, 2012

Scriptcase Environment

  • New interface for editing and viewing header, footer and freeform;
  • Support for multi-byte characters;
  • New event editor with higher performance and autocomplete of macros.


  • New tool for management, creation, edit and updating in SQL tables, for the following databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL Server and Oracle;
  • New graphics configuration interface.


  • Automatic creation of security to applications;
  • Creating security on three levels: user/user and application/user group and application;
  • Automatic creation of security management applications and their SQL tables to record the information;
  • Control user access to include, change, and delete operations in SQL tables and information export operations(Log Module);
  • Option to access through pre-registration by the users;
  • Automatic password recovery;
  • Unblock login only via email.


  • New Search button available in the Toolbar;
  • Display Summary with number of records and records in view;
  • New button with the option to go straight to a particular record or page;
  • New button to specify number of records per page. informing the quantity or selecting it in a combobox;
  • Option to create labels for grouping titles of fields;
  • New interface for selecting fields that will be part of the inclusion and / or change;
  • QRCODE type field support;
  • Displays page numbering for easier navigation;

Form Application

  • New button to clone Form records(copy);
  • Identification of unique indexes - Creates automatic validation and placement of fields as required in the Form;
  • Foreign key identification - Creates automatic validation and pre-coding of automatic lookup;
  • Identification of not null fields, assigning mandatory completion automatically;
  • JQUERY calendar in the Search allowing to display period;
  • Added new SPIN type field in Forms;
  • Added option for the Combobox field with multiple choices with checkbox;
  • New Calculator operating in normal or scientific mode;
  • Added the color palette field.

Grid Application

  • Added option for generating Gantt Chart;
  • Export of Grid records in DOC format;
  • New Chart types: Gauges, Radar and Polar;
  • New Charts format settings: Cylinder, Pyramid, Cone and Funnel.

Menu Application

  • New images for use of icons in the Menu.

Search Application

  • Validation of required fields in the Search.


Enhancement in connections

  • Added support to reserved words for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server and SQLite databases.

Enhancement in connections

  • Automatic field retrieval for Sybase, MS Access, PostgreSQL, Oracle and Firebird banks.

Release Version 5.2

January 2011

Scriptcase Environment

  • Improvements in Scriptcase performance;
  • Added new languages: Slovenian, Hindi and Finnish.


  • Option to validate fields with image;
  • RTL(Right to Left) writing direction support. For Arabic languages.

Form Application

  • New option to disable fields in certain mode(INSERT, UPDATE);
  • Automatic tabbing, advancing when the field reaches its maximum size;
  • New option to group date and time;
  • New option to use Year as combobox;
  • Focus on the field with error when submitting the form;
  • Field with focus when starting the application.


Grid application Improvements

  • New interface option for Group By using data type fields.

Release Version 5.1

July 2010

Calendar Application

  • ​Created Calendar Application.


  • ​Added new types of Google Maps, Youtube and Barcode fields.

Grid Application

  • ​Added new quick search button in Grid toolbar;
  • Support to Charts in flash.

Container Application

  • ​New Container/Dashboard application.


Form application enhancement

  • Added option to set number of decimal places to seconds, in timestamp fields.

Enhancement in Grid application

  • Added new settings in the Summary, to allow configuring the title of the records quantity column.

Languages Enhancement

  • Implemented support for a new language: Thai.

PHPExcel Library Enhancement

  • New Excel File Generator (.XLS) has been added to assist creating files that contain multibyte characters. Ex: Arabic, Chinese, Russian;
  • Added new special Filter conditions for date type fields.

Release Version 5

January 2009

Grid Application

  • Support to Flash graphics.

Scriptcase Environment

  • Added express application creation option.

Form Application

  • Added option to use Captcha in Security.

Menu Application

  • Support for creating dynamic menus;
  • Added Tree type for Menu applications.

Release Version 4

January 2008

Scriptcase Environment

  • Support to multiple languages.
  • Navigation using tabs on the interface within Scriptcase.

Form Application

  • Master-Detail functionality;
  • New Form types added: Editable Grid and Editable Grid(view);
  • Added new HTML Editor field type.


  • Added Helpcase tool (Project documentation generator).